His Last Flame

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There's this guy named Natsu Dragneel who really made my life so wonderful. He was always there for me, to protect me, to make me smile and also for being a shoulder to lean on. This pinkette symbolizes as a 'fire' into my life. And as weeks had passed since I joined the guild, I'm starting to feel this so called 'love' towards him but he was so dense enough to notice it. At first, I just kept on shrugging this off, knowing that it might be an affection as a big brother or a bestfriend but I guessed it's not.

There are countless of times where he had made my heart beat so fast and also made my cheeks blush in different shade of red in simply by doing simple things to me.

Almost everyone in the guild slowly noticed my growing affection towards this pink idiot and still, he didn't even notice it. Others even approached me because of this 'strange and weird' feeling and they'd even told me that Natsu felt the same way towards me. This actually made me blush. But of course, I didn't believe him at all because Love is probably the last thing he would do with his life. And it's kina obvious that Natsu still cate for Lisanna, his childhood friend. I admit it, I still can't help myself but to feel jealous at her. Knowing that there's really a possibility that Natsu, perhaps, love her.

So I decided to go on with the flow-- On acting all normal when he's around. Well, my world doesn't spin around this pinkette!

But.... I didn't know that thus pinkette will confess his love to me. I didn't even expect that this day would come. I was so happy at that time... So happy that I could jump up and down of joy or even shout to everyone else on how lucky am I to get noticed by the guy who I really adore. He even blushed while confessing and also stuttering which is so unlike of him. Of course... I did what I've been dying to do.. I pulled him into a tight hug and told him that he was such a baka for not noticing my strange feelings towards him. As expected, he was so shocked to it.. Same for me.

And from that day... NaLu became official.

Even though we now share the same feelings to each other, everything seemed so normal for us. We've been back to our daily routine our normal life; except for going on dates with him. There's never been a day where he doesn't tell me on how much I meant to him. Who would expect that a dense person like him would be able to say such romantic things?

This pinkette never fails to make me happy and blush everyday. I was so lucky that I chose him.. We've been together now for two and a half years. Who would have expected for us to reach this long? Natsu still make me blush everyday and also, he'd never even feel tired on telling me that he loves me. Nothing even changed for the past two and a half years. Natsu always surprises me in different kind of ways. Like doing his best to bake me a cake for my 18th birthday, learning on how to play a guitar so that he can play a song for our 2nd anniversary of being together, and making me fireworks saying 'I love you Lucy Heartfilia' made from his own fire.

We still even go to jobs as usual. Every jobs we went became successful... except for one that turns out to be a tragedy for th both of us. Natsu decided to take a job in which we have to slay a dragon. Of course, he is still obsessed on dragons because of Igneel. He wants to reunite with his foster father again so that's why he picked this job. Hoping to get information on where Igneel stays. As her responsible girlfriend, I convinced him to take me with him. I want to make sure that my boyfriend's safe, knowing that this is a tough one. Good thing that he agreed on it. But as we faced that dragon, our hopes immediately turned upside down. The odds are obviously not in our favor right now. This dragon were powerful enough to destroy a fellow dragon of his. And at that time, it made me lose hope on escaping this dragon alive. I want to cry that time. It better shouldn't be our last day in this world. We still have many plans to do!

Natsu noticed me crying so he pulled me into a tight hug; the same hug I gave him on the time he confessed his love to me but this time, it was different. He promised me that he'll slay that dragon with his own hands and that we'll make it out alive. Of course, I believe him. I believe that he can kill this dragon. Every promises he make isn't regretful. Natsy always keep his promises so that's why I trust him more than anyone else. He kissed me on my forehead which symbolizes that he wants to be with me forever and gave me a passionately kiss on the lips before rushing towards the dragon with all of his strength and hope that he would be able to defeat it. He doesn't even let me lay a finger on it because he told me that he wouldn't let her princess's hands be in filth. I regretted myself for letting him do the job. He did keep his promise on defeating the dragon but...... he didn't keep his other promise which that the both of us would be able to leave this place alive.

Natsu finally defeated the dragon. I am so proud of it but I didn't get a chance to celebrate our victory because on the same time, the dragon took away his life, too. My Natsu... I've witnessed on how he slayed the dragon and on how the dragon caused him too much pain. It was dreadful... Seeing the love of your life dying in front of you.He was badly wounded, blood kept on streaming down from his wounds. As I look onto his leaf-like black eyes, I can tell that he's terribly sorry for not keeping his 2nd promise. He was crying... It wasn't that long before I realized that I'm crying, too. I held his hand tightly and told him to calm down. That he'll live for our future. Natsu held my hand, too, and looked straightly into my tearing brown eyes. He'd even tried on talking to me, even though he knew that it will just take his few remaining strength away.

And like what he'd always do everyday.. He told me that he loves me so much. That he was so glad that he spent two and a half years with me, showing all of his love to me. You don't know what it really felt like... We were just beginning in our love story, we were just beginning on planning for our future. Now, all of it seems so pointless for now. Natsu's too young to die.. He was just only 19 years old. There are many things he could have done. Just in the blink of an eye, my life shattered into pieces. Natsu's last words was all about telling me that he loves me so freaking much. He'd even managed to give me a smile that immediately tore off my heart. The time had come when Natsu suddenly let go of my hand and slowly closes his eyes. He was sleeping so peacefully thay it hurts me so damn much knowing that he left me just like that. My eyes became red from crying, I cried and cried until no tears came from my eyes. I felt so alone with his lifeless body beside me. I hugged him tight and begged for him to come back for me. Unfortunately, he didn't respond to me anymore. I felt so... broken at that time. I don't even know what to do. I just wanted to be with him forever so why does fate had to be cruel for the both of us?

I sat there, crying over his lifeless body. I've wanted to bring his body back to the guild so that we can give him a nice funeral but his body suddenly bursted into flames. Just like that... His flames doesn't ruined his scarf at all so I took it and stared at it, making me feel so nolstagic. I'd even remembered that Natsu only allows me to hold his scarf. Even right now...

A tiny red flame caught my attention. It was floating on mid-air on where Natsu's body supposedly rested. I reached for it and shockingly, the fire didn't even burn me which immediately reminded me of him. Or maybe... This was his flame.... Natsu's last flame..

His Last Flame [Fairy Tail (NaLu) FF]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon