t w e n t y s i x

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"Hermione," I called out. I saw her stand up. "No leaving this time. Please just listen," I instructed as I waved my wand. A couch and a chair appeared. She sighed, but sat down on the couch. I looked over at Ginny. She gave me a small smile and a nod as she made her way to the chair. I sat down on the couch next to Hermione. "Start explaining," she said in almost a growl. I looked at Ginny and she started to explain. "Hermione it was all planned. Harry, Lavender and I were in on it. Lavender wanted to see if Ron actually loved her and Harry wanted to make sure that Draco really did care for you. The both passed. Draco didn't kiss Lavender. In fact their lips didn't even touch," Ginny finished. I looked over at Hermione. She looked confused. "But I- wait what," she sputtered. "Do you really think I would kiss someone else?" I asked. "Yes, no, maybe...I don't know," she cried as tears rolled down her face. I pulled her into my arms and she cried into my shirt. "Hermione Jean Granger I love you," I said. Her cries slowed. "I love you too," she whispered finally looking at me. I smiled as I leaned down to kiss her. There was so much passion in the kiss from all the time we had lost. I heard a pop and figured that Ginny had dissapperated. We both pulled away gasping for breath. "I'm sorry," she whispered wiping away her tears. "So am I," I smiled pulling her into a hug. "Do you know what I smelt in the amortentia?" I asked. She nodded her head no. "I smelt vanilla, old parchment and mint," I whispered. "Me?!" She said looking up surprised. "Yup," I smiled. "And I smelt you," she said. "I know," I leaned down giving her a quick kiss. "I need to go apologize to everyone," she said. "Ok let's go," I smiled grabbing her hand.

We apperated outside the castle. Hand in hand Draco and I walked up towards the castle. "I'm really sorry for leaving and not trusting you," I said looking at Draco. "You were distressed. I would have done the same thing," he reassured me. When we walked in everyone ran up to me and hugged me. "I'm so so sorry guys. All of you," I said as they all pulled away. "Don't apologize Mione," Harry said. "Yeah it's our fault," Lavender agreed. "But I left you guys instead of listening," I protested. "Where do you go anyways," Dean asked. "The Burrow," I replied. "Ooo who was there," Ginny squealed. "Your mum and George," I replied laughing at her. "How are they," Ron asked. "Georgie seems a lot better. He was really happy when I was there so," I said trailing off. "He's always happy when your there," Ron mumbled. "But that's good," he added. "Let's go eat," Seamus said. We walked into the Great Hall. "Welcome back Miss Granger," McGonagall welcomed me. "Thank you," I smiled up at her. She winked and turned away. Draco grabbed my hand leading me to the table. We sat down as the food appeared. "It's good to have you back Mione," Ginny said as she ate a piece of Shepard's pie. "Yeah it was quiet without you," Draco added. "Thanks. I missed you guys," I laughed.
❁ ❁ ❁
"C'mon I wanna snuggle," Draco called from the bed. "I'm coming," I laughed crawling into bed. He wrapped his arms securely around my waist. "I missed you," he whispered. "Yeah he cried for you, and Draco never cries," Blaise said from his bed with Ginny. "Shut it mate," Draco grumbled. Ginny laughed. "Did you really," I asked turning to look at him. "Yes," he sighed. "Awee," I grinned kissing him. "I love you," I smiled as I pulled away. "Goodnight guys," Dean smiled. "Goodnight," I smiled turning waving my wand. The lights went out.
❁ ❁ ❁

School ended in three days. What would happen to Hermione and I after? Everything had gone smooth since she came back. We had been dating for ten months now. "Hey can I talk to you," I asked pulling Blaise out of the dorm where everyone was packing. "What's up mate," he asked as we stood in the hallway. "I need you to tell your girlfriend to take Hermione and all the girls out tomorrow the day before school ends for a girls night. Then I want you and all the guys to go out for a guys night and say that I was there, but really I'm going to go talk to her parents," I explained. "Ok you got it, but why are you-oh OH!" He exclaimed. "Your the best," I hugged him. We walked back in. "Finished packing," I asked Hermione. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Blaise talking to Ginny. He caught my eye and gave me a thumbs up. Ginny smiled and winked as she looked up at me. I smiled turning back to Hermione. "Yeah. Have you?" she asked. "Mhm," I replied. "I'm sad that this is our last year here," she sighed sitting on the edge of our bed. "Me too," I replied wrapping in her a hug. "But you know McGonagall will let us come visit whenever we want and if we were interested you know she would give us a job," I told her. "That's true," she replied. "I'm not sure I want to work here, but we're coming back to visit a lot ok?" She asked looking up at me. "Anything you want," I said smiling. "Thank you Draco...for everything. I never thought we would date or even be friends, but here we are," she smiled burying her face into my chest. "Me too love, but I'm glad we are," I replied kissing the top of her head.

Crisis averted finally! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's kinda all over the place, but I hope it's not confusing! I love you all! Until next chapter <3
sorry this update is really late! I feel like crap and I feel like passing out. I was shaking so so hard after volleyball and I'm shaking a little bit now and have a migraine, but here's your update :)

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