Chapter 3 Meet Lance

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!WARNING! This chapter contains self harm, depression thoughts, abuse, and strong language . I know that can trigger some people so if you have problems like that I'm warning you now. 

Meet Lance

~•~ Lance's POV~•~

Another day another pill. That's how it always goes. No matter what I do it won't stop. They won't stop. My thoughts ruin my life and they won't leave me alone and I've started giving up on finding something to help. I just wanna die.

"Hey slut get in here and make me breakfast!" I hear my boyfriend yell. My boyfriends name is Lotor. I know what your probably thinking why do I stay with this asshole. But if you were in my case where no one would want love you or be able to deal with all of your problems you would take him in seconds. He's the only person who is able to deal with my annoying ness.

"Don't make me wait any longer!"He yelled to me.

"Okay darling I'll be right there!"I said in a hurry as I pulled the toast out of the toaster. My hand hit the side of the metal and I burned my finger but I kept moving. My pain doesn't matter Lotor told me it's selfish to tell people about my problems so I learned to keep my mouth shut and put on a smile.

"That's it if you don't bring out my food now I'll beat you again." I heard him yell. I felt myself start shaking as I moved even faster. I grabbed the closest knife to me to spread the butter as fast as possible I ended up cutting my finger and getting blood in the counter but I didn't have time to clean it up.

I ran out of the kitchen as fast as I could without dropping the plate and beer.

"I have the food darling." I said putting in my best fake smile. I handed him the plate and he looked at it in disgust.

"I said I wanted peanut butter not normal butter." He said now glaring and me. I looked at him in horror no longer being able to fake a smile.

"But you said you wanted butter and we're out of peanut butter." I said starting to move backwards.

"No I said I wanted peanut butter! Are you calling me a liar!" He started getting up and he was angry. Really angry.

"NO! I'm not calling you a liar I was just!"- I was cut off by a punch to my stomach. I fell backward and hit the wall.

"We're going to the supermarket to get peanut butter now clean yourself up. You should be thanking me that all I did was hit you. You deserved more." He said glaring as he walked away.

I got up and limped to the bathroom my stomach hurts so bad.

I closed the door and pulled up my shirt to see a giant bruise forming just below my sternum. I sighed in relief knowing he didn't break any ribs that would have ended much more bad if he did.

I changed my clothes and put on some makeup so I didn't look like I had been crying. I walked out to Lotor and opened the door for him.

He turned to look at me slowly and I looked at the ground. 

"Don't ever call me a liar you whore." He said pulling up my face with two fingers. He took a few seconds to stare at me than walked off.

I sighed right when he let go. I was a little surprised he hadn't slapped me though normally he tells me I look a slut or some rude name like that than slaps me.

I grabbed my phone before I walked out knowing that I had to go to work right after.

I walked out smiling at the neighbors outside. Some of them smiled back others scowled but I just kept walking to Lotors car.

"Next time be faster." Was all he said to me. On the way there he hadn't looked at me once probably because I wasn't even worth a glance in his eyes.

I tried to hold back the tears on the way there biting my lip.

We got there and I ran out to open the door for him. I smiled at him while I hold the door he just scowled and looked away.

"I want you to get the food we need and I'm gunna go get some beer." He said not even sparing me a glance.

"Okay honey is there anything you would like specifically." I said trying not to cry but keeping the fake smile.

"Yeah get me a Mountain Dew from the check out line." He said walking away.

As soon as he left I looked down letting my smile fall along with the tears.

I wiped away the tears. Thank god I have water proof makeup on. I chuckled at that and started walking into the store.

I tried to remember what I needed to buy and made a list in my phone. Peanut butter, Mountain Dew, Bread, Ect.....

I started looking for the items on my list starting with peanut butter because there was no way I was gunna forget that after what happened.

{Time skip because I'm lazy😅}

I got in the check out line and started putting my items on the conveyer belt.

"Lance?" The person behind me said. I turned around quickly startled at the fact that this person knew my name.

"Hunk!?" I said staring at my best friend from middle school.

"Lance its really you!" He said running to hug me.

He bear hugged me and I hugged him back.

"I thought you went back to Cuba!" He said smiling widely. I was probably smiling even bigger than him because I was so happy I had seen my best friend after so many years of loneliness.

"I did but I came back to visit here but I ended up getting an amazing boyfriend and saying." I said. The sentence was practically a giant lie but I couldn't tell Hunk the truth he would freak out.

The real reason I came here was because my dad kicked me out. He figured out I was bisexual and got really angry my mom tried to stop my dad but ended up in the hospital with a broken leg. I didn't want to mess up her life anymore so I came back.

"It's so great to see you let's sit down and talk." He said. I agreed forgetting about Lotor.

We sat and talked for a while before he Lotor came. I saw him out of the corner of my eye and started panicking.

"Cool Hunk it was great to see you I have to go though." I said running to my cart and waving.

"Uh Lance are you okay?" He said looking nervous.

"Your acting kinda weird." He said. At this point I knew I had to get away from Hunk so he didn't see anything.

"Lance!" I heard Lotor yell

I was to late.

That's the end so this chapter. It ended up getting to be to long so I'm gunna make two parts to it. But thanks for reading and I'm super sorry for the long wait.

1224 words.

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