Chapter 1 Meet Keith

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Meet Keith

^•^Keith's POV^•^

I just finished my latest painting but as always it didn't seem right. You see I'm an artist but my art isn't like it used to be my art used to be full of emotion, well done, and all around just right but's just.....

It's not good I keep messing up brush strokes, mixing colors wrong, my hands keep shaking, and I can't shade colors together right. It's a mess and what's even worse is that this is my job and how I make money and I can't even do that right I'm losing money fast going into debt and my passion for art is fading fast.

I don't have any inspiration for my art. The painting I just made was supposed to be a mountain view with a river running through but it's not right it's just dull and sad nobody wants that it doesn't make enough money that's why I travel places looking for something but all I find is the same thing. 


Honestly I've been thinking about just giving up on art and getting a real job. Maybe I could become an astronaut so I could fly myself into the sun.

*•*3rd person*•*

Keith stood up from his seat grabbing his painting and started walking to the trash.

He looked at the painting with sadness for the art that would never make it anywhere. He knew he could try and sell it but he wouldn't get much luck. It wasn't done right and that's why he put it in the trash with his other failed attempts.

He walked over to his bedroom and sat on his white bed sheets and pulled his red comforter over his chest and stared blankly at the wall.

He knew that he was going to go broke if he didn't do something different he looked away from the wall to the decent sized window on his right and looked out at the trees blowing in the wind. Listening to the birds chirping he felt something wet slide down his face.

Tears. When did he start crying

"I need a coffee."Keith said to no one. He got out of bed and grabbed his sweatshirt and put his wallet in his pocket then grabbed his phone and earbuds. He started walking to the door while also plugging in his earbuds he put them in his ears and started playing something just like this by chain smokers.

He sat at the bus stop bench and waited.
About ten minutes later the bus pulled up and he got on. Keith took a seat next to a shady person who was probably about to do a drug deal but thats not Keith's problem so he just turned his gaze to his phone and ignored all the annoying bus chatter.

He looked at his phone and saw one new notification from Pidge.



BirbLord- I'm bored entertain me

EmoNinja- No.

BirbLord- But y

EmoNinja- It's why, Not y.

BirbLord changed EmoNinjas name to GoogleTranslator

GoogleTranslator- What the heck Pidge.

BirbLord- Sorry GoogleTranslator but you deserved it

GoogleTranslator changed BirbLord's name to SadTrash

SadTrash- Oh come on now that's just rude

GoogleTranslator- Sorry but you had it coming

Keith looked up to see the shady stranger getting up to leave so he moved out of the seat to let them pass. He looked outside the window to see that he was almost to the coffee shop.

GoogleTranslator- I have to leave. I'm getting coffee and I'm almost at the coffee shop. I'll talk to you later.

SadTrash- Okay but you still owe me that movie night you totally blew me off yesterday

GoogleTranslator- Yeah yeah fine. I'll go to your house tonight how about that?

SadTrash- Fine I'm ok with that.

                   SadTrash has logged out

              GoogleTranslator has logged out

^•^Keiths POV^•^

I looked out the window to see if it was my stop yet. The bus came to a loud stop and I saw that it was my stop so I got up and pulled out my earplugs. I walked to the door and thanked the driver than stepped out.

I started my walk towards my favorite cafe Voltron Cafe. It's my favorite place because the people that work there are normally friendly and they have great coffee.

I walked up to the cafe doors and saw that they weren't very busy today so I went up to the counter and saw the barista.

"Hi. how can I help you?" Said the most beautiful thing on this planet.

I had to look twice because I couldn't believe my eyes. He had gorgeous milk chocolate skin, long legs, his face looked like it had been carved by a god perfect cheek bones, a little bit of mascara and eyeliner made his bright blue eyes pop. I noticed he was kinda skinny from what I was able to see but I didn't think to much about it.

"Umm hello. Anyone in there?" The beautiful barista waved his hand in front of my face. 

"Oh yeah sorry I zoned out." I felt my face grow hot from embarrassment. I hope he didn't see me checking him out.

"Well handsome if your done staring at me, do you want to order now?" The barista said leaning over the counter with his head in his palm batting his eyelashes at me. Welp that answers that question.

"Yeah can I get a black coffee but keep the temperature mild please." I answered his question while trying to get myself together again.

"Okay Black coffee medium temp anything else?" He asked while writing it down on a notepad.

"Nope that's it." I said while watching him write.

"And this coffee is for....?"


"Ok Keith that will be 2.70$." He said smiling at me.

I reached into my pocket to grab my....

"My wallet!" I quietly yelled. I must've scared the barista cause he jumped a little then looked at me with wide eyes. But that didn't matter because my wallet it was gone.

"Excuse me sir but can I ask what's happened?" The barista asked.

"My wallet is gone I'm pretty sure it was stolen." I told him although he probably doesn't care he just wants money.

"Oh my gosh do you need me to call the police?" He asked worriedly going to grab the cafe's phone but before I could answer another man came up.

"Excuse me but did you say you needed the police?" A man behind me suddenly spoke up I turned around then wished I hadn't because seriously what is with me and hot guys today.

He was obviously a police officer with his vest and his tool belt and gun and his badge but holy crap he was hot. He was was ripped like huge arms he definitely worked out tons and his undershirt was tight against him. His face was perfection he had blackish grey eyes and he had the most amazing eyeliner ever he was tall and hot.

"Yeah he lost his wallet he said he thinks it was stolen." Said the barista. They must have been talking while I was day dreaming. The officer turned toward me.

"Well my name is Shiro. can I get your names please? I'll help you find your wallet sir." Shiro said.

"I'm Keith"

"And I'm Lance."

And that's the end thanks for reading I'll probably update each week. And don't worry you'll get to know Lance and Shiro's backgrounds to. But I hope you liked it and thanks for reading

1265 words

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