Chapter 4 Meet Lance part two

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I watched Lotor walk over to me with a furious look on his face.

"What the hell are you doing!" Lotor yelled as he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. I couldn't see Hunk but he was probably leaving me on my own.

I felt a hard punch to my face as I fell on the ground. I felt tears in my eyes as I tried to crawl away. He pinned me to the ground with his foot.

"P-PLEASE ST-STOP!" I yelled in a panic. The weight on my chest suddenly disappeared as I was pulled out from underneath his foot.

"Don't touch Lance!" Hunk yelled at Lotor while he grabbed onto me like I was about to fall apart.

I grabbed onto Hunk and thought of any way to get out of the mess I caused. I came up with an idea but it was risky. Let's hope I can at least act.

"Who are you!?" I yelled pointing a blaming finger at him.

"You idiot don't try to!-" "Hunk he must be crazy call the police!" I yelled at Hunk before I ran out of the store.

I didn't know where to go so I just ran in a direction.

After awhile I stopped running and turned to look behind me. Lotor was no where to be seen so I started walking.

I decided to go Voltron Cafe the place I work and ask Allura if I could help her.

/\/Time skip to cafe\/\

I walked into the cafe and saw that it was pretty busy so Allura must need help.

I walked up to the counter next to the line. Watching Allura try to get everyone's order fast and then make whatever they asked for.

"Hey Allura need some help!" I yelled trying to speak over everyone else in the cafe.

"Lance! Thank god I would love some help!" She yelled grabbing me an apron.

I walked over to the line and started to team tag with Allura. I would get the order while she would make the previous persons drink or get them a pastry then we would switch when we were both done.

After awhile of working I saw a cutie walking up to the counter.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I said giving him my best smile. He seemed to stop moving for a little bit so I decided to snap him out of it.

"Umm hello anyone in there." I said while waving my hand in front of his face. He seemed to snap out of it but was red in the face.

"Yeah sorry I zoned out." He said staring me in the eyes. He looked away for a little bit and I couldn't help but stare.

He had an actually nice black mullet which is crazy because I normally hate mullets. He had beautiful purple eyes which gave me the shivers when he looked at me and pale skin.

"Well handsome if your done staring at me can I take your order now." I said smirking at him. He turned fifty shades of red when I said that.

"Yeah can I get a black coffee medium temp?" He said giving me the cutest look. I almost stopped breathing when he looked me in the eyes.

"Okay Black coffee medium temp. anything else?" I asked him while I wrote it down on my note pad.

"Nope that's it." He said while I pretended to keep writing so I didn't have to make eye contact.

"And this coffee is for?......." I asked finally looking up at him.

"Keith." He said.

"Okay Keith that'll be 2.70" I said smiling at him again.
He went to grab for his wallet when I saw his eyes get wide.

"My wallet!" He yelled which made me jump back.

"Excuse me sir but can I ask what's wrong?" I said trying to get my heartbeat to slow down. 

"My wallets gone. I'm pretty sure it was stolen." He said looking calm for someone who got pick pocketed.

"Oh my gosh do you need me to call the police?" I asked walking over to the cafes phone.

Neither of us had a chance to answer. Because another man sandwich came up to us.

"Excuse me did you say you needed the police?" He asked while I checked him out. He was definitely a police officer with his uniform. And he had black hair with a strip of white in the front which looked so soft and beautiful. He had gorgeous grey eyes with the most amazing eyeliner that ever existed. (It was always so well put on what brand does he use)

"I'm a police officer and I overheard you needed the police. And I'm very sorry for intruding." He said with a guilty look on his face at the second part. More like thank you for intruding you beautiful man sandwich.

"It's ok and yes he said he thinks his wallet was stolen." I said trying not to run and hide from the two beautiful men.

"Well my names Shiro. Can I get your names? I'll help you find your wallet sir" He said turning to Keith.

"I'm Keith."

"And I'm Lance."

And that's the end of this chapter. Super sorry for the short chapter and the wait for it. Also if anyone knows what eyeliner Shiro uses because it never comes off I would like to know. Well anyway thanks for reading

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