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*No POV*
Peter tensed at the sound of Steve's voice. But then wait. Steve called him son, Peter was willing to hear Steve out. Peter tried to keep the anxiety out of his response.


Peter still couldn't look up at the man who had hurt him so much he needed answers and if that's why Steve was here then he would gladly take it.

"Why are you here?"

Steve drew in a deep breath. He had to do this. For Peter, for Tony; for his family. Steve had to wind his neck in and apologize for his horrid actions towards his own son.

"I needed to see you. Look P, I'm so sorry for what I have done. It was more than stupid and ignorant to do what I did to you. I have left it far too long before I even considered doing this. Which is wrong, I never should have ever put you in this position, I shouldn't have thrown you out. I screwed up P, I screwed up real bad."

Peter looked up at his Pops, for the first time in three months. Peter saw Steve's red-  eyes with a single tear running down his face. The boy had finally got what he had wanted ever since he left the Tower: His Pops. Without another thought Peter pulled his hand from Wandas and walked up to Steve. Steve stood in front of Peter.

"I missed you so much Pops."

Peter wrapped his arms around his Dad, and never wanted to let go, he was back! Peter allowed the floodgates to open and let the tears fall, the boy sobbed into Steve's shoulder. Steve would be lying if he said that he wasn't shedding a few tears too.

"P, from now on I'm going to do right by you. I'm going to be the best dad you could ever wish for. I know it will take you some time but please forgive me." Steve's voice shook, he was beyond angry with himself for doing this to Peter.

Peter buried his head further into Steve's shoulder and just continued to sob. The boy couldn't seem to stop the tears. He had missed his Pops more than Steve would ever know. Wanda and Bucky saw this as their cue to leave and let the duo stop crying and catch up. After about 10 minutes Peters sobbing lessened. The pair broke their hug and sat in two chairs.

"Can I come home?" The boy asked very quietly, his voice hoarse from all the crying.

"Of course you can son."

Peter looked up at his Pops with hope shining in his eyes. Peter had got what he wanted, he was going home. The boy didn't know how to feel, should he be annoyed? Or angry? Or upset? Or something else? Peter simply didn't know how to feel.

"Okay Pops."

"Son," Peters head snapped up to look at Steve. "I'm sorry this took so long."

"I know." Peter took another deep breath in. This was going to be a hard question to ask but it needed to be asked. "Why did you do it? Why did all of this have to happen?"

"It happened because I was small minded and refused to change. But I'm here to make it right."

Steve needed nothing more than for Peter to forgive him... Peter wanted nothing more than to be able to fully forgive Steve right away and for everything to go back as they were. But, that wasn't possible. It would take months, if not years before Peter could fully forgive and trust Steve again. Both men knew this.

"I'll forgive you, but nothing will be the same for a while. Please don't get mad."

These words both relieved and hurt Steve at the same time. Peter was beginning to forgive him. But there was still no trust, Peter automatically assumed that Steve would get mad at him (which he wasn't). However, Steve didn't blame his son. Not at all.

"I'm not mad P, I promise."


Steve smiled and closed the gap between him and his son. Steve had much to make up for. This was a start, a new beginning.

Someone walked into the dining room with a huge grin on his face. Steve and Peter had not seen them yet. A click was heard and the father and son duo looked towards the door.

"Thank fucking God!"

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