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*Peter's POV*
We pulled into to driveway of the compound and saw Auntie Nat standing outside waiting for me. I grabbed my bag and ran up to her as she pulled me into a tight bear hug. All I could do in that moment was cry, Auntie Nat heard this and pulled me closer as I sobbed into her chest. This wasn't the first time I had cried over what went down between me and Pops. Auntie Nat must have known this and silently comforted me. She really did give the best hugs.

"Honey I'm so sorry, I have to ask you though- who was a dick? Who kicked you out?" She asked me with a hint of malice in her voice.

"Pops." I managed to choke out.

"Oh my God, I'll kill him. I thought Steve was better than that though."

Auntie Nat let me go and behind her was Wanda, who was as equally shocked and angry as Auntie Nat was. She then pulled me into a much looser of a hug, but Wanda just held me for a while. She was extremely gentle with me.

"I love you so much маленький брат, I am so proud of you. I will always be here if you want to talk- all you have to do is let me know" Wanda whispered comfortingly to me.

I nodded in response as Wanda pulled away, I couldn't find words in me to talk even if it was to Wanda. And even if I could talk I would just cry even more than I just had. I sighed. I couldn't believe that this was happening. I love Wanda and Auntie Nat but I didn't want to end up with them in this circumstance, I wanted to be home with Dad and Pops but that wasn't going to happen, or at least for a while until Pops sorted his head out.

"Well let's go inside and greet the others" Auntie Nat began "I didn't tell them why you were here as you asked, I know you want to tell them in your own time"

"Sure Auntie Nat, I may as well tell them now- it's not like I have much to lose now. And anyways I should probably tell them before Pops does." I grimly added, my voice was barely over a whisper. "Is everyone else here??"

"No- Thor is on Asgard, we think he may be back at the weekend maybe with Loki and Scott is away, he comes back either tomorrow or the day after." She informed me.

"Right..." I answered, fiddling with my hands

"We will be with you, I'll call down Bruce. He won't let anyone say anything to you, just the same as me and Nat"

I smiled to her in gratitude, if it wasn't for Auntie Nat or Wanda I don't know what I would of done. I have no other place to go- I don't have any other family apart from those here at the compound, so they are my saviors.

As we walked in the main entrance I saw Uncle Clint, Uncle Rhodey, Sam, Bucky and Vision in the living area. Uncle Rhodey, Uncle Clint and Sam were all on one of the sofas in the middle of the room the one next to it was empty, Vision was on the Loveseat next to the sofa and Bucky was in one of the chairs which was near the corner. They were all talking to each other apart from Bucky was reading his book. Uncle Bruce was down in his lab as usual but I saw Wanda go down to get him. I placed my bag in the corner of the living area and said a hello to everyone. They all looked up at me in worry or confusion; I couldn't figure out which. All I could do was grab Auntie Nats hand for comfort and she squeezed it.

"Не волнуйся, мой маленький паук"

Auntie Nat had taught me some Russian and this was one of the phrases she had taught me, I loved learning Russian- especially with her.

"Большое вам спасибо, я люблю тебя Тетя"

After what seemed like an eternity Wanda entered the room followed by Bruce and they both sat down. Everyone was looking at me. It was almost too much to handle but it had to be done, I wanted them to find out from me and not anyone else, I didn't want Pops to tell them before I could. Auntie Nat and Uncle Bruce sat on the empty sofa and Wanda went and sat with Vision. I inhaled deeply. They looked at me in reassurance.

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