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I felt a pair of hands grabbing my shoulders as they shook me awake. I rolled over to see Blaise standing above me. "C'mon mate today's the day you get your girl back," he said as he stepped back from the bed allowing me to get out. "Thanks buddy," I smiled patting him on the shoulder as I walked over to my drawer of clothes. Grabbing a pair of blue jeans and a white t shirt I walked over to the bathroom. The door was shut, so I knocked on the door. "Go head," Ginny smiled as she walked out the bathroom. "Thanks," I said locking the door. I quickly hopped into the shower feeling the hot water relax me. Drying off I slipped on my clothes and combed my hair. As I walked out Dean was standing at the door. "Sorry mate," I said. "Nah you didn't take that long," he replied as he walked in. Pushing my sweatpants in a drawer I pulled out a pair of socks and slipped on my white shoes. I looked in the mirror smiling at myself before turning to leave.


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I fumbled around for my phone trying to shut my alarm off. My hand made contact with something and I picked it up. It was my phone. Pressing stop I rolled out of bed making my bed. I grabbed my clothes making my way to the bathroom. After a quick shower I pulled my clothes on and grabbed a pair of white slip ons.

I sighed grabbing my wand and my phone off the table before heading out of the room and to the Great Hall

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I sighed grabbing my wand and my phone off the table before heading out of the room and to the Great Hall. When I walked in no one was there yet, so I sat down and began to eat. I finished eating and was drinking my pumpkin juice when the rest of them walked in. "Hey can we talk," Draco asked as he sat down next to me. I merely shrugged and stood up walking to my first class and my only class of the day. We had double potions. As I walked into potions Professor Slughorn said, "Ahh Miss Granger what do I owe the pleasure?" "Nothing sir. I just finished breakfast and thought I would come up early," I smiled taking my seat. "Well you can get started. Write an essay on amortentia and then you and your partner can start brewing it," he instructed. I nodded pulling out my parchment and a quill. As I was placing my essay on Professor Slughorn's desk the rest of the group walked in.

I walked in taking my seat next to Hermione. She glanced at me, but didn't say anything. Her lips in a thin line as she stared ahead. "Today you will make amortentia. Your homework will be to write an essay on it," Professor Slughorn said. "Instructions are on the board. You may begin," he said. I stood up and grabbed the ingredients as Hermione set up the cauldron. She only spoke to me when she needed an ingredient or needed the instructions. An hour later we were done with our potion. "Perfect," Professor Slughorn told us. "You must now smell it and say what you smell," he instructed. Hermione leanded down to smell the potion. "I smell new parchment, spearmint, and green apples?" She said. It was more of a question than a statement. I scribbled down what she smelt as she backed away. Leaning my head in I started to speak. "I smell," But was cut of by Hermione. "You probably smell Lavender," she scoffed walking out of the class. I sighed. I smelt vanilla, old parchment, and mint. It was Hermione's scent. "Class dismissed," I heard Professor Slughorn say. "C'mon," Ginny grabbed my arm dragging me out of the class and to the room of requirements. We closed our eyes walking back and forth thinking "We need to find Hermione." A door appeared and eleven of us piled in. "Spread out," Harry called out. We were in a field. It looks oddly familiar. I thought as I looked for Hermione. Then it hit me. "Guys," I called out. "Did you find her," Pansy asked. "No, she's not here," I said. "How do you know," Neville asked. "Just meet outside the room of requirements," I sighed making my way out of the field. "What's going on," Seamus said as we all finally made our way out. "I know where she is," I started. "Where," Blaise asked. "In a field. It's where I took her on our first date. It's kinda our spot," I said explaining everything to them. "I think only two of us should go," Luna said. "Draco and Ginny," Harry proposed. "Yeah, so I can explain and then obviously Draco," Ginny agreed nodding her head. "Ok let's go," I said grabbing her hand.

As I walked out of class I thought of where to go. I decided on the field Draco took me to on our first date. I thought of the place as I dissapperated from outside of the castle. I landed in the field. I looked around. It was still as beautiful. "Revealio," I mumbled. A blanket and basket appeared. Draco and I had hid it last time we came here. I picked up the blanket and spread it out. Laying on my stomach on the blanket I pulled out the book I was currently reading, my astronomy book.

The Pleiades are called the Seven Sisters, even though most naked eye observers see only six. Dozens more stars are visible in the cluster through binoculars or a telescope. Scientists sometimes debate whether one of the dimmer stars once burned much brighter. Storytellers have other explanations for the discrepancy.

One is that Merope is hiding her face. Unlike her sisters, she is the only goddess in the family to marry a mortal and she isn't respected for it. Neither is Merope's husband represented in the sky. For he is Sisyphus, condemned by Zeus to forever roll a stone up a hill in Hades only to watch it roll down again when he almost gets it to the top.

In mid-February, the Pleiades are high in the sky at sunset and set close to midnight.

I shut my book as I finished reading that chapter. I heard footsteps approaching. Sitting up I heard someone say, "Hermione."

Bahahaha I'm sorry don't kill me. I promise I love you. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter. I feel like it was really bad written but oh well. I don't feel very good so sorry that this sucks. Until next chapter <3
Also I went to a Sam Smith concert last night and I didn't get home till after 12 and didn't go to bed till 1 and I have volleyball everyday this week and next week and my math is so hard I'm pooped :(

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