f o u r t e e n

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"What classes do we have today," I asked Ron as I sipped my coffee. "Ok one where did you even get the coffee from?" He laughed. "And two we have Herbology, Transfiguration, and Astronomy," he said his voice muffled as he shoveled more food into it. "I asked the House elves, and slow down. You need to breathe," I laughed. "YOU asked the House elves for something?! Bloody hell are you feeling good," Ron placed his food down bringing his hand to my forehead. "Honestly Ronald," I scoffed. "I asked politely," I sighed swatting his hand down. "Mhhh," he replied already piling more food on his plate. "Morning," Draco sat down next to me placing a quick kiss on my lips. "Good morning," I smiled picking up a piece of waffle. "What do we have today," Ginny plopped down next to me grabbing the waffle out of my hand. "Mhhh this is good thanks," she smiled as she ate it. "Herbology, Transfiguration, and Astronomy," I rolled my eyes as I picked up another waffle. "Thanks," she replied taking a sip of my coffee. "Honestly Gin," I laughed pulling the cup away from her. "How did Dean and Harry put up with you," I asked rolling my eyes. "I dont know. How does Blaise do," Harry stifled a yawn as he sat down across from us. "Hanging in there mate," Blaise replied as he kissed Ginny on her head sitting down next to her. She grumbled something and grabbed Blaise's hand. "Let's get going guys," Luna said. "Yeah we don't want to be late," Neville bounded up and down. "No mate, you don't want to be late," Dean laughed. Draco grabbed my hand as we made our way down to Herbology. "Good morning class!" Professor Sprout greeted us as we stepped into garden house. "Good morning," we all chorused back. "Gather round. Today we are going to be learning about Semsantra plants. Their tears are very useful. Does anyone know what their used for," she asked as we all stepped closer. My hand shot up. "Yes Ms. Granger," she said slightly amused. "Semsantra tears are used to heal soul damage and can get rid of permanent things emotionally and physically," I fired out. "That's correct! I would say ten points to Gryffindor, but that's useless now," she laughed. "That's my girl," Draco whispered winking at me. I turned away blushing furiously, but I couldn't help but smile. "Today we are going to be collecting tears to use. We can use some on our selfs and we can also find out who our soul mate is. To collect tears you need to tickle them. Grab a partner and get to work," Professor Sprout called or waving her hand at all of us.

Picking up the safety goggles I slipped them on. "Here," I said handing Hermione the other pair. "Thanks," she grabbed them slipping them on. She looked really cute with them on. "What? Do I have something on my face," her eyebrows raised up as her hand went up to her face. "No," I laughed. "Your just cute," I placed a kiss on her head. "Your sweet. Let's get to work," she squeezed my hand. "You tickle it and I'll collect the tears," she pulled on her gloves picking up a vial. "Why me," I groaned pulling my gloves over my hands. "One, two, three," I yanked the top of the Semsantra pulling it out of the pot. Moving my hand up to the side of the plant I used a finger to tickle it. It started to squirm. "Keep going," Hermione encouraged. "Will this get rid of my dark mark," I sighed. "Yes," she smiled as she collected a tear. The plant was going crazy tears spilling out of its eyes. "Don't waste them Draco. Stop tickling it," Hermione instructed. "Sorry," I placed the plant back in the pot as Hermione collected the last tear. "Has everyone collected six full vials," Professor asked as she placed her plant back down. We all nodded. "Great. Take your gloves and glasses off," she instructed. I pulled off my glasses and gloves placing them on top of Hermione's. "Now grab one of the vials you collected," she said as we all picked on up. "You must drink the whole thing. We can fix your soul, marks, and find out who our soul mate is," she noted. "I'm kinda scared," Hermione whispered over to me as she un corked the vial. "Why," I asked doing the same. "What if we're not soul mates," she said. "That'll suck," I agreed. "Ok on the count of three," Ginny said as Professor Sprout stood back watching. "One," Luna started. "Two," Seamus continued. "Three," Ginny finished. I placed the vial to my lips drinking it. It was sweet tasting. I felt a burning sensation in my stomach and arm. I looked down at my arm. The mark was starting to fade. I looked up at Hermione and she smiled at me before doubling over in pain again. I grabbed my stomach as the pain kicked in. Hermione fell into me. "Ouch," I mumbled. "Oh I'm sorry," she winced. "I didn't even do that," she said. "What," I asked grabbing the side of the table to stop me from falling over. I looked around. Everyone else was in as much pain. Suddenly the pain stopped. I looked down at my arm and let out a laugh. "It's gone," I cried. Hermione popped up a second later. "Awe yay that's good love," she ran her hand over the now blank spot of skin standing on her tip toes to give me a kiss. A few minutes passed before everyone was out of the pain. "Sorry I should have told you it was painful," Professor Sprout said, but we could all see she was trying to hold back her laugh. I burst out laughing. Soon everyone joined in. "Well now that that's over, let's find out who's soul mates shall we," Professor Sprout said wiping away her tear.

Do you believe in soul mates? I feel like the beginning was really boring, so sorry for that! Who do you think is gonna be soul mates? Or who do you want to be soul mates? Anyways I hoped you like this chapter! I love you all :) until next chapter <3 THANK YOU FOR 400 READS!!

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