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*Tonys POV*
I came out of a meeting that seemed to last years to remember that Peggy had her friend Ned coming over, I looked at my watch to see that Peggy and Ned were already here, I sighed as I walked up to the lift, I wonder if Ned's staying for dinner I wonder, I'll go up and check.

"Penthouse Fri." I said in a bored voice

The ride in the lift didn't last long but it wasn't like I was in any hurry for anything in particular, today just seemed to go by so slowly as I had a meeting with Mr Eye-patch which was not worth my time in the slightest but it was compulsory apparently. As I approached Peggys room I over heard some conversation between her and Ned which shocked me to say the least. Who knew Peg felt that way? Why hadn't she trusted me before? Then I heard something that broke my heart:

"I don't want them to hate me or like kick me out."

My own child, scared to tell me something. There is nothing that breaks a parents heart more than those words right there. Had I failed as a parent to cause mistrust? No, I firmly decided. It was Pegs fear and not my mistake. I decided that I had heard enough and went to make some food for me and Peggy. I heard the sound of Peggys door open and Ned leaving.

"See you soon Ned!" I shouted to him, but I don't think he heard- I mean he didn't reply so that's what I'm assuming.

I finished up cooking and let everything cool slightly as I heard my phone go off, I checked who had text me. It was Steve telling me he would be home for 7.30pm so to leave his food so he could re-heat it. I quickly responded before shouting for Peggy to come and eat.

"Hey, your dinner is here if you want to sit at the table with it, I made hamburgers."

"Thanks Dad, looks lovely"

We sat down and I had to ask Peggy about what she had said to Ned earlier- I wanted to know what was going on with my child and if she was okay.

"Underoos, I overheard some of what you were saying to Ned before and I wanted to reassure you that I for one will love you no matter what and will always accept you for who you are, and I will not kick you out of here and that I promise. But please tell me what is going on."

"Well Dad, I was born in the wrong body, because I'm not a girl. I'm a boy." They almost whispered with a look of panic in their eyes.

"Well Underoos I may not understand all the details about this. But I want you to know that I will always love and accept you, no matter what happens. Now, what is your name?"

"My name is Peter Benjamin Stark-Rogers."

"Hello Peter, It's nice to meet you!" I said- enveloping him into a hug.

The look on his face was one of relief and pure joy and I have never seen anything like it. This was not something that would be solved in a day, it would take time and definitely surgery but for now my acceptance of him seemed enough to him. I had always wanted a son, but when Peg came along I was overjoyed obviously and I never loved her any less than I would of a son but, I always wanted a little boy. And now I had my son.

"Your Pops will be back soon, do you want me to tell him that you want to speak to him or leave it as our little secret for now?"

"Tell him that I would like to speak to him"

"Will do Pete." I said. "Oh and by the way, I am so very proud of you, my son."

The look of gratitude I got off her as she (shit I mean him/he) walked out of the room was irreplaceable. As if he knew we were talking about him Steve walked in then sat down at the table.

"Hey Sunshine!" I exclaimed "I'm heating your dinner up as we speak." I said whilest planting a kiss on his head

"Tony!" he laughed "And thank you, it's like you knew I was starving" Steve continued as he pulled me into a tight bear hug.

"When you have finished your food go up and see Peg, she wants to talk to you. I'm not to tell you what it's about- but I will say that you must be gentle with her." I told him firmly.

"I will do, don't worry." Steve quickly replied whilest eating.

As I sat there waiting for Steve to finish I just hoped that he would accept our son. It was nothing against Steve personally but he grew up in a time where trans people were treated as 'sick' or 'un-natural' and I did not want Steve being transphabic towards
Pe-ter. But gay people were also treated similarly, so hopefully he applied the acceptance of himself to the situation with Peg (Shit I mean Pete). I was silently praying for my child and hoping to all the God's above that Steve would love Pete the same as before. I'm not sure what he would do if Steve was a dick about it all but I knew it wouldn't be good. But I wouldn't know until Steve went up to talk to him.

Thinking about it now, Underoos being trans didn't surprise me. From the fact of her (fuck him) calling he-imself Spider-Man and not Spider-Woman was a huge sign but s-he said it was because Spider-Man was easier to say and it was to also honour me, so me and Steve just let them have it. Another big sign was h-is haircut, but again; then it didn't mean anything, we just thought he wanted to have a new look or so again. Not a suspicion.

"Alright I'm going up, I'll be back down soon!" Steve shouted to me as he was leaving the room.

"Alright Steve, just please remember what I told you!"

We I'm sure I will find out how it all goes soon I thought to myself.

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