Twenty Five - Love

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(4 weeks later)

Her fingers were warm but still stiff. Her silky black hair splayed on the pillow just like it had been for the month that passed by. She laid stiff on the bed, unmoving, just like she had been for the month that went by.

"Your majesty, would you want to request something to eat", Alz, the head servant, asked from the door.

"Just get me a glass of water for now. I don't feel like eating anything now."

"But your majesty, you haven't taken anything else apart from water and an occasional fruit--"

"Alz! Just get me water."

"Alz, don't worry, get him the glass of water. I'll talk to him", a different voice came as the door opened.

"Yes, your highness."

The door shut behind the servant as he left.

"What do you want, Chuma?"

"Nothing. Just came to find a way to manipulate your conscience."

"You can try but it's not going to work."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Just leave me alone."

"I can't. Someone's gotta be here when Jade wakes up and that someone is you. But she can't wake up to a man who looks nothing remotely close to the Amon she knows."

"It doesn't matter if I'm good looking or not, it just matters that I am here."

"Think about it, Amon. What if Jade woke up right now and hears the fact that you haven't eaten any balanced diet since fell into a coma. She'd probably do something crazy and annoying to get you to eat."

"Yeah", I said cracking a little smile.

"Amon, even if you don't want to eat, think about Jade. She needs you healthy and alive beside her when she wakes up."

"You do a pretty good job at manipulating consciences."

"Well, practice makes perfect. Go get that month-old beard off your face, get your hair trimmed, and have a large breakfast. Maybe that will get Jade awake. And don't forget to wash up before you come down here."

I sighed and got up from my seat beside Jade's bed. I did what Chuma said I should have done. In a way, I kind of felt better after cleaning up and eating. I didn't hesitate to go back and sit by her, just watching her in her comatose state. I couldn't help but talk to her like I normally do.

"Sometimes I wish you'd sit up and smile at me. Even give me a cheeky comment. I miss you. I miss your arguments, your independence, and sometimes your outright stubbornness. I wish you'd just wake and be with me."

I took her hand and kissed her knuckles. I sighed. My eyes widened when I felt her fingers twitch.

Maybe it's just my imagination.

Then I saw her other fingers twitch, her toes then her mouth parted.

"Jade? Jade? Jade. Can you hear me?", I said leaning forward.

But nothing.


A low moan is all I got in return and that was spectacular.

"Jade? You can hear me right?"

"Loud and clear", came the hoarse reply.

"Oh, my Horus. You are awake. Thank the gods."

Her closed eyes fluttered open and tried to for us on things around her. She looked around then at me. She blinked a couple of times then asked,

"Who are you?"

My heart sank at that.

"Jade. It's me."

"Jade? Who is Jade? Where am I? How did I get here? And who are you?"

"Jade, it's me, Amon. Your husband. Do you remember me now?"

"No, I don't. Could you please go back? You are too close for my liking. I don't remember any Amon."

I moved away from her a little, heartbroken. Then she spoke again.

"Amon, I'm just joking. Of course, I would remember my husband."

"What the heck? Are you kidding me, Jade? What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack?"

"Of course not, darling. Why would I do that?", she said smirking then she added, "Now go get the healer. I need to get out of here fast."

I felt a little bit annoyed but I was happy she was back. I got to the door when she said,

"Wait, Amon. Please come back."

I went back to the bed, beside her, and stood there. She gestured me to come lower which I did and she did the unexpected. She kissed me. I braced myself putting my hands on the bed. She took the kiss deeper then all of a sudden she broke the kiss. She stared up at me, breathing heavily.

"Go call the healer."



Three days later after I woke up and was discharged, I was back in the infirmary with a case of a mystery illness. The healer wanted to discuss the issue with both me and Amon.

"Once again, I am glad, you are awake, your highness", the healer said.

I nodded and smiled then he continued.

"I have some news for  you after the checkup."

"Why? Is something wrong?", Amon asked worriedly.

"No, nothing is wrong. On the contrary, it is something that will bring such joy to you."

"And what is that?", Amon asked.

"Your majesty, Queen Iris Jade is expecting the heir or heiress to the throne."

For a whole minute, we simply stared at each other's faces.

"I'm going to be a father", he finally breathed out.

"You're going to be a father", I said.

"Excuse me, your majesties", the healer said before slinking out of the room.

"Jade, you just made me the happiest man on Earth."

Then he kissed me. I could feel the love, joy, and happiness in that one kiss.

"I love you so much, Iris Jade Amuoor I."

"What did you say?"

"I love you."

I couldn't stop the tears that flowed from my eyes, tears of pure joy.

"I love you too, Amon Raqar Ankham IV, so damn much."

He hugged me and I hugged him back tightly. Me and the one I love.


I am almost done with the book. I just have one chapter plus a bonus to go. I typed this chapter in a few hours so forgive me if there are any typos anywhere.


Jade is awake and reunited with her true love. And she's pregnant?! What comes next?


So since the bonus chapter is gonna be a Q&A, feel free to ask questions you would want to ask the characters. I'm so happy I'm almost done so I can finally rest easy when I get to school.


The King's Assassin - J. JonesWhere stories live. Discover now