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*Peter's POV*
I could not believe what had just happened. Pops had kicked me out. After I shut him out of my room I broke down into tears. He just looked so disappointed in me, like I was the worst child ever- like he expected more from me. That really hurt me, what if Pops no longer loved me? That was one of my main worries here. Dad said he loved me, but Pops was stubborn and doesn't let anyone else influence what he thinks- so Pops has to come round on his own which could take a while. All I wanted right now was for Pops to walk back into my room, tell me that he didn't mean any of what he said and pull me into a tight bear hug whilest telling me everything would be okay. I needed to sort myself out. I had been kicked out of my home so I needed somewhere to go. Ned's wasn't an option and I had no other friends. Then it hit me- I could maybe go and stay in my room at the Compound. I picked up the phone and rang Auntie Nat. She picked up after 3 rings.

"Hey Pete, what's wrong honey?"

"Auntie Nat," I began- my voice quivering. "Please can I come and stay at the Compound- it went wrong." I told her as I broke into a sob.

She knew exactly what I meant as she was one of the few people who knew about me. I felt awful asking her but I had nowhere else that I could go.

"Oh my God Pete, I'm sending someone to pick you up in 10 minutes whilest me and Wanda prepare your room!"

"Thank you Auntie Nat, please don't tell anyone apart from Wanda as to why I'm coming." I begged, my voice cracking.

"Of course I won't honey, see you in half an hour." She said as she ended the call.

I had to pack for the compound. I was unsure how long to pack for so I packed 8 days worth of clothes and other items that I would normally use like my phone chargers and my laptop. I carefully placed my spare binder and my sports bras in a separate little black bag then placed it in my duffel bag. I texted Dad telling him where I was going as I didn't want to worry him if he came to my room and I wasn't there as Pops had most likely told him about our fight.

"FRIDAY, what room are Dad and Pops in?"

"Both Mr Stark and Mr Rogers are in the Living room."

"FRIDAY when Dad comes into my room next tell him that I have gone upstate to the compound and that I'm sorry that everything turned out like this." I told her trying to keep the sadness from my voice

"Will do Miss Peggy."

"Please, call me Peter."

I looked at my watch and noticed that I needed to leave as the car Nat sent would be here by now. I grabbed my duffel bag and my school backpack and made my way to the lift and purposely avoided the living room as I couldn't face Pops again. I told FRIDAY the floor I needed to be on and waited until the lift alerted me that in had reached the reception. I walked out of the lift and out of the main doors and looked for the car that Auntie Nat had sent. I found it easily as I recognised it as one of SHIELDs old cars. I got in the back, the driver confirmed who I was, then headed in the direction of the Avengers Compound. I slept for most of the journey and woke about 5 minutes before arrival. In those 5 minutes I could only wonder what everyone else would think of me. My main worry was telling Bucky as the last person from the 40's that I had came out to had kicked me out of my home. So I was fearing that Bucky may have the same reaction, not that I spoke to him that often it would just make everything very awkward. As we pulled up outside of the Compound, I grabbed my bags and ran up to Auntie Nat who in turn engulfed me in a hug.

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