n i n e t e e n

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Hermione woke up Christmas Day to Ginny yelling pulling the covers off her. "It's Christmas Day," Ginny screeched. "Wake up," she pulled the sheets off Hermione. "Argh Ginny," I rolled my eyes rolling over. "Merry Christmas Mione," she smiled pulling my up into a hug. "Merry Christmas Ginny," I said. I couldn't help but smile at my best friend even though she had woken me up. "Get ready," she said tossing me the clothes I had laid out the day before.

Hermione pulled on a flowy white t shirt and her favorite pair of skinny ripped jeans

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Hermione pulled on a flowy white t shirt and her favorite pair of skinny ripped jeans. Slipping on her converse she followed Ginny out of her and Draco's room. Draco had already gotten up and was downstairs chatting to Harry and she walked down. As soon as she walked in her stood up striding across the room to where she was. "Merry Christmas," he murmured as he kissed her. "Merry Christmas," Hermione repeated smiling at the boy. "You look beautiful," he whispered. I looked down blushing. "I love you," I smiled softly kissing him tenderly. "I love you too," I smiled as I led her back over to the couch. "Present time," George yelled like a kid. I let out a laugh as he sat down. They tore open their presents. Harry has gotten her books she had wanted for along time, but never got the chance to get. "Thank you Harry," she smiled pulling her best friend into a hug. "Your welcome, and thank you," he smiled holding up the quidditch strategy book up. Ron had gotten her all her favorite candies from Honeydukes. "Thank you Ron," she smiled. "Mhh, you too," he grinned at her quickly before turning back to his presents. Blaise had gotten her another book she had been longing to read. Pansy has gotten her jewelry Hermione had pointed out once as they were walking. Luna and bought her a really pretty shirt. George had gotten her a supply of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and another book. "Thanks George," I smiled up at the red head. He nodded slightly thanking me for the gift I had given him. Mr and Mrs Weasley has gotten my pies and of course a famous Weasley sweater. "Hermione you shouldn't have," Ginny gushed holding up her new quidditch robes. "Oh Hermione dear you really shouldn't have," Mrs Weasley scolded, but she couldn't help but smile. "It was my pleasure," she said first addressing Mrs Weasley. "Your my best friend Gin," she laughed addressing Ginny next. Ginny wrapped Hermione tightly in a hug. "And thank you for my gift," Hermione smiled holding up her new pair of converse. "Took a while to find," Ginny laughed. Hermione picked up the last gift. It was a small wrapped box. Smiling she started to un wrap it. Opening the small box she gasped. Inside was the prettiest ring she had ever seen.

It was simple, but elegant

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It was simple, but elegant.

"Thank you Draco," Hermione breathed turning to face me. I smiled watching her slip the ring onto her finger. It was a perfect fit. Before I could process what had happened Hermione was on top of me kissing me passionately. "Babe, people," was all I could stutter out as I kissed her back. She sighed, but pulled back. "It's beautiful Draco," she smiled again. "Thank you for my gift," he smiled back giving her a quick kiss. She had gotten him quidditch books, broom cleaning kit, and loads of candy. "Mother," he said as a women apperated into the house. "Oh dear me I meant to apperate outside. Sorry Molly," she said apologetically. "No worries dear," Mrs Weasley smiled wrapping my mother in a hug taking her coat from her. "Thank you," she said. "Hermione darling how have you been," my mother smiled walking up to Hermione pulling her into a tight embrace. "Good Narcissa and you," She asked. "Bloody hell you think she would greet me first," I mumbled under my breathe watching the scene unfold. "Be grateful that they don't hate each other," Harry murmured having heard me. "True," I said giving the boy a smile. "Draco still be good?" my mother asked pulling me into a hug. "Yes," Hermione and Mrs Weasley replied at the same time. My mother smiled that proud smile of hers ruffling my hair. "You don't use gel anymore?" She noted. "Yeah," I replied. She raised and eyebrow. "Before I asked Hermione to be my girlfriend she told me my hair looked better without it, and I've left it ever since," I sighed laughing at my mothers willingness to hear this. "Oh Merlin thank you dear. I've been trying since he was a boy," my mother turned back to Hermione. I huffed rolling my eyes. Hermione gave my hand a light squeeze as she let out a small chuckle. Dinner went smooth with everyone laughing and eating Mrs Weasleys delicious food. "This is really amazing Molly dear," my mother complimented Mrs Weasley. "Oh it's nothing special," she blushed. "No really. It is amazing," I joined in. Nods and murmurs echoed around the table. "Oh keep eating," she blushed waving her hand at all of us. We laughed, but dig back it. "When am I going to meet your parents?" I asked as we walked out of the kitchen from finishing helping Mrs Weasley clean up. "Next free weekend or break," she replied. "Anytime you want really," she smiled. "As soon as possible," I grinned. "I just hope they like me," I said. "They will," she reassured. I felt a light breeze over my head, but we were inside. I looked up confused and let out a low chuckle. "What," Hermione asked. "Mistletoe," I smiled slightly. She looked up to see for her self and laughed. "I assume you know what to do Mr. Malfoy," she grinned arching an eyebrow. "Certainly Miss Granger," I smiled cheekily at her before leaning in. I could feel her soft lips connect with mine melting perfectly with mine, and that's how my perfect Christmas ended. With me kissing the girl I loved dearly.

Ok I had no inspiration or feeling to write, so I'm literally sitting here shocked bc I don't remember even writing this even tho I just finished and I don't even know how I wrote this not knowing what to write lol, but I hope you liked this chapter. Anyways it's 2am so...
I love you all. Until next chapter <3
1K reads what?!
Edit: GUYS SCHOOL STARTED TODAY OOF. but that means updating might get harder, but I'll try my best to still update everyday! when do y'all start school. nerd_potato4ever still mad that you don't start till next week but I love you May <3 (just tell me if you don't want me to call you that lol)

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