Eight - It's time

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Six hours later after the fight, which I lost, I woke up from a fitful sleep. At least I felt rested. I had never felt so exhausted after training ever in my life. Normally I felt like I had the strength to take on an entire army then run a marathon but it was the complete opposite after this training session.

I know he doesn't like me but does he have to try and kill me like this?

I sighed and sat up in the bed in the new and bigger room Amon assigned me to. I wish I could at least walk around the palace, it wasn't like I would run away and leave the children, but my 'owner' ordered me to wait for someone who would attend to me. What I wanted to do at that moment was to argue with him but after the punishment he gave me after I lost there's no way I was ready to receive more punishment.

The man made me go around the grounds 20 more times and he even said,

"We'll continue tomorrow. No objections?"

All I could do was stare at him from the ground, too exhausted to answer. He smiled that wicked smile of his and left. Somehow I managed to get to the new room he showed me earlier before we began training. I sighed and got off the bed. I rubbed my face and sighed again.

I didn't expect something like this to ever happen to me. Trapped into being an assassinating servant on a simple job like this. I guess I ran out of luck lately. When I got to the room I realized the children were nowhere to be found. Only Amon knew where they are, he probably took them away somewhere else so I wouldn't have access to them. That's alright but if any of them get hurt I may have to forget about keeping my word and go full assassin on him.

As I stood I couldn't help but remember what happened hours ago. How I lost for the first time even if it was a duel.

<Flashback begins>

I made quick fluid swipes at the king with no breaks and he parried all with ease. That's when I made the little mistake of pausing for a second. He immediately took advantage and made a swipe at my legs. Surprised I jumped back and for some reason, I tripped and fell into the sand very hard.

Next thing I knew the tip of the scimitar was at my throat and all I was able to do was stare up at him

"Don't dare defy me again or I may rethink sparing your life. You better do what I say."

<Flashback ends>

A knock came at the door and a voice followed.

"Milady? Can I come in?"

Milady? When was ever I referred to as milady?

I was so surprised that I didn't realize the woman need permission to come in.


"Please come in", I said, out of my reverie.

A petite young woman in servant clothes came in.

"Milady, the king has sent me to you."

"What is your name?", I asked curiously.

"Ameera Alveer, milady."

"Please, don't call me 'milady', just call me Jade not milady."


I smiled and she smiled back. I could already see we were destined to be great friends.

"His Majesty sent me to you to help you during your stay in the palace. Your bath and clothes will be here soon. His Majesty wants you to meet him in the Central Room before dinner with some officials and important people in the kingdom."

I sighed and nodded. This man never does what I expect him to do, does he? Nope. A knock was heard at the door and Ameera opened the door. Servants came in with a tub and buckets of water whilst others came in with clothes of different colors, patterns, and texture. When the servants left Ameera and me alone, I couldn't help but be amazed by the clothes on the bed.

"Jade, your bath is ready."

"Ermm.....do I have to strip in front of you?"

"Yes, but would you be more comfortable if I turned around?"

"Yes, very."

She did as she said and turned. I removed my current clothing which was dust-coated training clothes and got into the warm water in the tub. I sighed in pleasure at the soothing feeling.

"What do you prefer? Lavender or cinnamon?"

"Ummm...I have no idea. Why don't you choose for me?"

"Okay. What do think of lavender?"

"Whatever you want."

After that statement, Ameera pulled off the string that held my hair in a ponytail and poured water on my hair. I could feel the water reaching my scalp and then she began washing my hair with lavender-scented soap. The day's dirt moved on the surface of the water in soap suds.

"May I ask something, Jade?"

"Go ahead."

"You have such lovely hair so why not do something with except tying it in a ponytail. All the other ladies I have attended to love to show off."

I chuckled.

"I'm not much of a dresser if you have realized."

"I have realized but today I am going to make you look really beautiful."

"So you are saying I'm not beautiful? I could get you punished for saying something like that", I said severely.

"N-n-no. I d-didn't mean that. I'm sorry."

I laughed and shook my head.

"Relax, I was just kidding. I wouldn't do anything to harm you, okay?", I said smiling as I turned to look at her.

She nodded and I turned back.

For the first time since Altair died, I had my body cleaned for me by another person. For some reason, I felt like this was what I deserved all my life but I didn't allow that thought to dwell in my mind for long.

After the bath, she wiped the water off my skin and applied scented oils on me. I couldn't help the blush that stained my cheeks at the fact that this was the first time I'd stood in front of anyone naked since.



"What mark is this?", she asked, looking at my shoulder blade.

"Oh that. That's my birthmark."

"Shaped like a thunderbolt?"

"Yeah, I know it's unusual. My father and I share this birthmark. He has his on the left side of his neck."

"Like father, like daughter, eh?"

I smiled.

After that Ameera helped me to pick out clothes and then helped me wear one. We decided on a forest green off-shoulder fleur dress then she made me sit on a stool so she could fix my hair up. I sat still as she braided my hair into a simple but unique fishtail braid. I stared in awe into the mirror when she was done. I twirled and watched as my dress twirl along with me. I had never felt this pretty before and I looked.....very different.

"Jade, it's time."


I don't know if this chapter was really necessary but I wrote it anyway.


Jade finally meets someone who can be called a friend. But why is Amon inviting her to a dinner she knows she's normally not allowed to go to. What plans does Amon have for her?


I remember when Ameera was introduced in the story, for some reason some of my friends who read the book didn't trust Ameera 'cause they thought she was working with Mumm-ra so as to spy on Jade. I never understood that. Ameera is a good girl and won't work for the enemy.


The King's Assassin - J. JonesWhere stories live. Discover now