37: Ollie

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"You better start talking now," the green-eyed girl said, "say one lie and you'll be dead before we even get you on the jet." Her voice was low and menacing, but also pleasant, somehow. It reminded me of how tigers were majestic, but also very dangerous as well.

I stared wide-eyed at the threatening gun pointed at me. I must have fallen in a trap. They're going to kill me. I glanced back to see if the cars following us could possibly—more like impossibly—still be behind us and able to see what was going on. I wondered if Kyle knew this was happening.

"I..." I started, my words faltering. "I don't understand."

"I mean that we don't trust you changing your mind completely could possibly be real."

I gulped. Of course joining the Legion couldn't be as easy as I'd thought. "I don't know what you want me to say." I tried looking like someone who didn't have anything to hide. Innocent, confident.

"What do you want me to say?"

"Tell me," she said, dangerously twirling her gun around with an intimidating glare in her eye, "what made you change your mind so suddenly?"

I shrugged, trying to look like it was the most obvious thing ever. "I realized I wasn't safe where I was. And they never told me anything. It was time for me to take a step and discover my family."

She raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "And what about your close family?"

I looked at the floor, actually feeling sad thinking about my family that I left without saying a single goodbye. I channelled that feeling into my words."I wish I could have explained to them...or even say goodbye. But I'm sure I'll see them soon. Roselle would let them visit, right?" I tried my best to sound a little silly and innocent.

"I'm the one asking questions. And your little boyfriend?"

"Kyle?" I tried to sound nonchalant. "I'll miss him, but he was too protective. He'll probably never forgive me for what I've done, but I think we'll both get over it.  It's weird though...to think we have to be enemies now."

"And do you actually think you'd be able to turn against him?"

"I have to. I've already made my decision."

She stared at me, her eyes searching my face intently. I boldly met her gaze, and we had a stare down for a complete minute. Finally, she tossed her gun aside as if it didn't have the power to kill both of us if it accidentally went off, and said, "okay."

"What? That's it? What was all that gun and threatening thing for?"

The girl smirked sarcastically and her voice was flat. "I have a flare for the dramatic."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Are you crazy?"

"Yes, one-fourth. I'm also half sarcastic bitch and one-fourth done with life."

At that, I actually laughed. "Relatable."

The girl cracked a smile, and seemed to consider her thoughts. "But being completely honest, I don't even know what all that was for. They just made me sit around and asked me to 'question' you if you came out. It seems ridiculous, they spent three months practically begging for you to join, and then the moment you do you're threatened? I don't get it, but I had to be pulled out of my vacation to sit on my ass in this limo for you with barely any information given."

I tried processing what she had said. What did that mean? Was the Shadow Legion planning something else? And it sounded like this girl was on my side, with her reasoning, and she called the Legion 'them'. Did that mean she didn't consider herself part of them?

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