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"I can't believe we did it!" Olivia squeals wrapping her arms around my neck.

"It's crazy," I sigh. "I was pretty doubtful Lucas was going to make it."

"Hey!" He exclaims in defence.

"Lucas, you almost failed English," Olivia points out. "We were a little nervous we weren't going to be graduating together."

"I didn't almost fail. I finished with a sixty," he scoffs.

"At one point in was getting real close," Olivia pats him on the back.

"That's only because Mr. Collins hated me after I wrote that essay on the negative affects of zoos on the natural environment. How was I suppose to know his father cofounded the Oakland Farm Zoo?"

Lucas grumbles ripping off his graduation gown which was cover with dirt from his epic fall going up the stage. He folded it neatly setting it on the couch.

"We better get outside before Kate and Miranda strangle us. I'm sure everyone else is here by now," I tell them.

After the ceremony, Kate organized a barbecue celebration with the help of Miranda. All of our close friends and their families were invited over for some juicy hamburgers at the courtesy of Bill who was outside grilling. The back yard is decorated with streamers and a banner that says 'CONGRATULATIONS GRADS!' She didn't hold back from going full out for the event. She set up corny signs throughout the whole house. As putrid as they are, it was sweet that she was so proud of all of us.

After she got back on her feet after leaving John over a year ago, it was time for us to find our own place. I didn't want to move away from Bill and Miranda, but thankfully it was a rather easy to find a house close to them. Considering that my old house right next door was still on the market, we didn't hesitate to move in. It felt right living back in my childhood home that was filled with joyful memories. Kate had enough money to buy a beautiful property, but I was grateful that she never put up a fuss about my small house.

"Hey Kayla!" Jeremy pulls me into a tight embrace once I enter the back yard.

"Is your family here?"

"Yeah, they are talking to Bill right now," he points in the direction of his parents and his eight year old sister.

"Baby!" Daniel hurls past me to scoop Olivia up into his arms. "I missed you!"

"It hasn't even been an hour since you last seen me," she giggles.

"That's too long," he pouts.

Olivia and Daniel have been going steady. Their relationship hasn't faltered. Daniel is completely head over heals for her. Although they bicker like an old married couple due to both of their strong personalities. They are two very stubborn people, however Olivia is far worse. Daniel is so in love he always ends up letting Olivia win the argument. It just makes him happy to see her so triumphant.

On the bright side, Daniel didn't have to wait until he was sixty.

If you know what I mean.

"Hey Henry," I smile as he wraps his arms around me. I peer over his shoulder realizing his mom is standing behind him. "Nancy!"

I immediately rip away from Henry to give her a hug.

I seriously love this woman.

"Kayla, dear," she chuckles. "Congrats on finishing high school."

"Thank you!" I beam. "Where's Pete?"

"Unfortunately he's working today," she informs me the whereabouts of her boyfriend. Henry really likes him. He does a good job at keeping his mom happy.

"Bummer," I sigh.

"Speaking of work, hows the bistro doing?" Nancy asks.

"It's been doing really good. It's always packed in there. My feet are aching by the end of my shift."

Ten months ago I got a call from Keira, my dad's former employee. She had been off on maternity leave with Liam, her precious baby boy. Keira didn't want to go back to working at the Harbour Grill. She had proposed that we reopen Midday Bistro. Keira needed my permission since it was our family business. I gladly accepted her offer eager to keep my dad's dream alive.

It took awhile to finally get it thriving once more. There was a lot of paperwork and discussions with lawyers. Then we had to anxiously wait for the renovations to be finished. Finally, all of our hard work paid off. Three weeks ago we were able to open Midday's doors to the public once more. I've being working there almost everyday since.

It feels nice to have my own money in my pocket that belongs to me. I felt such a sense of pride after my first pay check. I have already started saving for my own car.

You'll be happy to know I finally got my license.

"Is your dad here?" I ask Henry.

"Yeah, he's over there talking to Jared's dad."

Henry has been getting along really well with his father lately. His dad tried to make an effort with his son. It took Henry a few months to finally reciprocate. Eventually they began growing closer. It's still a strained relationship between them, but it's getting there.

"Nancy, how are you?" Kate joins our conversation.

"I've been all tied up with this one here," she ruffles Henry's hair. "But now that exams are over I can finally breath again."

"I know the feeling," Kate agrees sympathetically. "Would you like to go out to lunch on Thursday?"

Kate drifted away from her old friends. She began spending a lot of time with other moms in the neighbourhood. I find she's been so much happier since.

"That would be lovely," Nancy smiles. "I need something to distract me from the fact that Henry is going to college next year. I'm already worrying."

"Mom, you don't have to worry about me," Henry chuckles. "Kayla will be by my side to make sure I don't get into too much mischief."

Henry never crossed a line with our friendship. He respected the boundaries I set and remained one of my best friends. It was awkward at first, but everything eventually worked itself out.

I'll admit it wasn't easy when he returned to his flirtatious ways with the ladies.

It was especially difficult when he started dating a girl from Hilton High School. It was painful to watch at first, but as time past it got a lot easier until it wasn't a big deal anymore. I was barely phased when they broke up two weeks ago because she is going to school in Europe in the fall.

Thankfully for me, my friends aren't going too far. Olivia and Jeremy are attending medical school about a three hour drive away. Olivia was happy to hear the Daniel would be going to a school close to hers so they can easily stay together. They promised to drive up at least every two weeks or as often as they can to visit.

Lucas is going to the community college in our town to become a barber.

It's kind of ironic considering his hair is always a disaster.


I'm going to the college in the city so I can stay close to home and help run the bistro. I was shocked to find out that Henry will be coming with me. I'm glad I get to start this new chapter of my life with him.

Will we every get back together?

The answer is I honestly don't know.

My life has changed drastically over the last few years. I've been through so many highs and lows. The world is so unpredictable, you can never expect what is going to happen.

However, there is one thing I know for sure.

My dad is watching over me and I know for a fact that he is proud.

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