Buzz buzz, my phone vibrates in my back pocket. I check to see who's calling and I'm not surprised when I see the name.
"You better be putting on your blue and gold right now because we are going to the game tonight," Olivia states firmly.
I don't get these people. Why on Earth would I want to go sit in a freezing cold rink when I could be curled up in my bed watching Netflix? I do like hockey, don't get me wrong, however the cold and I do not get along.
"Oh, um, yeah so I actually have a doctor appointment. Oops, guess I can't go," I stumble out. I chew my lip anxiously waiting for her to respond.
"A doctor appointment? I asked you this morning to go to the game and you never mentioned you were going to the doctor," she sounds very suspicious.
"It's an emergency appointment," I blurt out. People suddenly get ill all the time. My excuse seems realistic enough. I'm quite proud of my quick thinking.
"Oh really? What's the big emergency?"
Use your brain Kayla. Think of something believable.
"I can't stop peeing. I've been peeing uncontrollably since I came home. It's just flowing out of me nonstop."
Of all the things I could of said, that's what I decide to spit out? Why didn't I say food poisoning? A stomach ache? Even a spontaneous rash would have been better than uncontrollable urination. I am officially the worst liar in the universe.
"Oh my god!" Olivia burst out laughing through the phone. "Are you done yet? You need to stick to the truth because you suck at lying. I'll pick you up in ten minutes, love you!"
Then she hangs up. Great. I gaze longingly at my bed that it waiting for me with open covers. I resist the urge to crawl beneath the blankets and make my way to my closet instead. I'm not exactly the school spirit type. I decide I should at least wear one of our school colours. I pull a fuzzy blue hoodie over my head and slip into grey leggings. I'm too lazy to do my hair so I leave my blonde waves loose. Perfect.
"I'm going out to watch Lucas' hockey game tonight," I call out as I bounce down the stairs.
"Okay sweetie, when will you be home?"
My dad is sprawled out on the couch watching golf. He tells me golf is actually quite interesting. Personally I think it's extremely boring. The entire sport is based upon putting a ball in a hole. That screams dull to me.
"I should be home around ten, is that okay?" I lean over the back of the couch and wrap my arms around his neck.
"That's fine. I won't go to bed until you get home. Make sure you call me if you're going to be late so I don't worry," Dad gives my arm a squeeze as a goodbye. "Be safe," he adds as I untangle my arms.
"Of course, love you," I slip on a pair of knock off Ugg boots and head outside. Liv is already not so patiently waiting for me. "Dude, I'm not even late," I click my seatbelt on as she pulls out of the driveway.
"I know, but I want to get a good seat. I do not want to be stuck sitting near Lydia and her ditzy friends again," she shudders at the thought.
Lydia craves male attention and doesn't mind stomping on any girl that crosses her path. She's always wearing a different guy's jersey each game with their number painted onto her face. I bet that girl doesn't even know what an offside is even though she goes to every one of the games.
After a short drive we arrive at the arena. Eager teenagers are lined outside the doors waiting to get in. Once we've parked the car we go to join the back.

Rock Bottom
Romance"I pray that the last time I said goodbye was not meant forever." *** Growing up with a single parent with not much money to spare wasn't particularly easy, but Kayla never felt like her life was anything less than amazing. Her father loves her dear...