Chapter 2 Meet Shiro

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Meet Shiro

~•~Shiro's POV~•~

Another job done. Being a cop is a really exhausting job but I guess it keeps me awake most of the time so that's good.

I drove home and got out of my car. I looked up at my house it was a pretty nice three story house. The basement, the living room, and the upstairs, they are each nicely spaced. But even with all this space I still live alone and that doesn't help with my ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder). I get ptsd attacks a lot from flashbacks to nightmares they ruin my life.

Doctors keep giving me medication but it doesn't help it just gets worse they tell me I shouldn't live alone but I don't have anyone to live with Allura is already to busy with being the manager of Voltron coffee and Matt is taking care of his mother, dad, and sister and also trying to get into garrison the space school so there out of the question.

Plus anyways I do have my cat Black he's a black cat with yellow eyes he's been a huge help for me through all of this whenever I get an attack he's always there to help me through it but it's not enough he can't talk to me or hug me he's only able to purr and rub on me.

I have ptsd from the army I joined and watching all my friends die in front of my eyes I couldn't handle it but I kept going and I got shot in the arm and it got infected they had to amputate it. I now have a robotic arm where my real arm used to be. I left the army after that and now I'm alone and scarred. I can barely look at myself anymore in a mirror all those scars left behind, my robotic arm, I'll never find anyone that will look past all my imperfections.

I shake my head. I can't be thinking like that yet I just got home. I started my walk to the door trying to think of anything then my sad reality.

I thought about how Black will be so happy when I get home and how I want to go to the library later and how utterly exhausted I am.

I need caffeine. I walked inside and decided after feeding Black and changing I'll go to Voltron, the coffee shop. Who knows maybe I'll see Allura there.

I got out my keys and pulled my house key up I opened the door and went inside. As soon as I stepped in Black was at my feet purring. She looked at me expecting pets. I leaned down and pet her I rubbed at her cheek she started purring even more.

I got up and went to get her food I got a can of soft cat food from the fridge and put it in a bowl I also got her water bowl and filled it with water and brought both over to her eating place I was about to put it down put Black popped up out of nowhere and scared me. I dropped the food bowl and spilt the water all over myself.

Great. Now I have to clean up my floor and I'm soaking wet. Black looked at me softly as if to apologize.

"It's ok beautiful." I said to her as I reached to pet her she started to lick at me like a mom would do to clean up her kittens. I chuckled a little bit.

"What would I do without you Black." I said as she stopped licking me and looked up. She jumped down and went to her now dropped food bowl it fell straight down so the food was still in the bowl thankfully some of it just got spilt around the bowl from the impact.

Black started cleaning it up for me as I went to go get a rag for the water. I came back to see Black already chowing down on her food I smiled and went to clean up the water.

After I got the floor mostly dry I got up to go change. Some of the water on my shirt had dried but I still was really wet.

I got startled by my phone suddenly ringing it was the police station. What could they want now. I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked wearily I wasn't sure what it could be but in case it was an emergency I started to grab my gun and my police suit with my belt.

"Hi. Is this Takashi Shirogane?" I heard from the other line the voice was a woman and she sounded calm enough so I started to calm down.

"Yes this is Takashi Shirogane. How can I help you?" I asked calmer than before started to relax my stiff muscles.

"We have a case we would like you to help us with a case a man at the local supermarket near you called in about seeing someone being abused and we would like to ask you to help with the case to make sure the victim is ok." The woman said.

"Um yeah sure I'll help just let me get ready and I'll be there as soon as I can." I said starting to put my stuff down.

"You don't have to get here right away we're still getting the details out of the witness we'll call you when we have all the details." She said.

"Okay. Thank you for informing me goodbye." I said as hung up the phone.

An abuse. I haven't had a case like that that in awhile I hope the victim is okay.

I walked over to the bathroom I started take off my shirt. Not wanting to look into the mirror I turned my back towards it. I got it of then set it on the towel holder. I put on a different shirt then went out I got my extra uniform. We all got one in case we lost or ripped another uniform I put it on over my shirt and got ready to go.

I started to walk out when I was stopped by Black.

"What is it beautiful?" I asked. She looked over at the bag of cat treats. I glared at her but finally decided she could have some. I started to walk over to them and she jumped up onto the counter. I put some into my hand then dropped them onto the counter.

I finally made my way to the door I walked out to my car I got in and started my car.

As I was driving I stopped at the stop light and I say someone who looked really shady they had a black robe on so you couldn't see there face they didn't seem to be doing anything illegal so I just guessed it was a cosplayer.

I got to the coffee shop and got out of my car. I walked inside seeing a few people standing in line I stepped behind a short cutie.

He had a black mullet and and was wearing a red sweatshirt. I felt a blush creep up to my face as I tried not to look at his cute butt.

AHHHHH NO WHY DID I THINK THAT. It's not cute it's just nicely shaped. AHH NO I DIDN'T MEAN THAT. I meant his pants fit him nicely.

Okay this isn't working I'm just gunna look somewhere else like at the barista.



I started to calm myself down and got a closer look at the barista he had brown hair that looked really soft he had bright blue eyes and a nice brown tint to his skin I would guess he's Cuban.

I watched as the short one ordered and the barista was writing down the order. When suddenly.

"My wallet!" I heard the short one yell. I jumped back a little from surprise I could see the barista did to.

I couldn't hear but I saw him starting to panic as he talked to the barista. I heard something that caught my attention though.

"Do you need me to call the police?" The barista said as he went over to the phone.

That's when I knew it was time to take action I got out of line and went to the shorter ones side.

"Excuse me but did you say you needed the police?"I asked I saw his face was a little bit red. Probably from worry.

"I'm a police officer and I overheard you saying you needed the police. And I'm very sorry for intruding." I said he looked at me and just smiled.

"It ok and yes he said he thinks his wallet was stolen." The barista looked at me with worry.

"Well my names Shiro. Can I get your names? I'll help you find your wallet sir"I said turning to the shorter one

"I'm Keith." The short one said.

"And I'm Lance." Said the barista.

And that's the end of chapter 2 thanks for reading I decided to update early because I had time so I decided why not. Lance's chapter will be the next one but again thank you and I hope you enjoyed chapter two.

1561 words

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