Chapter seven

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*^*Keiths POV*^*

I walked out to see lance pacing back and forth. He looked worried so I ran over to him.

"Hey Lance what's wrong!" I said nervously. I'm not very good with people but I can try.

"Keith! Shiro called he wants me to go to the police station!" Lance said on the verge of tears.

"Hey it's gunna be alright. They probably just want to make sure your safe." I said confused as to why Lance was so panicked at going to the police.

"You don't understand its different for me. I did some dumb thing and now they're gunna know and I can't keep a secret. I'll just open my big mouth and everyone will know." After Lance said that Keith got nervous. This guy that he let into his home could be a murderer.

"All because I didn't want to tell people who my boyfriend was!" He said yelling at the ceiling. Keith had a sigh of relief after that. At least he doesn't kill people. Wait. He has a boyfriend.

"You have a boyfriend!?" I asked quickly. He looked away from me and I saw a few tears fall.

"Not anymore." He quietly mumbled. I knew it was bad but I couldn't help from feeling happy when he said that. He wasn't dating anyone that means I have a chance with him. But what about Shiro? I wouldn't be able to decide.

"Oh I'm sorry." I said. I went in for a hug and he gladly excepted. We stayed like that for awhile just in each other's it felt nice. I will admit I'm a bit touch starved. Okay a lot touch starved. But this was so nice I never wanted to let go"

"Thanks Keith but I need to go see Shiro now." He said walking out. Wait does he even have a vehicle.

"Wait do you have anything to get there!?" I asked confused as to why he was going without a vehicle.

"No I was just gunna walk." He said to calmly. He literally just got attacked that person could be in the streets looking for him right now.

"Nope I'm taking you." I said grabbing my helmet. I walked over and before he could respond put it on his head. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out.

"Wait you seriously don't have to do this." He said. His face looked red in the dark but that might just be my imagination.

"But I seriously do have to do this your attacker is out there somewhere looking for you and I'm not letting you get killed today." I said pulling him over to my motorcycle. He reluctantly sat down and I smiled when he put his hands around my waist.

I started moving and I felt his arms rap around me tighter. It felt right driving through the city with Lance behind me. Man I fell for him hard.

{{}}Lances POV{{}}
My face was burning up when I got behind Keith. My hands wrapped around his waist felt so nice.

We drove through the city. And I ended up resting my face in his shoulder. I felt a tear roll down my face. I'm ruining these people's day if I would've just done what I was supposed to do I would've been back at my house......with Lotor.

Keith stopped the bike and I reluctantly let go of him. He got up and then helped me up. We both took a second to stare in each other's eyes.

His eyes are beautiful a dark purple like a galaxy staring back at me. They seemed mysterious but kind. Dangerous but gentle.

We were cut off by the door opening. I looked over to see Shiro. I remembered why we were here and got nervous again. I nervously smiled and waved.

He waved back and then opened the door for us to go in. We all walked in together and he led us back to some kind of interrogation room.

"If you could sit down I'd like to ask you a few questions. Keith you can wait out here." He said leading me into the room. I sat down and he sat down across from me. He seemed so serious I didn't think he had a side like this to him he seemed so gentle back at the cafe.

He pulled up some photos and laid them out in-front of me. They were of earlier at the grocery store when Lotor got mad and came in and attacked me.

He pointed to me in the photos.

"This is you correct." He said staring me in the eyes. I nervously nodded.

"The other bystander called in for you can you tell me why you ran out." He said almost glaring at me now. I had to make a good excuse now I don't want people to worry about me I don't need that. Plus I already lied if I told them the truth who knows what could happen.

"Well I did what any sensible person would do to get away from a possible murderer." I said trying to smile a little bit but I could feel my body shaking.

"Then can you tell me why you went to the cafe after." He said almost seeming to get closer to me. He seemed excited about cracking the case. Like I was just a box he was trying to find the right key to open.

"I went there to hide from him." I said my breathing getting a faster pace and my heartbeat following it.

Suddenly he stood up and opened the door to leave. I just sat there and stared down at me feet. Suddenly I heard a loud bang on the glass outside the window.

I saw Lotor. He was banging the glass yelling something at me. I immediately got up and and went for the wall. I tried to hide behind the table my breathing getting faster.

Police officers rushed into the scene to grab him and pulled him away from the glass. I curled up into a ball and started scratching my arms to get rid of the itch. I started sobbing and two people ran into the room. They both grabbed one of my arms and I screamed when they touched me.

I heard voices trying to calm me down. But all I could see was. Lotor. My world starting getting dizzy. I saw black and suddenly passed out.

That's the end thanks for reading. I hope you liked this chapter and enjoy the book so far. Sorry if some of the police station details are off I'm not a policewoman and I haven't been to the police station so I don't know everything about them. But I hope it was good anyway and again thank you so much for reading.

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