Thirteen - Alliance

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"If we could attack from here and here, we could have them at their weakness", I stated as I pointed on spots on the map laid out on the table before me.

"But if you are planning to fortify the east and west ends with our armies, what are you planning to attack with? We can't lessen the security neither can we launch a weak attack against them", Mumm-ra also stated.

"We would have to find a way...."

"We will have to because if we can destroy Raznar's northern and southern forts, conquering it for Yaznak will be easier. We could even end the war with this."

I sighed.

"You are right but all the armies are expended, what can we do?"

"No idea but we can come up with something eventually."

"I hope so but for now let's take a break from this. I hope to see you for supper."

"Yes, your majesty."

He bowed and left.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, restless. The case of all my battle plans leaking out to the enemy and how to find the traitor keeps giving me a headache. Not even including the fact that we are losing the war, resources as well as soldiers' lives.

There must be a way for us to win the war and end these problems in the kingdom.

I sighed and ran my hand through hair again. I sat in my chair at my desk for a while then decided to leave the study. As I walked to my room I could hear some people talking at the corner. Curiosity prompted me to listen in into their conversation and I couldn't resist.

"Could you believe she said that to me? The nerve of her?"

"I don't see why you are so worked up about that."

"Don't you see, father? She could ruin our plans."


"Forget about her and focus on what you came to do.".

"Yes, father."

"Let's leave here. You never know when anyone is watching or listening to you. Let's go."

I turned and left the place, going to my room before they could find me standing there.

Aliya and Mumm-ra. What are they planning?

I sighed, entering my room.

"You sure have been sighing a lot today", an annoyingly familiar voice chirped.

"How did you get into my room?"

"Through the door, of course."

I turned to see her leaning on the wall in a different set of clothes, a more boyish choice. I shook my head at her and fell into one of the sofas.

"Such grace", she laughed at me.

I groaned in response.

"I can see in a really good mood", I said looking over to her

"Of course. Who wouldn't be after giving a certain lady an answer I was dying to say the moment she started talking."

"Why am I not surprised?"

She smiled and walked over. She gave me a quick once over then lost the smile.

"What's wrong with you?"


"Mmm, okay, if you say so. So may I ask, where is Argar? I haven't seen him for quite a while now."

"He is currently at one of the army camps in my stead."

"So it's true then?"

"What is true?"

"That Yaznak is at war."

"Yes. It is."

"And the Yaznakans are not one bit affected by it except the families of the soldiers."

"I guess so."

"Then you being worried has something to do with the war, doesn't it?"

I blinked once then twice.


"Okay then. Since I feel so happy today, I am going to be generous. Tell me the problem, maybe I can help."

I looked at her with doubt in my mind but I said,

"Mmm, sure. Well, the main problem is that some unknown kingdom officials are leaking my battle plans to the enemy so every time we attack we fail."


"And all the soldiers have been expended except for those guarding the palace. We need to find ways to get reinforcements but where it is going to come from is the problem. We need to end the war or else it may come all the way to Yaznak, putting the lives of every single person in Yaznak in danger."

She sighed.

"That's a heck of problems you have on your shoulders. Good thing I am here to help you."

For some reason, I smiled.

"Problem-solving begins. Firstly, you must never tell anybody, except someone who you trust completely, the original plans. There are going to be two different plans. One, original and the other, fake. Only when the attack is about to take place that you tell your general-in-command about the original plans", she rambled.

"That sounds reasonable since I can also find out the corrupt officials when the fake plans are leaked out. But go on problem number two", I said nodding.

She sighed again.

"As for problem number two, an alliance is all that comes to my mind."

"Thought about that too but that would require finding someone who has not yet been allied with any one of the sides."

"Hmm. I always thought that the king of Nagnaz always stayed neutral in wars since no one made an alliance with him."

"Yes, but we will have to cross that option off our list since many other kingdoms have tried to ally with him by giving their daughters into marriage with him but he never accepts after......"

"After what?", she asked.

"After his family died in a fire. His wife and his twin daughters."


"I have been wondering in whose hands the kingdom will fall into if he died."

"I wonder too. Anyways since we have found a practical solution for problem one, plans for problem two are also possible."

"What?", I said sitting up.

"Invite King Nazir to the palace tomorrow."


I realized today that I have not updated in a while. Reason for my inability to update: ANIME. I have been distracted by it for a long while and I kinda feel bad so I decided to write today.


Jade is pretty smart, isn't she? What did Amon mean by Nazir's family died in a fire when we all know they, except Jade, were murdered in cold blood?


Till next time...


The King's Assassin - J. JonesWhere stories live. Discover now