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Authors note- I'm sorry for being awful with updates I've just had so much school to do recently and I had to get it done as there are exams soon. I've also had writers block so I really apologize for the quality and length of this chapter. And a massive thank you for over 9k reads! I never thought I would have this many on my crappy little story. But thank you all for the reads, votes and positive comments. I read and appriciate them all!


*Peter's POV*
I had a very productive patrol in the 2 and a half hours I had- stopped 4 robberies, helped 5 old ladies cross the street, intercepted 3 muggings and returned a bike. When Karen alerted me of the time I began to swing back to the tower eager to actually arrive before my curfew. Then it dawned on me: I wasn't living at the tower anymore. I sat on a rooftop, just looking in the windows of my home and allowed myself to cry.

"I miss you Pops."

And with that I webbed back towards the Compound, with tears still making their way down my face. When I arrived back I was greeted by a rather pissed off Uncle Rhodey, I bowed my head in shame and sorrow. I had done the one thing I had promised not to- I was late.

"I think you know why I'm annoyed. But I'm going to give you a chance to explain why you are almost an hour late."

I pulled off my mask and looked up at my Uncle who then saw my puffy, red eyes and the tear tracks on my face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be late, I accidentally went to the Tower, I tried to get back here as soon as possible." I whispered. That's all Uncle Rhodey needed before enveloping me in a hug and was running his hand through my hair. I began to sob again.

"Pete I'm so sorry, come on, let's go and get some lunch." He said, breaking the hug and wiping away my tears. I nodded and he led me to the kitchen where my lunch had been set out- that only enhanced my guilt. But I just sat down to eat my lunch in silence. I didn't want to know who else was in the room.

I quickly ate my lunch and went up to my room where I knew no one would bother me. I knew I had homework so I decided that doing that was better than sitting and thinking- for the moment at least. I came to a complex algebra problem, the type I would usually go and ask Dad about, but I wasnt home and I couldn't do that. I threw my book across the room in pure rage.

Why did Pops have to kick me out?
Why wasn't I normal?
Why me?

I fell to the floor in tears with a mix of anger and devastation. This was not how I wanted to spend my weekend. I stayed like that for a while until I had calmed down, I picked up my book and went down to the labs to find Uncle Bruce.

"Hey Kid, come through, what you got there?"

I turned and saw Uncle Bruce in his lab behind me. I walked in and sat next to him and put my book on the table.

"I-I was d-doing my homework a-and I was w-wondering if you could h-help me?"

"Of course Kid! What you got? Because if you got like History that's more Ste- Buckys thing"

I pretended not to notice his near slip-up and carried on as normal "It's some c-complex algebra."

"Lets take a look then." He put down what He was doing, picked up a pencil and looked over at my book. He broke down the equasion bit by bit and showed me a different way to solve the problem. Within half an hour I had my home work completely finished with Uncles Bruce's help.

"Thanks Uncle Bruce." I said my mood drastically improving from when I came in. I shut my homework book and looked over at Uncle Bruce who had now carried on with what he was doing before I walked in.

"Come on, help me with this." He said grinning. I obliged, put on my safety glasses and started talking Science with Uncle Bruce.

All of that happened three months ago.

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