Chapter 9

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<~Lances POV~>

I had my eyes closed I must've fallen asleep at some point. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I opened them and looked around there was no one in the room and I was in what looked like a hospital bed. My arms suddenly felt itchy so I went down to scratch them but noticed there was something on them. I looked down at my arms and saw bandages. My eyes widened and I suddenly remembered what happens. Lotor could be here I need to get out!

I got out of the bed and started nervously walked out of the room. I opened the door and saw what seemed like a doctor she looked and me and we made eye contact. She walked over to me quickly.

"Your awake!" She said cheerfully.

"How do you feel?" She said ushering me back into the room.

"Tired?" I said not exactly knowing how I felt. I just felt numb.

"Here let's go back into your room." She said grabbing me hand and walking me back to the room. I felt uncomfortable with her touching me but I didn't say anything.

She sat me down and started doing a lot of doctor things. I just sat there staring at my hands occasionally moving to give her better reach to do what she needed to.

"Well you seem like your mostly fine but when was the last time you ate?" She questioned. I awkwardly sat on the bed trying to think about the last time. Wait what was the last time I'd eaten.

"I.....don't know?" I said still staring down at my hands.

"I'll be right back!" She said and walked out. My mind felt fuzzy and I couldn't feel anything. I thought back to what happened I was being questioned by someone I think. Then Lotor came in and.....and....I.....I don't remember. I gave up trying and just stared at my hands until I heard someone open the door.

I looked up and saw Shiro and Keith. What were they doing here?

"How are you feeling?" Shiro said then kneeled down next to the bed. Keith followed him and sat on my other side. I just shrugged my shoulders and bit my lip. I felt my cheeks get red when Keith grabbed my hand and started rubbing it. Shiro did the same to my other hand and I turned even redder.

The door opened again and the same doctor walked in she had what looked like a lunch tray with her. She handed it to me and I looked at what was on it. An apple and a sandwich with some yogurt. It also had some water and and apple juice on the side.

"It looks like you haven't eaten in awhile so I brought you some food from the lunch room." She said smiling at me. I forced a smile back at her and picked up the apple.

I felt uncomfortable with all the people in the room watching me eat. They probably think I'm just fat and a waste of time. I heard my dark thoughts creeping up on me.

I shook my head and took a bite of the apple. Your worthless they only pity you because of how dumb and ugly you are. I hadn't noticed but the doctor had walked out by that point and a wet tear fell down my face. I set down the apple and wiped my eyes.

"Lance what's wrong?" Keith said he had stood up and so did Shiro. They don't actually care there just like everyone else in your life...

"Lance are you okay?" Shiro said.

They're like everyone else they'll pity you then leave. I felt a sob be ripped from my throat.

"Lance are you okay are you in pain what's wrong please tell us!?" Keith sounded more urgent but I didn't care I just kept crying.

Your an annoying piece of trash they'll never love you! I kept wiping at my eyes thinking that  if I got the tears to go away maybe the thoughts would leave with them and everything would be fine.

Y O U R. A. W A S T E. O F. T I M E. I heard my thoughts yelling at me and I cried harder. Suddenly arms wrapped around me and someone started whispering calming words into my ear.

It was Shiro. He was holding me in his arms and whispering the nicest things I've ever heard to me.

Keith sat next to me on the bed and grabbed both my arms he started rubbing my palms and kissing them. I heard the thought start to leave me alone and Keith and Shiro stayed with me till they were finally gone. Shiro pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" He said in a worried tone. I nodded and smiled a little at him.

"What happened?" He asked me and I got worried. If I told them they might hate me or think I'm attention needy.

"Hey you can tell us." Keith said moving some hair out of my face. I blushed and nodded again.

"I...Have these thoughts that tell me I'm worthless and I deserve to......die and I just can't take them anymore and sometimes I wonder if I am better off just dyi-" I was cut off by Keith hugging me. I felt something wet in my shoulder and realized he was crying I hugged him back and looked over at Shiro he had a single tear running down his face and he was biting his lip.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said anything!!" I said worriedly.

"Shut up." I heard Keith say in my ear.

"Don't ever think you deserve to die or your worthless your perfect and amazing and your one of the best things that ever came into my life...." Keith said in my ear.

"Keith's right you didn't deserve anything that happened to you. Your the kindest most beautiful person I've ever met." I looked at Shiro and he smiled at me. Suddenly Keith and Shiro both got closer to my face and both there lips were on my cheeks.

"Lance I love you and Keith..."

"I love you and Shiro..."

They both said at the same time and I smiled.

"I love you both too."

.....okay I know what your gunna say...why did it take me so long to get his chapter out😅. And I uh I got really busy and some huge things happened and I didn't have much motivation to get this chapter out.....I know I suck!! But I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway and liked the ending I know I enjoyed writing it!! I hope you have a great week and I'm so sorry!!

1137 words

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