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Authors Note
Hey- So this is my first work or au of any kind so let me know how your opinions, I will be updating chapters regularly. But anyways; enjoy!


*Peters POV*
The bell rang to signify the end of the school day, and I could never have dreaded that sound as much as I did today- this was the day when I came out as trans to Ned. The whole idea of it terrified me don't get me wrong but he was my best friend so it felt wrong not to tell him. Ned approached me just after Chemistry which was our last lesson.

"Hey Peg, ready to go. We were going to yours tonight weren't we??"

"Yeah, we are. I asked my dads and they both said it was fine, even though Pops is out so we most likely won't see him" I replied- not letting him hear the worry in my voice.

"Ah, alright then, my Mom knows I'm coming over, she is picking me up at 5"

As we got into Happy's car my nerves grew and grew. Ned had known me for most of my life- he had seen me go through everything but this may tip him over the edge. As we arrived at Stark Tower with my mind still racing, aI looked over at Ned, my best friend which only caused my nerves to grow.

"We're here Ned so come on, out you get. Thanks for the lift home Happy"

"Yeah thanks Happy"

"Penthouse please FRIDAY" I told the A.I

Without hesitation the lift jolted into action with all the floors of the tower whirring by, out of sheer nervousness I was counting each second the lift took to reach the Penthouse- In total it took 101 seconds may I add. I lead Ned towards my room, with each step I took it became more and more of a reality of what I was going to do. I couldn't back out now, Ned needed to know. It would slowly eat away at my brain until I broke, and that's not something I wanted. We arrived at my room and I slowly twisted the cold metal doorknob and gestured for Ned to have a seat. I swallowed my nerves as he sat on the edge of my bed, wondering why I wasn't sat next to him.

"Ned, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now but now I see is as good of a time as any to tell you that I am transgender. This may or may not be a shock to you. But I just want to let you know that I am the same person I was to you 10 minutes ago and I just hope you accept me for who I am." I said this like I had plenty of courage but deep down I was dreading his response.

"Dude, of course I accept you- do I look like a complete idiot to not accept my best friend? But, I do have one question. What is your name now, like what do I call you?"

"My name is Peter Benjamin Stark-Rogers, but Peter will do."

"But Ned, you can't tell ANYONE especially not Pops or Dad, I don't want them to hate me or like kick me out, I will tell them when I am sure about their opinion on Trans people!"

"Sure Dude, see you tomorrow!" Ned quickly responded and then quickly hurried out of my room.

I sighed laying down on my bed- At least that's over with I thought and at least he accepts me I couldn't bare to lose my best friend, especially Ned who had been there since forever- I don't think I could do without him I'm not going to lie. But coming out to Ned barely scratched the surface, Ned was the fourth person I had told. As Auntie Nat was a super spy and noticed the slight hints like how I sat hunched over or how I never wore tight clothes and pulled me over asked me if her suspicions were correct I said that they were and she told me she loved me. Wanda was the second as she was like my sister and it accidentally slipped out in front of her on a shopping trip with Auntie Nat, but she also said that as long as I was happy she was happy. The third person that found out was Uncle Bruce who was giving me medical attention after an injury and Auntie Nat said that I should tell him before he assessed my chest- so I did and he said that as long as I was binding safely he would be okay with me. But Dad and Pops were my main worry as they were my parents and how was I meant to break this to them that their daughter called Peggy was actually their son who wanted to be called Peter, they could react really badly and I could lose my home if they didn't accept me. But what I they felt insulted that I didn't tell them first? My train of thoughts as cut short by Dad calling me to dinner, I will come back to all this thinking later but for now- I was hungry, so I went to eat.

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