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I grabbed Hermione's hand pulling her up from the chair. "Come here beautiful," I smiled pulling her close to me. "I'm sorry for everything, and I'm glad you can trust me and see that I've changed," I wiped the tear stains from her face. "Me too," she smiled hugging me. "Let's go eat, so we can play our game!" I smiled pulling her out of the portrait hole. "Woah slow down there, your gonna break my arm," she laughed. "Sorry, I'm just excited," I smiled letting go of her hand. "I can tell," she rolled her eyes, but smiled as we stepped into the Great Hall. Ginny ran up to us and I stepped away going to sit down next to Blaise. "She's ok now. A complete mess when I got there, but she's happy now," I said before Harry could say anything. He nodded and smiled. "Thanks." Hermione and Ginny sat down across from us whispering and laughing about something. "So Gin, what did you say to Ron upstairs," I asked as both girls looked over. "Oh, I just said don't do this Ron and then I said if you hurt Hermione I'll hex you till next year," she smiled at Ron. I laughed. "Typical." She rolled her eyes turning back to Hermione as they started talking again. "We can go back to normal right mate?" Ron asked. "I made a mistake, and I swear I'll never do it again. Everyone here supports you two," he smiled as everyone nodded even Ginny who didn't stop talking to Hermione. "Of course were good," I smiled at him. "Great yeah wonderful thanks mate," he said already shoveling more food into his mouth. I still felt ashamed of what I was in the past, and I knew I changed, but I didn't want to hurt Hermione with my reputation of who I was, even though everyone here supported his. I shook the feeling off as Ginny stood up saying, "Ok so for today's task I was thinking we could have a couples competition and the couple who wins gets like a reward. We'll have five minutes to ask our partner random questions, to find out things about them and then all the couples will get asked the same questions-Hermione can use magic to make a hat with random questions," Ginny continued on. "And I don't know what the prize will be," she concluded. "This sounds like fun," Lavender smiled up at Ginny. "Thanks," she smiled. "I don't know how you come up with these," Neville murmured. Ginny blushed looking away. "The prize could be that the couple who wins gets to punish the rest of the couples," Luna piped up shrugging. "That's a great idea Luna," Pansy yelped. "Thanks," she laughed. "Alrighty five minutes starts now," Harry yelled as we all ran to separate corners of the Great Hall.

Draco and I sat down near the doors of the Great Hall. I looked up to where the teachers and saw McGonagall sitting there laughing at all of us. I forgot she was there. I thought. She caught my eye and winked. "Hermione c'mon let's get started," Draco stated pulling my attention away from McGonagall. "Favorite color," I stared. "Black," he answered. "Purple" "favorite animal/what's your patronus?" I asked. "Jack Russel Terrior," he replied. "Okay, otter." "Muggle world or magic world?" "Hmmm magic," he said. "Same." "Kids or no and how many," I asked. "Mione, he smirked winking at me. "Oh shut up and answer the question," I slapped his arm. "Yes, two. A boy and a girl," he smiled. "Ok same," I said. "TIMES UP," Blaise shouted across the Great Hall. I jumped. "Bloody hell," Draco murmured next to me. We looked at each other and bursts out laughing. He got up and stretched his hand out. I took it and he pulled me up walking hand in hand to the center. I pulled my wand out and cast a spell as a hat appeared out of no where. "Ok let's go one couple at a time. I'll ask the questions and everyone else can leave, so they can't hear the questions," I said taking the floating hat. "Let's go first," Pansy pulled Harry's arm. He laughed kissing her lightly. "Ok, let's do this." I smiled. I'm glad Harry was happy, and I'm glad Pansy came into our life's. She's sweet. I thought. I laughed. Never thought I would think that. "Ok everyone else go far away and talk to something," I waved my hand at the rest of them. "You too Draco," I smiled as he walked towards me. "Awe man," he pouted, but walked away. "Muffliato," I murmured. "Ok first question. If you both get it right you get two points. If only one of you get it one point and if neither of you get it then zero points," I said. They both nodded. "Parents names," I placed the piece of paper on the table. "James and Lily," Pansy said immediately giving Harry's hand a squeeze. I looked at his face, but he was hard in concentration. "Kathy and Zane right," he said after a while. "Yes that's correct!" Pansy exclaimed hugging him. "Ok two points," I pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill writing their names and two tally marks.
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Next came Luna and Neville. "Hey guys," I smiled as they walked over hand in hand. "Hey Mione," Luna smiled sitting down. "Ready," I asked pulling out a question. Neville nodded. "Favorite wizard food," I unfolded the sheet. "Pudding," Neville laughed. "That's correct," I laughed along before Luna could say anything. "Treacle tart for you right?" Luna asked looking over at Neville. "Yep," he smiled. After they answered nine more questions I said, "wow y'all killed it," I laughed waving them off.
"Ahhh my favorite couple," I smiled as Dean and Seamus sat down. "I assume you know the points," I asked. They nodded. "Alrighty let's just get to it. How many boyfriends/girlfriends has the other had before you?" I asked. "One, Seamus said. "Oh right Ginny," I said remembering them. Dean nodded. "And zero for you Shay," Dean answered. "Wow I forgot you guys started dating after you and Gin," I laughed. "Yeah," Seamus nodded. "Mkay send Ron and Lavender over," I said after they had finished answering the questions. Ron and Lavender came over. "Patronus," I asked reading the slip of paper. "Great Dane," Lavender said. "Peacock," Ron answered. "Ok your both correct," I smiled. I was impressed with how much the couples knew about each other. Ginny and Blaise walked over as Ron and Lavender finished. "How's it going," Ginny asked sitting down. "It's so much fun and cute to see how much they all know about each other," I admitted. "If you the person next to you wasn't sorted into the house they're sorted into now, which house would they wanted to be sorted in?" I asked. They looked at each other and burst out laughing. "We would switch houses," Blaise answered as Ginny burst into a fit of giggles. "Yeah I could see her in Slytherin," I laughed as I started to read the next question. After they finished Blaise and Ginny asked Draco and I our questions. "Small house or big house," Ginny asked. "I'm gonna guess small houseeee?" I questioned unsure. Draco nodded. "And same for you," he said. "Mhm" I murmured. "Favorite color," Ginny asked as our questions continued on. After a few minutes we finished answering our questions and I finalized the points. "Ok guys I have the results. There was a tie for first place, second place and third place," I said as everyone gathered around me as I sat on top of the table. "And the winners are..."

Woop cliff hanger sorry! Also I know that Ron's patronus is a Jack Russel Terrior, but let's pretend it's not because it's been my favorite breed of dog since I was little and I wanted it to be Draco's sooooo that's a thing. Anyways this is a really long chapter so that's a blast. I felt like McGonagall needed to make an appearance lol. Couple goals just everywhere yo😂  I JUST WOKE UP AND SAW WE HIT 200 READS THANK YOU! until next chapter <3

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