Here we go

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lauren pov ****

Hi, I'm Lauren I have blue eyes and brown hair, I have three brothers and one sister. Will, Nash, Hayes, and Skylnn. I'm twins with Nash. I hate every second if it.

Anyway here goes my lovely life 😒

I woke up to Nash screaming " wake up Lauren!!! We are going to be late!"

" do I have to go? There all self centered jerks." I said while sitting up.

Nash sat next to me on my bed, " Lauren, they are not. And yes you have to go with Hayes and I on tour. And you have fans to you know! You don't have thousands of subscribers on YouTube and followers on Instagram for nothing!"

" they are not my fans, they follow because I'm your stupid twin!!!"

As Nash was about to say something mom yelled " you are going to be late! Let's go! Even you Lauren!" I muttered under my breath and got ready with in 10 minutes and we were off to the airport.

When we were in the car I sat next to nash in the very back of the car. He would not even look at me. He was pissed at me. I leaned over and wisperd in his ear.

" I'm sorry. Please forgive me Nash."

He looked at me and I did my puppy face.

" ok I forgive you Lauren. Only because your my twin though."

I hugged him and we arrived at the airport. We boarded the plane to Cali, and we were off. Not seeing our house in a couple months... great no home and self centered jerks for months... yay

I hate my twin( Matt Espinosa fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now