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*Peter's POV*
"Peter! Peter! Wake up, you have to be at school in an hour!"

I slowly opened my eyes to see Uncle Clint standing above me, he had opened all of the curtains and looked like he was about to pull my covers off. I pulled my pillow over my head and buried myself in my quilt- despite Uncle Clints efforts to steal it.

"I'm awake Uncle Clint." I grumbled back- I am NOT a morning person.

"Bucky is making breakfast, so I would suggest getting up soon Kid." He taunted, he fine well knew how I hated getting up in the morning.

Clint left, probably to go and see what was being made for breakfast as he was always hungry. I sat up in bed and a realisation of what happened last night flooded my brain. I forgot for a moment why I was here- Pops kicked me out. I knew today would be awful as I had to face school, Ned, MJ and worst of all Flash- he purposely made my days at school living hell and I really didn't want to face him today. I quickly switched on my phone to see if there was any word from Pops, which surprise surprise there wasn't. I sighed- as me and Pops had never ignored each other for this long after an arguement, I didn't want to cry today so I put my phone down and made my way to the shower. After a quick shower, I put on my binder and put a science graphic t-shirt over top then I pulled on my pants and ran my hands through my short brown curly hair and made my way to the living area- unsure of what Bucky had told them from the night before so I slowly entered the room trying not to look too worried. Everyone except Bucky was there. They all looked up and smiled at me.

"Finally made it out of bed then?" Uncle Clint said sarcastically.

"Sure did Katniss."

"Did you sleep well Kiddo?" Uncle Bruce asked looking concerned.

"Um yeah I did thank you." I replied whilest looking down at my shoes.

"Kid?" I turned round to see Bucky standing in the kitchen doorway "Come here for a minute." I walked into the kitchen and Bucky shut the door behind me. I was confused and worried- what did he want to talk about? I tried to think of all the possible conversations we could have.

"Hey Pete, sit down and eat we can talk whilest you have breakfast." He told me motioning towards the counter. I sat down and began to eat the chocolate- chip pancakes in front of me.

"You feeling better today?"

"A bit better, I guess." I told him- purposely not finding his eyes.

"I'm gathering that you don't want to talk about it now but please talk to someone soon kid- it's not good to keep things bottled up."

"I'll speak to someone about it later I promise." I firmly told him.

"Good to hear- I just don't want my favourite nephew to be upset." He reassured me. I looked up and saw the kindness in his eyes, he called me his nephew- he really did care about me. Then I remembered that I had called him Uncle Bucky last night and this was obviously his way of telling me that he didn't mind.

"Thank you so much Uncle Bucky, you're the best!" I whispered as I hugged him.

"No problem kid, but just you wait until I tell Bruce, Clint and Rhodey that I'm the best Uncle!" He laughed as he broke away from the hug.

I just laughed as we walked back into the living area to see the others eating their breakfasts and watching tv. I still had 15 minutes until I had to set off to school so I sat on the sofa with Sam, Uncle Clint, Uncle Rhodey and Auntie Nat. They smiled at me as I sat down with them.

"Hey Clint!" Uncle Bucky shouted as he sat down on his chair "Guess who Pete's favourite Uncle is!" He said- you could appear the mischief in his voice.

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