f o u r

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The next morning I sat in my favorite chair in the common room. It was early, so no one was up yet. I pulled out my favorite book, Hogwarts: a history. I don't know how long I was reading, but Ginny came out yawning, "Do we have classes today?" She sank down on the couch. "No today's a free day to get settled and get to know one another," I replied closing my book. A little while later everyone started to file out of the dorms, Luna and Neville being that last. "If your going to share a dorm with us, quiet down when you doing stuff," Pansy winked at them. "Ooo Luna!" Ginny teased. They both looked down blushing. "Reckon we'll all get the same schedules?" Ron asked. Blaise nodded. "What's the plan for today," Harry yawned. "Well first we can all get dressed Harry and then we can go have breakfast," I laughed. "Right," he mumbled walking back to his dorm. I grabbed a my favorite pair of skinny jeans and a flowy white shirt, and walked towards the bathroom. I pulled my clothes on and grabbed my hair brush. My hair was already straight from the day before thankfully, so I only had to brush it. I put on a quick coat of mascara and walked out. I grabbed a pair of socks and slipped on my converses. As I walked back out half of us were ready. Ginny and Pansy came out right after me. "Now it's just Draco," Blaise rolled his eyes. "I'll go get him," I said walking back up the steps.

"Draco let's go! We're all waiting on you!" Hermione yelled banging on the bathroom door. "Hold on I'm doing my hair!" I called back. "Hurry up we're hungry," she yelled frustrated. Just then she burst into the bathroom. "C'mon let's goooo," she whined. "It's been ten minutes!" "Hold on! I need to get it perfect," I laughed. She pulled the comb out of my hand and took the gel out of my hair. She then ran her fingers through it making it messy. "It looks better messy," she said as she stepped back. "Now let's go," she exclaimed. "Does it really?" I asked. She sighed. Looking me up and down she said, "Yes it really does, now c'mon." She grabbed my hand pulling me out to where everyone was waiting. "About time mate, I'm starving," Ron said walking towards the Great Hall. The rest of us followed. Hermione pulled her hand out of mine, and pushed me through the opening before walking out herself. The Fat Lady swung close behind us. After we ate Neville said, "so what are we going to do today?" "Let's play a game, mind you it's a rather long game basically never ending, but either the boys or the girls will pick someone to take on a date. The person who's picking gets to plan the date and surprise the other person, and we can just do fun things like this on our free days," Ginny presented. "I like that idea. Us guys should pick today." Blaise said. "Ok the five of you will pick a number from this hat, and that will be the order you choose in," Hermione flicked her wand. Blaise and Neville picked out numbers before the hat stopped in front of me. "Ok you guys have five minutes to talk amongst yourselves and help each other out," Hermione said as the girls walked into the hall. "I got two," Blaise said. I opened mine. "I got one," I announced. "Five," Ron said. "I've got three," Harry replied. "So Neville has four," I concluded. "We should leave them blindfolded until we get to the spot, so they can't see who it is or where we are yeah?" Neville said. "You slick puppy, that's a good idea," I laughed. "I'll go get the girls," Harry said walking out to the hall. Soon enough the five girls were standing in a line in front of us. "Go ahead mate," Blaise whispered pushing me forwards. I walked forward towards Hermione. I looked her up and down. She looked really good today. I reached out and grabbed her hand pulling her back to where the boys were. Blaise went next taking Ginny. I snuck a glance at Harry, but he gave Blaise a thumbs up. Harry walked forward towards Pansy and looked back at Blaise. He nodded his head and Harry took Pansy. Neville grabbed Luna-I had a feeling she knew it was him. Ron took Lavender and we all had our pairs. We all looked at each other and nodded, then went our separate ways.

I felt a cool hand gripping mine leading me outside. I had no idea who the person was or what we were doing. "Can you take the blindfold off?" I asked. No answer. "Fine," I sighed. We walked for a couple more minutes before the person held me still. I felt a warm breeze pass over me. The person stood behind me and removed my blindfold. As soon as it was off I inhaled sharply. "Do-do you like it?" they asked nervously. "It's beautiful Draco," I whispered turning around to face him. "I thought you would like it," he smiled. "Let's have a picnic muggle style," he grabbed my hand leading me to the center of the field. It really was amazing. There were arrays of flowers everywhere and the grass was green and luscious. I grabbed one end of the blanket as we spread it out. I sat down watching Draco pull out all of my favorite foods; shepherds pie, cauldron cakes, treacle tart, and butterbeer. "How'd you know what I liked," I asked astonished. "I asked your friends," he smirked. "This is all so amazing, thank you Draco," I said again. "Well you gave me a second chance. You deserve the best. I've never shown anyone this place. Actually you and I are the only ones who know about it," he smiled. "So it's like our place," I arched my eyebrow laughing. "Yes it can be our place," he laughed. "Thank you," I pulled him into a hug. It took a second, but he wrapped his arms around me. "What was that for," he asked as I pulled away. "I hug people I like, like my friends," I shrugged. "Mhhh you fancy me huh?" He smirked. "Don't ruin this," I slapped his arm turning away as a blush crept up to my cheeks. Did I fancy him? I thought.

Hi, so there was a little bit of a lot of ships in this chapter. There will be more next chapter. The dates will also be talked about next chapter. I hoped you liked this chapter and the little bit of dramione. If you could recommend this book to people you think would like it and if you could vote, that would be great too! Thanks loves :)

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