Chapter 2

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I own none of the characters except for Rocket

Rocket had finished cleaning the lab later that night. She was completely wiped afterwards. Her energy levels were dwindling. She went energon storage room and grabbed a cube. She took a swig and leaned back against the wall. Rocket hadn't heard Perceptor come up behind her. He smiled at her before he picked up a cube for himself. He leaned on the wall across from her. A awkward silence filled the room. She was looking down until he spoke. “So, how do you like this job?”, he asked her. He thought she’d probably was bored of just cleaning and more cleaning. Her answer surprised him. “I like it a lot actually”, she said tilting her head looking up at him. She was a tad bit shorter then him. He smiled down at her. Perceptor relished company like this. Rocket was a woman of few words but it sufficed for him. He took the last sip of his cube before throwing it down the trash compartment. She finished hers as well and went to her room. He watched her go with sad optics. He headed back to his office and sat down. His desk was getting quite messy. He began organizing his data pads and his blueprints. Perceptor must have worked pretty hard. He didn't feel himself fall into recharge. He woke up a few cycles later. When he pushed himself up, a blanket fell to the floor. Picking it up, he looked up. He didn't see anyone until Rocket walked past. She must have put it on him during his recharging cycle. He stretched and went back to work.

The next morning, Perceptor busied himself with the new projects that had come into office. He had a new laser cannon to build for Ironhide. Ratchet needed a new a scalpel. And Jazz was going to come in for an upgrade to his sound system. Perceptor started on the laser cannon for Ironhide. While he was piecing together the weapon, he noticed Rocket standing in the corner watching him. He waved her over. She treaded lightly over to his desk. “Do you need any help?”, she asked. “If you could so kindly, deliver this scalpel to Ratchet”, he said handing her a brand new scalpel from the drawer. She took it and headed across the way to Iacon. Rocket found Ratchet in the med bay repairing someone’s servo. “Here”, she said handing it over to him. He took it and went back to work. Ratchet finished his repairs and the bot left. He could tell something was on her mind. “What’s wrong?”, he asked her cutting to the chase. “Well… I think I maybe might possibly have feelings for Perceptor”, she fumbled out to him. Rocket knew she could trust Ratchet. The door opened and another bot with a torn shoulder blade entered. That was her cue to leave. She turned to the door but was stopped by Ratchet. “Rocket, just tell him, it won’t kill you, I promise”.

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