49: Women's Restroom

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"W, w, w, w, what—what are you doing in the women's restroom?" I stuttered out to my ex-bodyguard, present secret boyfriend.

Kyle flashed his trademark grin as he leaned off the wall. "I fly all the way across the globe to see you, and that's the first thing you say?"

Failing with words, I just ran up to him and kissed him. Or more like attacked his face. Kyle seemed startled at first, but gradually leaned into me as he held me in his arms and his lips melted onto mine. Finding the rhythm of the kiss was as easy as recalling a poem I'd memorized in my childhood. The kiss, the way he held me, his touch, his fragrance, they were all just as I remembered. He was comfort, he was passion. With all my excitement and worries and preoccupations I'd forgotten how perfect we fit together, but as soon as he touched me all the memories flooded back. One of his hands supported my on my lower back, the other encouraged me by tangling into my hair, and as I wrapped my arms behind his neck I let out a soft moan, which made him hitch his breath.

"You taste like chocolate." He whispered between kisses.

"I've missed you so much." I replied, and he tilted his head to deepen our kiss. He tugged gently at my thighs, and I jumped onto his hips, where he rotated and pushed my up against the wall. I let out a gasp as he started sucking on my neck, and his fingers went under my skirt to skim the sensitive skin on my thighs. Kyle's lips found its way back to my lips, and I moaned again, louder.

"As much as I love hearing you, baby, you're going to have to keep it down if you don't want the whole restaurant to hear your moans."

The way he talked so seductively both turned me on and also reminded me of where I was. We both sensed the shift in mood, and he gently put down, still holding me close. 

"Kyle," I whispered, "what are you doing here? I thought it was too dangerous for you to come see me."

"I just missed you too much." The joking way he said it was absolutely adorable, but I knew him well enough to know there was a lot of truth in that sentence.

"We're, uh, we're going on a mission. I don't know where to yet, if I'd known sooner I would have gathered more info—"

Kyle cut me off. "It's okay. I'm not here on business."

"You're not? Didn't Theo send you?"

"No, I actually went behind his back."

"You did?"

"It's Valentine's Day. I had to see my badass girlfriend, even if it was putting our entire lives in danger."

I almost swooned. "I love you."

Kyle kissed my cheek and held me in response.  Once he let me go, he asked, "is everything okay here though? Are you safe? Did you find any allies?"

"I'm actually in a great place right now," seeing the look on his face, I added, "considering the situation. I'm being trained, among the hundreds of other trainees, and I'm actually really good at handling weapons now, almost anything. Because of my position as the heir to the Legion I was placed in the top team, team A. We train like crazy, and whenever I'm not doing that I'm taking classes with tutors and aunt Helen. Kyle—it was my great aunt Helen all along. My grandma Renee's sister. She's the insider ally, I actually found out pretty early on, she approached me. She's the oldest Scarlett member left, and she's the one who wants to overthrow the Legion. Right now I'm talking to my friends; fellow teammates, trainees, trainers, family members, friends, whoever might be on our side. I know I'm going to tell Ollie soon, my cousin, the girl I'm here today with. She hates the shit out of Roselle, and she'd do anything to go against her."

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