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*Peter's POV*

"Hey Underoos." He greeted warmly. He pulled me into a tight loving hug. I burst into tears, sobbing into his chest. He came! My Dad didn't hate me and he is here, with me. I haven't been this pleased to see him since his last major mission four months ago. I just sobbed and pulled him closer. We pulled apart and sat down on the sofa with Auntie Nat. I was in shock that he was here and that he loved me, even though Dad had been texting me.

"Hey Pete how you holding up?"

I wearily looked over at Uncle Bucky, he nodded at me to tell him the truth even though I presumed he already knew as Uncle Bucky had probably already told him. I looked at Dad and said "Well it's been hard, but everyone has helped a lot, Uncle Bucky calmed me down, Auntie Nat and Wanda took me for coffee. Everyone else has been there and that meant a lot."

I saw him look down, with a look of guilt almost, this wasn't his fault. Nope, never, no way in heaven or hell. I loved my Dad and I knew he would do anything for me and he should not feel guilty for what Pops had done. I looked around at everyone else in the room and they were just looking at me and Dad with sympathy.

"I'm sorry about what happened kid- I really am. I should of been there." He said to me now his guilt was clear as the night's sky.

"Dad please, this wasnt your fault. You were exactly where you needed to be, anyways you couldn't be coming over here late at night!"

"What did I do to deserve a kid like you?" He said softly, lightly kissing the top of my head. I just softly laughed in return- I really did have the best Dad.

"He's still mad, isn't he?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer. I was in complete denial.

"I'm sorry kid." Dad replied- downcast I coul see the frustration and sadness at the situation (and Pops) in his eyes.

"Dad?" I began, he looked up at me, making direct eye contact to say 'go on', so I continued. "Does Pops still love me?" My voice cracking towards the end. Uncle Rhodey and Vision all looked at me from the other sofa with eyes filled with sympathy- I had assumed that they had been to speak to him and it had not gone well.

"Of course he does Underoos, he is just having a hard time showing it." Dad explained, trying to find a way to both reassure me and explain Pops actions. I simply just nodded- not finding the words to be able to reply. I looked around the room for the first time, I noticed that everyone except Uncle Clint, Sam and Scott were not in the room. This made things less awkward between me and Scott for now as I could tell him properly. I also noticed that Uncle Bruce wasn't there but I had already guessed he was in his lab.

"When can I come home?" I asked, scared but eager to know the answer. I had hope that Pops had calmed but I knew deep down that he hadn't. Dad rubbed the back of his neck, looked down "I'm assuming that he hasn't calmed down then." I mumbled attempting to bite back a sob.

"I'm really sorry Pete, I really am, I'm trying to get you home as soon as possible." My Dad just looked angry- or sad, I didn't really know which as at this point they were pretty much the same thing.

With that he gave me a huge hug which erased the thought that he hated me in my mind. He let me go and went over to everyone else. He pulled them all into a hug and whispered something in everyone's ears, I also saw Uncle Bucky walk him out, most likely to talk to him. I could hear them if I was paying attention however, that wasn't my main priority right now, my main priority was going home.

I saw Dad get into his car and speed off home, I was just empty from what had just happened. I loved everyone here- I really did. However, I just want to go home to my room and my bed. And I hoped that Pops would let me return at some point.

Then it dawned on me; Scott was in the Compound and I hadn't told him what had happened and I wasn't out to him. I had to tell him, as I felt like I owed him an explanation. And the longer that my family were using that name for me was torture. Uncle Bucky walked back in and sat down in his chair- giving me a sad smile, I returned the smile. As if on cue Uncle Clint and Scott returned from what I assumed to be training. I looked at Auntie Nat and just nodded, I assumed that she understood as she give my hand a squeeze in return. Wanda, Uncle Rhodey and Vision all left to go and make what I presumed to be dinner.

"Oh, hi Scott! Nice to see you again!" I greeted, trying to steady my voice.

"Hey Peg," I cringed at the name, he didn't seem to notice and carried on "It's nice to see you too! You've changed so much since the last time I saw you."

"Yeah, about that..." I started, with my voice beginning to waver. "A.. um.. lot has changed since I saw you last." I awkwardly explained, my voice wavering dangerously.

"Whats going on kid? Because you can tell me, I promise."

'I know you can do it маленький брат.' I felt Wanda tell me telepathically, I loved my big sister.

'Thank you so much сестренка' I responded, she was the best at comforting.

I took a deep breath broke the eye contact and began to speak "W-well: I was um kicked out of my h-house by my Pops, because um well." I paused and let the stray tear fall before continuing "I'm trans and I wanted to be called Peter." I mumbled the last part as I hated coming out. I looked up at Scott who looked disgusted and angry, I quickly looked down again. This was going to be awkward.

"He did what now!?" Scott all but shouted, he was a parent himself and was shocked beyond belief at what Steve had done.

"Um, when I told him. He uh said some things which I really, really don't want to uh talk about, then told me to leave. So I came here." I explained, hoping that his anger was not directed at me

"Are you alright kid, I mean no matter what I will always love you as long as you are you! That sounded way better in my head- trust me!" He reassured me whilest laughing. I was so relieved, again Scott was hardly at the Compound but I loved him and Cassie like family so I will always want their acceptance. Scott walked over and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear "Wanna watch a movie, have popcorn and the lot after dinner?" I just nodded and he just replied with "It's on kid."

The three in the kitchen called us for dinner and we all just sat there talking about our day and eating the Hunters Chicken and Wedges that the three had made, before Scott told them about the movie plans. Everyone agreed and after dinner we agreed on watching 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' and having lots and lots of popcorn and sweets. I really did love my family.

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