Authors note

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It has been so long since I updated the book and I am so so so so so sorry!!!! I regret not getting up the next chapter sooner and I feel horrible about it and if you want to angrily yell at me go ahead I deserve it😓.

All you guys mean so much to me and I thank you so much for reading my book and I hope that you'll forgive me for not getting the next chapter out I promise I'll do it soon. But in all honesty thank you so much for reading it makes me so happy that you guys actually like the book enough to read all the way to here and I hope you enjoy it. I get so nervous every time I post a chapter since I'm so afraid I'll do something wrong and you guys won't like it so when you read the chapter and support me I get so happy!! You guys are amazing and I hope your having an amazing year and fantastic days I love you all till next time my beautiful beans! Baiiiiiiiii!

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