Chapter 16

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I've been sitting on this for a while and have decided to release it today :) Enjoy..

I own none of the characters except for Brandy/Blueprint and Rocket

Brandy walked right up to Perceptor and looked up. “I’m staying with you and mom and that is all I have to say”, she said stepping up on his now outstretched servo. Perceptor smiled at Rocket who was rolling her optics. “You see, she wants to stay. I’ll just send her earth parents an “email” and everything should be good to go”, Perceptor said using to computer. Rocket took Brandy out of his hand and brought her to eye level. “Listen young one, I don’t want you making rash decision just because your father wants you to”, she said eyeing Perceptor. He was now helping Ratchet search enhance the energon readers. “But mom”, Brandy said looking up at her. “I want to stay here with you guys”, she said nestling down holding one of Rocket’s digits. Rocket shivered feeling her daughters touch again. The last time the little one had nestled up to her was when she was a little sparkling back on Cybertron. “Fine you can stay”.

The next few days, Brandy got accustomed to being with the Autobots. When Perceptor wasn’t following her every step making sure she didn’t get injured, she had quickly become friends with Bumblebee and his charge Rafael. “Come on Bee, lets go driving”, she said getting into his passenger seat. Brandy rolled down the window. “Raf, you should come too”, she said leaning out of Bumblebee’s window. “I would love to Brandy, but I have a big project due sorry”, he said looking up sadly from his laptop. “It’s okay. We’ll pick you up after you’re done just text me”, she said waving her phone. Perceptor had made her a special phone. No doubt to track her every move but it was cool to have a dad who could conjour up a phone so fast. She sat down and put on her seatbelt. Bumblebee whirred to life and chirped at her. Brandy was one of the few that could actually understand him. “Yeah, lets go through the canyon”, she said resting back in her seat. Bumblebee sped foward and left the base. The two reached the canyon within minutes. Bumblebee sped up and did tricks to make her laugh. He occasionally gave a few beeps asking her if she was okay. She’d laugh and nod as the scout did a figure 8 through some rocks. The sun had started to set and Brandy still hadn’t gotten a text from Raf. “I think it’s time to go back”, she said out loud. “My dad is probably worried sick”.

The two reached back to base and all the humans were gone. “Bulkhead and Arcee took everyone home if you were wondering”, Ratceht said as Brandy got out. She looked around. “Your mom went on a recon mission and your father is in his lab working on his energon machine”. Brandy waved at Bumblebee before walking into her dad’s lab. It was in the back room right near the energon storage. Perceptor was sitting at his desk next to a machine and two datapads. “Hello Blue”, he said without looking up. He refused to call her Brandy like the others did but it didn’t bother her much. “Hey dad, can I watch?”, she asked craning her neck to look at him. “Sure here you go”, he said reaching down to pick her up. He set her on the crook of his shoulder near his telescope. She held on to the telescope and watched him work. His servos moved quickly putting wires into different places and adding different circuit boards to his machine. “Put that one there”, she blurted out pointing to an open spot in the machine. Her hand flew to her mouth. “Whoops”, she said feeling embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to ruin your concentration”, she said looking at him. Perceptor looked at her and smiled. “It is quite alright”. He put the last few wires into their spots and closed the door to the machine. “Let’s test this out”, he said stepping back. He added an energon sample and used his free servo to shield her. It whirred to life and began sputtering as it started its process. A short while later a blue crystal formed and dropped into the bucket below it. He picked it up quite pleased with himself. Until the machine stopped abruptly and began smoking. “Oh No”, said Perceptor. He took Brandy and put her on the back table. “Stay here’, he said trodding back to machine. She watched as he opened it back up and more smoke filled the room. She covered her mouth making sure not to inhale the fumes. Perceptor was able to get the smoke to stop and aired out the room. Once it was safe to breath again, Brandy gave a big gasp and sat down. Perceptor scooped her up and put her back on his shoulder. “Okay young one, can you show me how to put this machine back together?”, he asked looking at her. “Sure”.

“Rocket!”, Perceptor called coming into the main room. She had just returned from scouting a Decepticon energon mine. “What’s wrong?”, she asked somewhat alarmed. “Come here, I must show you what our daughter has done. 

Rocket followed Perceptor into his lab. The sight also made her faint. Brandy was sitting on his table happily swinging her legs and around her were piles upon piles on energon crystals. "How?", she asked looking at him. "Her", he said pointing to Brandy. "She helped me perfect my machine. We can now make a limitless amount of energon." "Perceptor, you know what this means right?", "I do. Now that we have this machine we must keep it out of the Decepticons hands at any means neccessary". Rocket walked up to Brandy and picked her up. "Yes mom", Brandy said looking up at her. "Lets go tell the others about you and your dad's little project".

"Unbelievable", Ratchet said looking around at the new energon crystals. Brandy sat in Bumblebee's vehicle mode eating the burger Bulkhead and Arcee had bought back for her. Bumblebee beeped a bit asking just how she did it. "I don't know it just came to me". Suddenly, the passenger seatbelt wrapped around her and clicked into place. It held her securely. She guessed it was Bumblebee's way of giving her a hug. "Thanks Bee", she said snuggling into the belt. 

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