Chapter 10

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•<• Keith's POV•>•

Me and Shiro walked out of the room Lance was in. I was giddy and excited at the fact they both loved me back but....I couldn't stop the sinking feeling in my stomach something was going to go wrong.

I turned to Shiro to see he was lost in thought. He was staring at the wall and biting his lip so I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him everything would be fine even if I didn't feel that way myself. He turned towards me and smiled. I smiled back.

"So....what now?" I asked him. He thought for a moment then pulled out his phone.

"Well...we could always go out to eat? We don't know each other very well so we could get to know each other?" He asked me.

"Sure. Where do you want to go?" I said wondering what kinda foods he liked. I thought he would chose something fancy...or maybe something simple like coffee?

"How about prairie bay?" He asked. I thought for a second not recognizing the name.

"What's that place?" I asked him. He looked at me with a look of disbelief but grabbed my hand and started walking outside.

"It's a really nice place. I'm sure you'll love it!" He said obviously excited to show me the place. I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see it.

I looked down at our hands intertwined and blushed.

;) Time Skip (;

•^• Shiro's POV•^•

We both stepped out of my car and walked up to the front of the restaurant.

"So does it look nice?" I asked but when I turned to Keith he looked aghast at the entrance.

"This place looks so fancy!! Am I even going to be allowed in!!??" He asked facing me with a pout. I smiled at his cute face and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Yes you'll be allowed inside." I said snickering. He pouted but nodded and followed me inside.

There was a few people there but I could already tell Keith was anxious so I grabbed his hand and smiled at him. He smiled back. It was a small smile but I it reassured me he would be fine.

The waitress came and sat us down we walked over to a booth and sat down across from each other. I looked into his eyes and even as the waitress asked what we wanted I couldn't stop staring into Keith's eyes. I answered what drink I wanted but didn't break eye contact. Keith's eyes were a gorgeous dark purple they had a darkness in them as if they've seen things that I couldn't comprehend but a shine like nothing I've ever seen.

A laugh broke me from my trance.

"What are you staring at?" He asked smiling mischievously. I scratched the back of my neck and nervously smiled.

"I lost in your eyes a for a second there.." I said looking away. I turned to look at Keith seeing he was looking away from me blushing.

"Sorry that was kinda weir-"No, don't apologize you did nothing wrong." He said cutting me off. I was surprised when he cut me off but then smiled and nodded.

We both stopped talking for awhile. It wasn't awkward...but a comfortable silence.

The waitress came back and asked what we wanted for food. I looked over the menu and asked for the usual thing I normally got. Keith took some time but then ordered the same thing.

<~< Time Skip >~>

Me and Keith finished our food and the waitress came back with the check. I was ready to pay when Keith went to pull out his wallet but his face contorted in to one of confusion.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. But I then remembered that Keith's wallet was stolen.

"I'll pay." I quickly said and pulled out my wallet and Keith went to say something but I noticed he didn't know what to say. So he stayed silent and I payed.

We went to walk out when I saw someone suspicious watching us from the corner of my eye. It was someone with a strange robe on. It reminded me of the same person I had seen the day me Keith and Lance had met.

"Get in the car quickly..." I whispered to Keith. He looked worried and whispered back.

"Why? Is something wrong?" He asked. I saw the robed person start getting closer and I whispered again.

"Please..just get in the car.." I said again. This time Keith just nodded and walked towards the car and got in. I looked over at where the cloaked person was but noticed they were gone. I wasn't about to go looking for them so I got in the car with Keith and locked all the doors.

"What happened?" Keith asked worry clear in his voice. I looked out the window but didn't see the cloaked figure. I looked back at him and  told him about the cloaked figure and the day I had seen them before.

After I finished explaining Keith had a look of realization on his face.

"Hold on a second.." Keith said and thought for a second.

"I've seen that person too!" He said. Then continued.

"It was when I was going to the coffee shop! On the bus!" He said thinking. I nodded and was going to call the police and report the suspicious figure but I then realized we had no proof that they had done anything.

I ended up calling in and reporting Keith's stolen wallet. We were asked to come into the station so I started the drive there. I looked over Keith and noticed he looked upset.

"Are you okay?" I asked turning to look back at the road.

"Yeah I'm fine.." He replied but I knew he was lying.

"Okay. But you know you can talk to me right?" I said occasionally looking back at Keith.

He nodded and at me then stared back out the window. The rest of the ride was silent.

We kept driving until I looked back at Keith again. Keith looked back at me and I looked down at his lips. They looked so soft and plump  and I felt myself leaning forward. Keith leaned in to but then his head snapped back to the road.

"SHIRO LOOK OUT!!" Keith screamed and I swerved the car to the right.

Thanks for reading!! Sorry for the long wait! Schools getting really intense for me ;-; but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! And again thank you guys so so so so much for reading!! Love you all •3• Baiiiii!!

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