Chapter 8

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UwU Shiro's POV UwU

I walked out of the room me and Lance were in. All the answers he was giving me weren't adding up. I was supposed to question the attacker next. Hopefully that would give me some answers.

I walked into the room the attacker was in. He looked at me then looked away like he didn't care he was here. I sat down across from him and got a good look at him. He had long white hair with pale skin. His eyes were a bright yellow and he wore a nice leather jacket with a white shirt and black pants.

"Excuse me but can you-?" "Where's my idiot boyfriend!?" He cut me of slamming his cuffed hands against the table. I got into action ready to pin him down if he tried to find Lance. He didn't move though he just glared at me and leaned forward on the table. I decided to leave him for a bit and leave him to calm down.

"I'm going to leave for a little bit and when I come back I hope your ready to talk." I said walking out. I opened the door and before I was ready to fight back he hit me over the head with his cuffed hands and ran out. I fell down but got up fast and chased after him.

He started banging on the glass of the room Lance was in. Three other officers got to the scene before me and pulled Lotor away. I ran into the room with Lance in it and saw Keith had seen what had happened and came too.

He was curled in the corner scratching up his arms. Me and Keith both rushed over and grabbed one of his arms. He started screaming when we touched him so I tried to calm him down.

I started saying calming words to him telling him the attacker was gone but he kept screaming and trying to free his arms. He suddenly passed out in both of our arms.

I looked at Keith and he looked back at me. I saw there were tears in his eyes. I felt water run down my face and realized I was crying too. I grabbed the first aid kit in the room and started bandaging his arms. They were scratched up really bad. There was blood under his nails and blood running down his arms. I did the best I could and other police officers took it from there.

I brought Keith out of the room and went to sit with him in my office. He was sniffling on the way there so when we got there I patted his back. And sat him down.

We didn't talk for awhile we just stared at the floor so I decided to start conversation.

"A-Are you okay?" I asked finally looking up at him. He was beautiful but his amazing eyes were glistened over with tears. For some reason I wanted to go over and hold him and comfort him until he was happy again.

He started crying harder so I went up to hug him. I held him in my arms and he gripped my jacket and cried into my shoulder. We stayed like that for awhile until he pulled away and giggles a little.

"What?" I asked confused as to why he was laughing.

"Nothing your just really red." When he said that I noticed my face was really hot. After he said that my face got even hotter. He giggled a little more and I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful smile I had never seen him smile like that so I fell in love all over again when I saw it.

He stopped laughing and we stared into each other's eyes for a bit. I started leaning forward and he leaned in to. My thoughts were racing as I got closer. I could feel his breathe against mine. We were so close but he suddenly pulled away.

"Sorry I'm so sorry I shouldn't have tried to do that!" He said freaking out.

"No no it's fine I really don't mind your totally fine! It's my fault I started leaning in and I just-!" I cut myself off

"Sorry." I simply said and smiled at him. He smiled back and I went to sit back down. We waited for awhile until a nurse walked in.

"He's awake."

Thanks for reading. Again super super sorry for the late update and short chapter. I might not be able to update on time often anymore because of school. But I still plan on trying to update every week. Btw when I was writing the part when Keith was crying I thought about writing that Shiro had handed him tissues but I learned that your not supposed to give a crying person tissues because it means that your unintentionally telling them not to cry. Weird right? But thanks for reading and I hope you liked it.

835 words.

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