Twenty Four - Survive

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Where the hell is she?

For two days she had been missing and today being the day for the battle we had to leave camp, even though I didn't want to go. But no matter how much I didn't want to, I could only trust her to come back alive from wherever she was been kept.

"Your majesty, General Mumm-ra is nowhere to be found", Raman reported.

I tensed and ground my teeth.

The traitor has her and I have only one guess where she is.

"Prepare to launch the attack", I said to Raman.

He nodded.

"Yes, your majesty", turning to the soldiers he said, "Soldiers! To your posts."

Soldiers scurried from one place to the other. Poised at a minor distance from the Fort of Raznar, rows of cannons had been lined, ready to fire at command.

For you, Jade.


At that, series of blasts sounded from the cannons as cannonballs shot out from them into the walls of the Fort. The walls began to crumble down and then,


See you soon, Jade.



The ground shook as explosions sounded everywhere. I ran from the dungeons and slew enemies I met on the way.

I have to get to the main battlefield. Amon is sure to be there.

I ran into the open, out of the Fort. Chaos was everywhere. Blue and white against red and black. The blue and whites, Yaznak and Nagnaz troupes fought bravely and strongly, reducing the enemy army quickly. The strong smell of blood and death hung in the air, dead bodies everywhere, even though the battle had just begun.

Amid the battle, I saw my dear husband fighting so gallantly. I fought those who came in my way as I moved to him. Behind him, a soldier was poised to dig his sword through the unsuspecting Amon's back.

But I was faster. With a quick swipe of my sword, the soldier's head was off his body, rolling to the pile of bodies. Amon turned and grinned.

"I had a feeling you'd be here. Good to have you back, love."

"Good to be back. So ready to end this war?"

"And go back home with you? Hell yeah!"

After that I realized what a great duo we made, killing every enemy in sight and protecting each other's backs. In the middle of the battle, something caught my attention. Mumm-ra, fighting on the enemy's side.

He looked up and met my gaze head-on. He smirked and gestured to me, telling me to come.

"Amon, I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?

"To finish unfinished business."

"Be safe."

I nodded then ran in the direction of Mumm-ra. He stood seemingly patient, clad in his entire battle regalia. In his hand, he held a magnificent but deadly scimitar tightly.

"Are you ready to end this with your death", he said proudly.

"You mean your death?"


"Let's just fight already."

Growling, he took the first strong swing. I stumbled as I blocked it with my sword. Fighting with Mumm-ra proved to be one of the most difficult and exciting things I had ever experienced.

He swung, I ducked. He struck, I parried. I swung, he blocked. I low-swiped, he jumped. I landed a few hits on him whilst he landed a lot on me. I was on the verge of giving up until I remembered all those I cared for.

Amon. Mama. Papa. Jasmine. The kids. Altair.

With renewed strength, I swung at him and attacked him at every chance I got. He looked exhausted but I could see he was running purely on adrenaline, just like me. I made a swift swipe at his legs that he didn't expect. He cried out as he fell on his knees. He struggled to get up but I could see he was very injured.

I have him this time.

"This is for Mama", I said as I put the sword through his chest to his heart.

"This is for Jasmine."

I pulled the sword out and sliced his throat.

"And this is for Altair."

With that I swiped my sword and watched as his head rolled to the floor, his face having a surprised look, as his body fell.

"This is for the dreams you destroyed", a voice said from behind and I turned around.

And when I did I felt an intense pain in my chest. I looked down to see a dagger embedded in my chest. I cried out at the pain that racked my body. I looked up to the person. My eyes met Aliya's emotionless ones.

Behind her, I saw Amon approaching. Black dots began to color my vision and my legs could no longer support me. I fell.

"Jade! Jade! Someone get Aliya!", came Amon's voice.

Three repetitive cannon blasts filled the air, announcing that the battle was finally over.

I wonder who won.

I felt my consciousness slipping away from me. Amon took me in his arms, kissing my forehead. Something wet fell on my cheeks.

Is he crying? For me?

"Jade. Please don't leave me. Don't die on me. Please. We need to go back home together to celebrate our victory. Jade. Jade. Survive this. Please. For me", came his now far away voice.

We won. We can finally go home. I can live happily ever after with the love of my life.

Blackness finally claimed me into eternal bliss.


I'm proud of myself right now. I was able to finish a chapter in a day. I am surprised. Like really surprised.


The war is finally over. Jade has finally had her revenge. But will she live to see another day?


So I got a few days before I go back to school. I'm already dreading it. I have to stay in that place for four or five months. Without seeing Wattpad. I can't wait till I'm done with this level of schooling.😨😥😭


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