Chapter 12

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(Btw this chapter includes a lot of swearing cause I can't help myself. Also some injuries. Like big ouchies.)

¿?¿ POV

"Did you get the three I sent you after?"

"We have two. The third wasn't with the others in the car."

"Find him. And do it fast I'm becoming impatient with you."

"Of course sir"

¿¿Shiro's POV??

I groggily opened my eyes and tried to rub them.

When I pulled my arms towards me though I felt something holding them back and heard a loud clank from whatever it was.

I looked over to my left arm to see handcuffs keeping me stuck to a pole in the wall.

"What the...?" Shiro said trying to get his eyes to adjust to the glaring purple light.

As soon as he could see clearly he looked around noticing he was alone. He decided to stay quiet in case the people that did this weren't friendly.

Shiro noticed it was cold so there was no use trying to slide out of the cuffs. His mind raced with ideas on trying to get out but all of them led him to a dead end.

In the end he decided to wait hoping someone would notice he was missing. Shiro especially hoped Lance and Keith where safe.

⚇Keith's POV⚉

Keith noticed something was wrong the moment he opened his eyes. It was cold. Way to cold. He tried to stand up but noticed he had a blind fold on and was chained to a table of sorts.

"What the hells going on!?" He yelled in frustration.

"So your awake?" An unknown voice said.

"No shit Sherlock." He said struggling more.

"Who the hell are you and where's Shiro!?" He yelled.

Keith felt a cold hand grab his ankle. The hand was so cold it almost felt like it was burning his skin.

"Watch your mouth boy. Your in no condition to be asking anything of me." The hands grip tightened before letting go.

"I'd suggest you stay quiet if you don't want your friend to be...hurt." The voice said. Keith swore he could hear the sickening smirk on their face.

"What did you do to Shiro..." He said face paling in realization.

"Nothing yet. But that doesn't mean we can't do anything. So stay quiet and he might live." The voice said getting farther away. When he heard the closing of a door Keith let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

He felt tears roll down his face. Shiro and Lance better be okay or he's gonna fuck someone up.

☹Lances POV☻

Lance tried to sleep for a few hours before giving up. He couldn't shake the small feeling of despair running through his body.

Lance looked around. Pidge and Hunk both left  a few hours ago so the place seemed quiet and barren despite the beeping of the machines and the nurses that occasionally came in.

Lance got up and stretched his legs. He was worried about Keith and Shiro they said they'd come back but they never came. He'd texted them a few time but the didn't respond.

They probably just got bored of him or realized how much of a pain he was and left him...No he shouldn't be thinking like that. They wouldn't do that...would they?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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