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*Tony's POV*
"What did you just say Steve?" I asked him- my voice full of anger

"I said- We don't have a son." He replied

My body filled with rage. How dare he do this to his child, it must have been so hard for Pete to do what he did- it must be even harder than my coming out as my coming out didn't involve getting surgery just to feel at home in my own body. I could never understand the struggles of what Peter had to go through- but I did understand to some of extent.

"How DARE you." I started. "Do you understand the impact of your words? The impact they have on Peter?"

"What about the impact of seeing my daughter become my son?"

"What about the impact of kicking your own child out of their home!"

"I did what needed to be done." Steve replied- somehow managing to still keep his calm.

"What needed to be done was to accept our child and let him stay at his own house, anyways I am going to talk to our SON and make sure he has a place to stay."

"Our daughter could not have stayed here whilest she is going through her phase."

"This isn't a phase Steven, why on Earth would he do this if it was a phase?"

"I can't answer that question."

"Steve." I began, looking him straight in the eyes. "Just think of the acceptance you wanted back in the 40's when everyone around you would have treat you differently and called you horrid names, Peter needs the acceptance you wanted." I said trying to calm myself- maybe he would listen and come to his senses.

"I can't- I'm sorry, it's not natural to be what she is.

"We will finish this convorsation tomorrow Steve- you need time to think, I'm going to go and find Peter and sort this out, and find somewhere he can temporarily stay. I'll sleep in the spare room tonight." I told him, not giving him a chance to answer.

I left the living room and started to make my way towards Pete's room, I hoped he had not heard Steve's words. How could he do this- Peter was our child, no matter what gender they were as long as they were a good person (which Peter was) there was nothing to worry about. I put my hand on the doorknob and twisted the cold metal handle- not bothering to knock and found Peter gone. My heart began to race- where was he? Why hadn'the told me? What if he is in trouble? I walked of to his bed and sat down. Maybe he had told FRIDAY where he was going, there was only one way to find out.

"Hey FRIDAY, where has Underoos gone?" I asked her worryingly.

"Master Peter has left a message saying that he has gone upstate to the compound and that he is sorry that everything turned out like this." FRIDAY replied in her emotionless robotic voice.

"Thanks FRI." I said relieved

I sighed with relief- he had somewhere to go. I was sure that Nat probably already knew about Peter because she was a super spy and Peter seemed to trust her. But if Nat knew there was also a very high chance that Wanda also knew as the three of them spent a lot of time together. One thing that did worry me though was that Peter would have to tell everyone there. And they are all good people- I just didn't want any of them to react like Steve did as that would further break him and he did not need that. It sounded awful but my main concern was Bucky. He was from the same time as Steve and it could really hurt Underoos if he was also an ass, even though Bucky hardly acknowledged him, he was staying at the Compound which would make things quite hard. I knew Nat and Wanda would never let anything happen to him. Clint would just go full Uncle mode and would probably make Peter a hot chocolate and make him watch a movie. Bruce would most likely give him a full medical assessment- that's if Bruce didn't already know as Pete is always at the medical wing. Sam would just stay in his usual asshole state. Thor was most likely in Asgard but if he was at the Compound he would accept the kid no matter what as Thor loves Pete and also doesn't have it in him to hate anyone for something like that. I wasn't sure if Scott was at the Compound either but if he was he would definitely do anything to cheer the kid up. And I know that Vision and Rhodey would keep an eye on Underoos as they are protective Uncles. It was only Bucky I was unsure of. Peter needed a few days away from Steve. Do I wish that Steve would have just accepted Peter? Yes. Of course I do. But maybe a days thinking time would help Steve come to his senses. I headed out of Peters room and towards the Penthouse spare room where I would spend the night. I pushed open the door, turned on the lights and said on the bed. I remembered about what FRIDAY had told me and quickly texted Peter. I said:

'Hey Underoos, I hope you are all okay. I got FRIDAY's message and you have nothing to be sorry for. I have had a long and serious talk with your Pops- but it still isn't finished. I love you so much and I'm so proud of you.'

He quickly responded:

'Hi Dad, I'm alright I guess and thank you so much. I'm a bit tired so I should sleep, so night and I love you too'

Satisfied with the answer, I turned off my phone and laid it face down on the unit next to my bed. I got undressed then got under the white cotton covers and drifted off to sleep.

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