t w e n t y o n e

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After meeting the parents everything was going perfect with school, the group of friends, and the couples...but perfect doesn't last forever.


"Lavender what the," I exclaimed as she came hurtling up to me. I caught her in my arms as she was about to fall. "Thanks," she grinned up at me. "Sure thing," I said letting go. "What's going on?" I asked. She didn't answer, but instead grabbed my face and brought our lips together. "Bloody hell," I heard Ron exclaimed from in front of me. As I was trying to push Lavender off me I heard an all to familiar voice. "Can you stop liking all the boys I like?!" Hermione screamed. With one last push I got Lavender off me. Turning around Ginny and I both yelled, "Hermione wait," but she had already taken off. "What the hell was that," I turned rounding on Lavender. "I guess we should explain," Ginny sighed gesturing Ron, Lavender, Harry, and I to a seat. I sat down reluctantly. "Did Lavender actually kiss you?" Ginny asked me. "I don't see what-," I started but Ginny cut me off. "Just answer Draco," she rolled her eyes running her hands through her hair. "No..," I started slowly. "Wait what," Ron said. "We had a whole plan," Lavender said indicating to her, Ginny, and Harry. "And what was this plan," I asked still fuming. "Lavender was going to pretend kiss you to make sure you actually cared for Hermione, and to see if Ron actually loved her," Ginny started. "You both passed," Harry ended. "YOU. GUYS. ARE. FUCKING IDIOTS," I screamed standing up. "Woah what's going on," Blaise said as the rest of them joined us. Ginny started explaining again and once she finished Luna piped up. "Uh this might not be helpful, but Hermione's not going to forgive so easily." I stood up shaking. "YOU SEE WHAT YOU GUYS FUCKING DID?! MY GIRLFRIENDS GOING TO HATE ME!" "Draco she won't hate you. If she would stop being stubborn and listen she would just understand all of this," Dean said quietly placing his hand on my arm. "Sit down mate and chill out," Blaise said. "Well figure this out," Seamus said. "Yeah we're right here," Neville said. "Let's leave her alone today, and we'll start tomorrow," Ron said. "Thank you guys," I sighed trying to hold back my tears.
What the hell just happened?! I thought as I ran. I didn't know where I was running to, just as far away as possible. I stopped gasping for breath. Should I go to my parents? I thought. No they would kill someone if they found out. How about the Burrow? I walked a little further before turning on the spot. "Mione," George yelled running out tackling me. "Hi George," I laughed as I tried to keep my balance. "Oh Hermione dear what are you doing here?" Mrs Weasley asked pulling George off me. Before I could say anything the teas started to fall. "Oh sweetie come in come in," Mrs Weasley said hugging me. I sniffed and followed them into the house. George handed me a tissue as Mrs Weasley brewed a pot of tea. "Thanks," I said to both of them as Mrs Weasley handed me a cup. "Ok what happened dear," she asked. I took a sip of my tea. Placing the cup down I started to talk.

"I was walking the hallways to the benches our group meets at everyday. As I approached I saw two figures standing there kissing. "Bloody hell," I heard Ron say. As I got closer I saw that it was Lavender and Draco kissing. I yelled, "Can you stop liking all the boys I like?!" and ran off. I'm not sure how Ron's doing," I said as I finished my story. "I will kill her," George said gripping his tea cup. "I never liked that Lavender girl. She seemed like trouble," Mrs Weasley mused. "Are you sure Draco kissed her back?" George asked taking a sip of his tea. I shrugged. "I don't want to see any of them though," I said. "Oh no of course not dear. Stay here for as long as you would like and I'll write to McGonagall," Mrs Weasley said. "Thank you," I smiled hugging her. "C'mon let's go to upstairs," George said grabbing my hand.
Mrs Weasley

I sighed. I really did feel bad for Hermione. First my stupid son and now his stupid girlfriend. She didn't deserve this. She was such a sweet girl. I thought as I pulled out a piece of parchment.

I have Hermione don't worry. They had some drama and she's staying here until she feels better. I'll send her back as soon as she's feeling better.
All the best,

I folded the letter and tied it onto the leg of George's barn owl. "Take this to McGonagall," I said. The owl hooted before flying out of the window. Poor poor girl. I thought as I started cleaning the kitchen.
❁ ❁ ❁
I heard a tap on the window. Turning around I saw George's barn owl. I rushed over to the window throwing it open. Untying the note from the owl it hooted and flew over to the water. The letter read;

Thank you for letting me know, and taking her in. I'll try talking to the others. I have faith you will take good care of her and George will keep her somewhat happy. No worries for when she comes back. She knows everything we are learning anyways. Send my best regards and love to Hermione.

Folding up the letter I sighed walking up stairs. "Hermione," I called knocking lightly on the door. "Come in," she called. She was sitting there with George. "McGonagall said take your time coming back seeing as you know it all already and she sends her best regards and love," I repeated to Hermione. "Thank you Mrs Weasley," she said smiling. "Of course dear. You should get some sleep," I said. George stood up. "Goodnight Mione," He said as he walked out of the room. "Goodnight," she called to both of us as I shut the door behind me.

MRS WEASLEY HAD A POV OMG SHOOK?! lol anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter! thank you for all the love and support on this book! Until next chapter <3
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