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"Nuna and Deamus," Hermione called out. I laughed at her being to lazy to say all their names. I clapped as I walked over to Hermione sitting down on the table with her. "Second was Blinny and us-Dramione," Hermione indicated me and her. "YES," Ginny screamed as she and Blaise high fived. Hermione and I cracked up. They were such a fun couple. "And then Hansy and Rovander, you guys placed third together. You were only one behind us," Hermione said. "This was fun," Dean said. "But now it's time for your guys punishment," he smirked. "I'm nervous," Hermione laughed from beside me grabbing my hand. I laughed rubbing circles on the back of her hand. "You guys can come up with the punishment together, or you can each have two couples," Ginny said sitting down next to Hermione. Blaise followed taking ahold of Ginny's hand. I smiled to myself. It's about time Blaise got what he deserved. He was a good mate and Ginny makes him so happy. "Alright well we have one for the four of you," Seamus smirked at Hermione, Ginny, Blaise and I. "The four of you have to share one bed no extension charms or anything. Just the poster bed in our dorm," Dean said. "This is gonna be fun to watch," Seamus laughed. "God Shay, Dean. Y'all are so mean," Hermione laughed. "Good thing the four of us our best friends," Ginny laughed raising her eyebrows up and down at me. I laughed. It was true. Hermione, Blaise, Ginny, and I had become best friends over the time we had spent together. Sure we were tight with everyone else, but not as tight as the four of us were together. "And for you guys," Luna started. "Will be our personal servants for the next two days," Neville finished. "Oi," Ron rolled his eyes. "Hey at least it's only two days," Pansy smiled. "I thought it was going to be a week," Harry commented. "They aren't that mean," Lavender laughed. "And I'm thankful for it," Ron concluded. "Well that settles it then," McGonagall said walking over to us. I jumped. I had completely forgotten that she was there. "Now go outside or do something with the rest of your day," she waved us on. "What time is it," I asked as we walked out of the Great Hall. "Half eleven," Hermione said looking down at her watch. "Let's change, because it's hot out, then we can go to Hogsmeade," Luna suggested. "Sounds like a plan," Blaise replied as we walked into our separate dorms.
❁ ❁ ❁
Half an hour later we were all ready and walking towards Hogsmeade. "Let's get lunch," Ron said his stomach grumbling. We all laughed. Walking into the Three Broomsticks Blaise asked for a table for twelve. "You've got a big group," the waiter noted. "Follow me," he said gesturing. He led us to our table, and we sat down. "You've got some cute people," he winked at Hermione. "She's taken," I hissed grabbing Hermione's hand. "I like a butterbeer please," she told the waiter as the rest of us ordered our drinks. When he walked way Hermione leaned over. "I love you," she murmured just loud enough for me to hear. "I love you too," I whispered back giving her hand a squeeze.

A few moments later the waiter came back over with our drinks and took our orders leaving again. "I'm going to go wash my hands," Ginny said. "Yes we all should," Blaise added. "Ok one person should stay just in case the food comes," Luna said. "Ok I'll stay," I piped up. "You guys go ahead and when someone comes back I'll go," I smiled letting go of Draco's hand. "We'll be back," Harry nodded at me as they stood up leaving. A minute or two after they were gone the waiter came over. "Hello there pretty," he smiled pulling my up from my chair. "Get your hands off me," I hissed pushing his hands off my waist. "C'mon," he murmured pushing me up against the wall by our table. He brought his face closer, his hands pinning my hands down to my side. "No gerroff me," I turned my head away from him. He pulled my hands behind my back holding them down with one hand as the other went to my face holding it still. He was close to me. I could feel his breath on my skin as he inched closer. His lips were about to meet mine, when Ron came walking towards our table. "Oi get off her," he yelled running over. He pulled the waiter off of me. Just then Draco came over. "Beat it," he whispered, but you could hear the danger in his voice. The waiter pushed Ron's hand off him and scampered off. "Thanks mate," Draco smiled at Ron. "Anytime," Ron slapped him on the back grinning. "Are you ok," they both asked turning to me. Draco pulled me into a hug. "That'll be the last time you see him. I promise," he said kissing my head. I nodded. "Thank you Ron," I smiled thankful. He nodded smiling back. We sat down as everyone came back. "What happened," Pansy asked feeling the chance in atmosphere. "He tried to kiss her," Ron mumbled. "And Ron pulled him off," Draco smiled gratefully. "Here's your food," a new waiter came over placing our food down. "Enjoy," he smiled before walking away. "See now he's nice," Lavender laughed. The rest of us joined in laughing as we dug into our food.
❁ ❁ ❁
I pulled on my pajamas shaking my hair out of its braid as I opened the bathroom door. I climbed into my bed, Draco already in it. Ginny and Blaise came over. "Scoot," Ginny laughed pushing me. "Oh it's gonna be a good night," Shay sung. "Shut it Shay," Blaise growled, but couldn't help laughing. Dean flicked his wand throwing our room into blackness. I didn't know where my limbs were or who I was touching. The four of us were jumbled together. I moved slightly connecting with something. "Ouch Mione that was my face," Ginny scowled raising her hand to rub her nose. "Gin your elbow is in my stomach," Blaise yelped. "Mate don't move your laying on top of me now," Draco sighed pushing Blaise off him. "Ouch," the three of us said. Dean and Seamus cracked up from across the room. "Goodnight," Dean sing songed.

Oof another waiter issue man🙄 GO RON WOOP!! yeah I'm making him nice, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I just wrote the ending and I got four hours of sleep and I don't every know what this chapter was about, so like I said I wrote this chapter like 4 days before I posted it, but see ya next chapter :) {although I won't actually see you, but ya know?!} OH! Also we are ranked in some categories-if you wanna see it's in the description. Anyways thank you all! Byeeee <3

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