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So since I haven't been on here much I'm just gonna post the rest of this story right now...

"Okay when I come home, I want you to be ready to spend all your time with me. I swear I'm not going to leave you alone." Niall laughed as he held my face, leaving me kisses. "I'm going to miss you baby."

We stood out in front of the apartment building while Niall's band buddies loaded up his stuff into the van. "I wish I was going but I'd really rather not live in a van with them." I giggled, resting my forehead on his. "Have fun and be careful. Don't do anything dumb." I kissed him. "Don't forget about me."

"I won't forget about you." He hugged me close. "I love you and I'll call you whenever I can, monkey. Make sure Ink doesn't get too comfortable in my spot."

"I'll try to make sure he doesn't, but no promises. He's my man for the time being." I teased.

"Hey." He faked being offended.

"Horan, are ya done with the love fest? The faster we leave the faster we get across the country." Casey complained.

"Calm the fuck down." He yelled at him and looked back at me. "I'm saying bye to my girl."

"You should get going, Ni." I lifted my arms and wrapped them around his neck and hugged him.

"Alright. I love you so much and I'll miss you and I'll behave myself."

"Good." I left a kiss. "I love you and I'll miss ya like crazy." I crinkled my nose and Eskimo kissed him by brushing my nose against his. "Now go before I get emotional." I stepped back and nudged him.

He nodded and kissed me softly. He walked over to the van and put the backpack in it.

"Horan, you're driving first." Derrick told him and got in the back.

Niall sighed and came back to kiss me one more time. He didn't stop until the boys groaned and threw the keys at his back. We said bye again and I watched as he got in the driver's seat and drove away.

Two weeks later

"Monkey I miss you!!" Niall yelled when I picked up my phone.

I laughed. "Hi Niall."

"Babe I miss you so much."

"Are you drunk?"

"No I'm just happy but I wanted to call because the only thing I'm missing is you." He said, lowering his voice to normal. "What are you doing?"

"I just got home from work and fed Ink." I sat down on the couch.

"I wish I was there and I could just kiss your face all over."

"Would you watch Jurassic Park with me if you were here?" I joked.


"Yeah." I laughed.

"Probably yeah. It's our movie babe."

"We have a movie now?"


"You're drunk."

"No I'm not. I swear. We've got a gig tonight and I'm just excited that's all."

"Well make some money and have fun." I told him and Ink jumped onto the couch next to me.

"Don't go yet, I can talk longer tonight."

"Okay. I miss you monkey and it's so weird sleeping without you. I barely can." I pouted.

"Same here. Sleeping is a bitch without ya in my bed. It's like I need that feeling of you next to me. When I come home we'll just lay in bed for a week to catch up on sleep." I turned on the TV and flipped through channels.

"Deal baby." I heard someone talking in the background and a then a thud. "Who's there?"

"Louis. He's being an idiot. I just watched him try to flip off the bed in our hotel room but he failed."

I laughed. "Is he okay?"

"He's fine but don't feel bad for him he's an imbecile." He laughed back. "Send me a picture of you later."

"What?" I stopped with the remote and waited for his reply.

"I just want to see you."

"Like what of me?"

"Anything baby."

"Niall I don't know." I sighed.

"Why not?"

"I'm not comfortable with that." I gulped.

"Okay. I wouldn't send or show it to anyone you know that?"

"Yeah I know I'm just not okay with it myself. I don't know maybe one day."

"Then just send me a picture of your face so I have a new one, okay?"

I went back to finding something to watch. "Okay monkey. I don't look different ya know?" I giggled.

He huffed. "I know but I just want a new picture."

"Okay Ni."

"Listen babe we are going out to eat before the show so I'll talk to you tomorrow or something."

"Yeah yeah go eat. Good luck tonight and be careful."

"I'm always careful, monkey." I could nearly hear the smile on his face. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Alright bye, babe."

"Bye." I sang and hit the end.

I looked at the clock and it was nearly nine so I decided to watch a movie and then got ready for bed.

I decided to send Niall a picture so once I changed out of my clothes and before I put on my pajamas I stood in front of the full length mirror in our room and tried to take a sexy picture. I took one of just my face too, biting my tongue and scrunching my nose.

Mine typed out a message saying,

*Monkey, since I love you here's a picture of me making a funny face. But since I love you so so much and trust you not to show anyone, there's another picture for you. I'm going to bed thinking of you baby. I love you.*

He replied a few minutes later after I changed into my pajama shorts and one of his shirts.

*Holy shit baby that's perfect. You're perfect, flawless. I miss you so much. I'm almost ready to just skip the gig and come home. Lol I'll be sure to keep this for my eyes only and I'll be dreaming about you tonight I'm sure. Sleep well my monkey. I love you too.*

I smiled and set my phone on the night stand. I tossed and turned for quite some time and Ink decided to sleep on my pillow next to my head. Since I couldn't sleep, I turned the lamp on and opened the camera on my phone changing it to video. I faced the camera to the front and my face appear with Ink sleeping next to me.

"Hi Niall! I know you're probably on stage now but I can't sleep and I'm wishing I was there watching you. I just wanted to say I'm so proud of you and I can't wait for you to come home and tell me all about it. Tell the guys that they are incredible and congrats on the success. You guys are going places. I love you monkey." I laughed. "I feel like we say I love you a lot but hey ya gotta always remind people of your love right? Anyway kisses." I blew kisses. "See you soon." I sang and ended the recording.

I sent it to him and tried to get to sleep again and finally I was able to once I started to hug Niall's pillow. I hated that he was so far away. We're sappy, yes. We're attached, yes. Some may think that we are going too fast but it's all happening fast for a reason I think. I think that Niall and I are supposed to be where we are. We are supposed to be this deeply in love and we are supposed to be living together with a cat and engaged. Only time can tell us if we are meant to be or not.

Exceptions (Punk + Frat Niall Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now