19: The Office

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"Kyle!" A girl's voice from the passenger seat called, "that was some fast lock picking!"

Kyle rolled his eyes. "Next time you gotta give me some more slack, Mikey."

The guy driving guffawed. "Sorry. The coding system was too quick for me to keep it up for longer than that."

"Whatever, we're out anyway." Kyle said.

The girl in the front seat turned to me, "what Kyle did just now would have taken a professional at least ten minutes."

Kyle shrugged nonchalantly.

"I'm Brooklyn. Call me Brook." She said, and I instantly recognized her. She was the red-headed girl who was with Kyle at La Bella Luna. Her red hair was bright as ever, and she had clear blue eyes which looked like glass. She had fair skin and a stunning face, and I instantly felt a little jealous. She was dressed in all black, and looked badass.

"I'm Mikey, as you might have guessed." The guy said from the front, and I peered at the rearview mirror to see his face. He had dark hair and simple brown eyes, and he seemed kind.

"I'm Cass." I mumbled, too tired to match their enthusiasm. Both Brook and Mikey laughed.

"Trust me, we know." Brook told me, and I didn't know exactly what they meant by that but I didn't bother asking.

After a few minutes of driving, I asked to Kyle, "where are we going?"

"The Office." He answered, and I looked at him quizically.

"It's the headquarters of our....organization. We all have apartments there, you can stay there where it's safe for the night."

I nodded. I was confused, terrified, traumatized, but more than anything exhausted-both emotionally and physically-so I chose to ask questions later. I let the peacful vibration of the car lull me into a gentle slumber.

* * * * *

"Hey, wake up." Kyle's voice brought me out of my sleep. I lifted my head and realized that I had been resting my head on his shoulder. I blushed, hoping I hadn't drooled in my sleep.

I rubbed my eye and got out of the car. We were in some sort of plain concrete parking lot, and I froze up. The concrete reminded me of the small room I was trapped in. I took a deep breath.

I was safe.

I was with Kyle.

Brook and Mikey were already making their way to a door at the corner of the parking lot, and I started following them. But then a hand wrapped around my arm and pulled me back.

"Where are you going?" Kyle asked.

"I was following them..." I murmured, pointing to the figures of Brook and Mikey.

"No, you need to sleep. Now. You still need to recover from the drug they gave you, and your body needs rest."

I didn't struggle against his grasp, because sleep sounded like the best thing at the moment. I followed him to the opposite direction which Brook and Mikey were going, and to a plain black door. Kyle held the door open for me and I mumbled a thank you. He led me into an elevator, and he pressed the 7th floor. We waited in silence, and I already felt the tugs of unconsciousness.

I sleepily followed him after we got out of the elevator, and he unlocked one of the rooms and I stumbled in after him. There was a small living room the moment I entered, and a kitchen to the side.

"You can take the bed." He said, and he pointed to one of the doors that led into his bedroom. Despite my sleepiness, I couldn't help realize that I was in Kyle's room. I was in a boy's house, which he seems to live alone in, with just him and me. Even though I knew he wouldn't do anything to me, I couldn't help the nervousness that crept in on me.

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