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"Get up get up get up" Blaise shouted at all of us. "Shut up Blaise," Ginny grunted pulling her pillow over her head. I couldn't help but laugh. I sat up and looked around. Blaise was already dressed shaking Ginny awake. "No stop I'll hex you to oblivion," Ginny twisted and turned. "As scared as I am, we have classes," Blaise said pulling the sheets off of her. I met Hermione's eye and we burst out into laughter. "It's ok Blaise, I got it," Hermione laughed getting out of bed. My eyes traced over her body. I couldn't help but think how cute she looked in a t shirt and pj shorts with her hair tied up. "Oi mate, get going," Blaise yelled at me as he exited our dorm. "Ginevra Molly Weasley, get up," Hermione yelled pulling her bestfriend out her bed. "Ok ok I'm awake," Ginny replied rolling her eyes. I laughed pulling out a shirt and jeans. Dress code was much more relaxed seeing as there was only ten of us. I stepped into the bathroom locking the door. Pulling in my clothes I splashed my face with water to wake me up. Running a comb through my bed head I stepped out allowing Hermione to go in. "Thanks," she said as she passed me. Ten minutes later Hermione and Ginny were both done and we walked out of our dorm. "Thank the lord, I'm famished," Ron said as we walked out. "What's new," Hermione and Ginny grumbled at the same time. "Bloody hell that was scary," Blaise and I said at the same time. The four of us burst out into laughter. "Ok ok let's go," Pansy said pulling us out of the common room.

As we sat down in the Great Hall McGonagall stood up. "Good morning students. Today we have a surprise for you." We all looked at each other eyebrows raised and furrowed. Just then the doors to the Great Hall opened and Dean and Seamus walked in. "OMG," I screamed running over to them. I pulled them into a hug. I had always been close with Dean and Seamus and I loved their relationship. "Mione let them breathe," Harry laughed pulling me off them as he gave them a hug. The Slytherins hung near the back. After Dean and Seamus said hi to everyone in Gryffindor and Luna I led them over to the Slytherins. "I assume you know Blaise, Draco and Pansy," I said to Dean and Seamus waving my hand towards the Slytherins. "Yeah nice to meet you mate," Dean said shaking Blaise's hand. The rest of the group joined around us. "Looks like you'll be in our dorm since we have the open bed," Ginny told them as she wrapped her arms around me. "Sounds good," Seamus said. "Do we all share a common room?" He asked. "Yes," Pansy nodded at him. "Students, I hope you enjoyed your surprise, now if one of you would please come get your guys schedule and head to your class that would be great," McGonagall said. Ron went over to her and grabbed our schedule. "Only four classes today," he noted. "Defense against the dark arts, potions, Herbology, and then astronomy later tonight," he said to all of us. "Alrighty then, let's get going," Ginny clapped.
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DADA was now taught by a new professor. "Hello class my name is Professor Clay Macauley, and I am your new defense against the dark arts teacher. Today we are going to be learning about spell charms. I know you've all touched on it, but we are going to make stronger shield charms. Please find a partner and stand across from them. Spread out from the rest of the group," he instructed. I jumped up and Ginny and I met each other in the middle. Taking a few steps back from her I distanced myself from everyone else. "Without wands," Professor Macauley instructed. "Repeat the incantatem Protego." Protego said twelve different voices. "Good now the motion is a swift line motion with your wand," he said pulling out his wand. "You and your partner will take turns disarming each other while the other tries to block it. You may start," Professor Macauley said stepping back. "I'll disarm first," Ginny said her wand ready in her hand. "Ok I'm ready," I said looking her in the eye. "Protego," I yelled as she yelled "Expelliarmus." "Great job Miss Granger," Macauley shouted. "Thank you," I blushed. "Ok your turn Gin," I said. "Are you ready?" "Ready as I'll ever been," Ginny replied winking. "Expelliarum," I yelled. She blocked it perfectly. I met her in the middle and we high fived. "We've got this mastered," Ginny laughed. "Ok great job today ladies and gentlemen. You all managed to block the spell. Class dismissed," he waved his hand. "Hey how'd class go for you," Draco said falling into step with me as we walked towards the door. "It was good. Easy," I replied. "How about you?" "Same here," he said. "What do we have next Ron," I asked as we all stood outside Professor Macauley's door. "Potions and then lunch," he replied. "Great let's head down to the dungeons then," Lavender said turning.
❁ ❁ ❁

"How'd you like potions," Hermione asked plopping down next to me. "Let me think. Learning about death potions. Not scary at all," I replied putting food on my plate. She laughed. Wow I love her laugh I thought to myself. "Fair enough," she replied before biting into her shepherds pie. "Imagine having to make death potions," Ginny commented. "I think that's against the law," Harry said. "Kingsley would never allow it," Hermione added in. Fifteen minutes later Ron said, "Let's get going. We have Herbology meaning we have to walk outside. I stood up. "What do you think we'll be doing," I asked. "Dunno," Hermione replied also standing up. "Hopefully something fun, but not to messy," Luna piped in. "I love Herbology either way," Neville added as we walked the grounds. "We know Neville," Pansy laughed.
❁ ❁ ❁
After Herbology we all walked up to the common room. "Daymn thank god there's enough showers for all of us," Ron said. "I'm disgusting." I laughed. "We all are," I said. "Pine needles," I said as the Fat Lady swung open. Up in my dorm I grabbed a fresh set of clothes and hopped in the shower. I could hear someone singing. It was a girls voice. It's either Ginny or Hermione seeing as their the only girls in our dorm. I thought to myself. It was weird showering in the same room with girls, but then again this was Hogwarts. "You've got a really nice voice," I called out. "Oh I forgot people were listening. Thanks Draco," Hermione replied laughing. "You should sing more often," Dean called out. "Thanks guys," Hermione said. "Let's go mate," Seamus said knocking on my shower door. "Alright alright I'm coming," I said turning off the hot water. Wrapping a towel around me I stepped out and dried off. Everyone was already down in the Great Hall. Pulling on my clothes I walked out of the portrait hole. "Look who decided to show up," Harry laughed as I sat down next to Hermione. "Dinners almost done, eat up," she said giving my hand a squeeze. "I wasn't that hungry," I said as Hermione placed a piece of chicken on my plate. Truth was I could lose myself in the shower. I drowned my thoughts and negativity away in the hot water. The hot water relaxed my muscles and calmed me down. "Thanks," I said biting a chunk out of my chicken. After eating a few more chicken legs Hermione said, "it's time for astronomy." I stood up and all walked to the astronomy tower  joking and laughing with each other. It's nice to have real friends, who actually like me. I thought to myself smiling as we reached the astronomy tower.

Hiiii, here's an update! I just landed in Florida and now I'm sitting in the car writing the ending to this chapter. It's 1am and I'm kids jet lagged so sorry if the ending is shit. Anyways I hoped you guys liked this chapter. If y'all could vote, comment, and share this book I would appreciate that! Thank you all, I love you :)

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