Chapter 11

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*^*Lance's POV*^*

I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the bright lights in the room.

I managed to fall asleep for a little bit but after checking the clock it had only been about 2 hours.

I sighed and sat up rubbing my eyes while yawning.

Looking down at the bandages on my arms, I started to pick at them. I missed Shiro and Keith a lot...I know we didn't know each other for long but it felt so...right to be around them.

They did something for me that others never did. They cared about me. They held me when I needed it most...and they actually loved me.

I smiled a little thinking about everything that had happened, I was ready so ready to give up when they came into my life.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I looked up nervously.

"Come in." I said nervously. I felt the worry wash away though when I saw Hunk.

"Hey buddy." He said smiling and waving.

"Hey." I said and smiled back. I didn't wave back but instead hid my arms under the blanket.

"Uhm I brought a friend. Is it okay if they come in?" Hunk said nervously still waiting in the door.

"Uhm sure." I said. Hunk moved aside and opened the door.

There was a shorter person there with short carmel colored hair, they had brown eyes covered with big round glasses and a green and white shirt with hints of orange. They also had grey shorts and white and orange shoes.

"Hi, my names Pidge." They said and awkwardly waved.

"Hey Pigeon, I'm Lance but you can call me sharpshooter." I said and forgot about the bandages on my arms while doing finger guns.

"Did you just come up with that?" They said laughing.

"Possibly. But it's still great right?" I said and looked over to Hunk. I felt my smile fall when I noticed he was staring at my arms.

"...What happened?" He asked. I couldn't see his eyes because he had tilted his head to the ground but I could hear the anger in his voice.

I felt tears come to my eyes as I started to explain. I felt so horrible telling them everything. Hunk looked like he was gonna (To that 1 coment that told me I splet gunna wrang. Btw thonks I dadn't knew.) throw up and Pidge started crying a little.

I started sobbing and felt like I couldn't continue but Hunk came over and hugged me. I felt a little more comfortable and continued.

I finished after a little more of talking. Hunk was sobbing into my shoulder and continuously whispered 'sorry' and 'I should've known'.

I looked over to Pidge and they had their arm over their mouth. They were sobbing into their hand.

I wrapped my arms right around Hunk.

"It's okay I'm a great actor I wouldn't know if I were you." I said laughing a little through the tears. He pulled away and sighed.

"You should've told me!" He said shaking me a little. I laughed a little bit.

"I would have but I didn't want to burden you with-"

My sentence was cut off as I felt a hand against my face. My eyes widened as I looked up to see Pidge holding their hand up.

"Shut up! Your happiness is not a burden! No ones is! If you need help you tell somebody! Don't be stupid!" They yelled, crying more. Pidge looked looked down at the floor and walked away.

"I need some fresh air..." Pidge said and walked out. I watched them leave then looked up to Hunk.

He was looking at the door then turned to me.

"...That...was weird..." He said looking still a little surprised.

"But...they were right you know." He said looking more concerned now.

"You should really tell someone if you need help. Your life is just as important as everyone else's and it's important the the people who love you." He said smiling a little.

I couldn't respond I was still amazed from what Pidge said. I just looked down at my hands and smiled a little.

"Well besides all of that...I brought some cookies?" He said grabbing a box that was placed on a chair.

"Yes! Hunk my man!" I said and reached for the cookies.

He handed some to me and grabbed some for himself. We ate some and had a nice casual conversation.

I asked Hunk if I could step out for a little bit and that I needed some fresh air. He asked if I wanted him to go too but I told him I was going to find Pidge.

"Okay but if you need help call me or find someone who works here. Okay?" He said.

"Yeah If I need help I'll ask for it." I said smiling and slowly got up.

He watched me leave as I stepped out into the hallway. I looked over to my right and saw them sitting on a bench with their head between their knees.

I walked over to them and sat on the bench.

"What's up Pidgin?" I said looking at them.

Pidge mumbled a little.

"Your gonna have to speak up. I don't speak mumble." I said smiling a little.

"I'm sorry for slapping you...I'm just...tired." They said looking up at the wall.

"Is something else going on?" I asked. Pidge looked at me in surprise.

"What makes you think that?" They said looking more nervous now.

"I don't know you just looked like your really tired." I said smiling.

"Excuse you! I look great." They said smiling a little.

"I know you do pidgin." I said smiling wider.

"But I recall you telling me that I need to tell people when I need help. So are you going to tell me or am I going to have to annoy you till you tell me?" I laughed a little. They looked up at me and sighed. Then looked back at the ground.

"It' dad and brother...they worked for the police force and they where sent on a special mission...they...never came back..." Pidge said and started to sob.

"They covered it up saying it was an accident and that their dead...but I know their alive! I just know it! I broke into the system from a computer and I know there keeping secrets! There's no way they could be-!" I cut off Pidge by grabbing them and pulling them into a hug. They sobbed into my chest and cried more.

"It's okay Pidge...everything will be fine. We'll find them...I promise." I said and hugged them as they cried more.

I had a feeling things wouldn't be fine for long though.

*cough cough* So...hows life? *cough* Uhm yeah so how's Karen? Wait she..she left you? And took the kids! I'm so sorry...*gets hit with a table* FUDGE NUGGETS!! *gets up* Ah...oh! Hey there! Didn't know you where there! Haha! Yeah...forget you saw that please...?? No?? Okay?? Uhm well thanks for reading...and uh...yeah...Uhm bye I guess haha...*clears throat* you should go now. No?? Uhm okay I guess we can just hang out then.........................................I'm just gonna go...bye!

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