Chapter six

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¥£Shiro's POV££

The hang out session ended and everyone went they're separate ways. Keith went home. Lance stayed at the coffee shop to work. And I went to solve a new case.

I got to the station and went to my office. I sat down and looked at the new files on my desk. There was a picture of a man with long white hair and a purple shirt. He looked aggressive.

They're was two other people in the picture and one of them kinda looked like Lance. There's no way though he was working.

I went on my computer and listened to the voice audio of the call.

"Hello I need help some stranger started harassing my friend Lance. My friend starting running and I think he's following him!" The call went on longer but I couldn't hear anymore. How was Lance so calm after being harassed by some stranger. Normal people don't go to work after having an experience like that.

I looked at the pictures another time. Now that I heard that all I could look at was Lance. There's no way this was just some stranger.

{]Lance's POV[}

I looked at the work clock. It was almost time for me to leave. I started panicking. I can't go home Lotor will kill me. I need to stay somewhere else.

I pulled out my phone. I did sneak Keith and Shiro my phone number when we where together. Hopefully one of them calls or texts me maybe I could stay with them.

No they wouldn't want to have a burden with them. I heard the door bell ring and looked up to see who it was.

It was Lotor. I quickly ducked under the counter.

"Hello is anyone here!?" He called out. I tried to steady my breathing. My heart rate was skyrocketing. I could barely get any air into my lungs.

Suddenly my phone went off. So I ran into the back to hide.

"LANCE I SAW YOU!" He yelled to me. I needed to get help right away. I can't call the police though they would figure out I was lying to them.

I locked myself in the bathroom and redialed the number.

"Hi is this Lance?"I heard the other person say.

"Yes who is this?" I said quickly hoping it was Keith or Shiro.

"This is Keith-" I cut him off.

"Keith I need your help. Do you have a car?" I asked hearing Lotor get closer.

"No but I have a motorcycle. Lance what's wro-" I cut him off again.

"I need you to get to the cafe right away. And when you get here be prepared to go right when I get on." I said getting even quieter.

"Okay but Lance what's wrong I need to know what's happening." After he said that I started crying. There was no way he was actually gunna show up. I ended the phone call when Lotor got to the door. He started banging on the door.

"Lance get out of there!" He yelled. I backed myself against the wall behind me. I sat there while Lotor hit the door.

After a few minutes early broke a hole in the door. I screamed when I saw his bloody fist come through the door.

"Lance open this door right now!" He yelled through the hole. He kicked down the door and it hit the ground. In his hand he held a pocket knife. Oh god I am really gunna die.

He walked over and went to stab me with it when he just stopped. I hid my head in my hands but I heard a fight going on.

Suddenly all the noise was gone and I looked up. I saw Keith.

"You okay?" He said staring me in the eyes.

"I'm fine what about you?" I asked. I finally got a good look at him when he got closer.

"I got nicked by the knife a few times but I'm fine." He said as he looked me over. He put my face in his hands.

"I'm just glad your okay." He said to me while staring into my eyes.

I noticed he was bleeding so I quickly pulled us both up.

"Your hurt!" I said freaking out.

"I can clean these up later but first we need to get out of here. This dude won't sleep forever." He said pulling me with him.

"Wait a second." I said running to grab the cafes med box.

I walked back over and we walked out together. He drove us to his house on his motorcycle and I held onto him tightly the whole time.

We got into his house and I immediately pulled him over to his couch.

"I need you to take off your shirt." I said looking to the side. He pulled his shirt of and I got to work.

/)Keith's POV(\

I watched as Lance carefully treated the wounds and rapped them. He seemed so concentrated while doing it so I looked him over to make sure he was okay.

I got to his face and stopped at his blue eyes. They are so beautiful. Keith wanted to paint them bad now. After Lance finished he handed me my shirt.

"I-I did my best I'm really sorry for what happened." He said looking like he was about to start crying.

"N-No! It's okay I'm glad you called me!" I quickly said not wanting to see him cry.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah totally!" I said trying to give him the best smile I could muster.

"Fine but I owe you!" He said smiling back at me.

"I think I have a good idea of what you can do for me." I said.

/()\Lances POV/()\

"Anything!" I said smiling at him. I honestly felt really guilty for getting him hurt but I also felt guilty for pretending to treat his wounds after I was done so I could stare at his shirtless figure more.

"You can let me paint a picture of you." He said his face going red. My face went red to and I could only nod my head.

He pulled me back to a room that was covered in different pictures. They were all beautiful. He sat me down and started painting.

After awhile I got a phone call from a stranger. It might have been Shiro so I asked Keith if I could pick it up.

He nodded his head still painting a part. I got up and answered the call in another room.

"Hello? This is Lance. Who is this?" I asked hoping it was Shiro.

"Hi Lance this is Shiro and I need you to come to the police station immediately." He said. I started to panic. Oh god I'm totally screwed.

That's the end of this chapter hope you liked it and thank you for the ideas I loved all them but some of them I'll use in later chapters this idea was from temtheperidot thank you so much for helping and all the other people that helped thank you too. Again I will use some of the other ideas in my next chapters. But thank you for reading.

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