Chapter Seven

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"The ground may shake us, one day the sky will take us. You cant run, you cant hide."


Gunfire broke out almost instantly, two men shouting at each other before guns were pulled, they fired at each other, their men arguing about the Boss man. The man whos been hiding from the world.

I tracked one of his men to this site, realizing he sent quite a few of his men, meaning I could possibly get my answers. I climbed one of the shipping containers, setting up my sniper rifle, glancing around every so often.

Trying to get my target perfect.

Not even ten minutes after the gun fire broke out, I notice movement coming closer and closer, the person had a small frame, meaning it was most likely a woman. As she grew closer, I realized she had a gun in her hand, my eyes widened when they landed on her.

Her long brown locks pulled back into a braid, her wide blue eyes filled with fear, but she remained composed, searching around - unaware of my eyes on her.

A man started running straight for her, he rose his gun in the air, aiming at her when I grunted out, spinning my gun around before aiming at him. The detectives eyes narrowed in confusion when I shot the man before he could kill her.

The man fell to ground and I watched as the Detective reeled back, spinning around in hopes of finding me but she didn't see me thankfully. I didn't need her trying to arrest me when I had men to take care of, a plan to go through with.

She shook her head, walking around slowly while staying alert and I couldn't help but watch her, my eyes catching on a man walking up behind her quiety but she spun around fast, knocking the gun out of his raised hand, kneeing him between his legs. The man went down, and she head butted him hard, tackling him down.

She holds her gun to his head, her lips moving as she asked him something but I couldn't hear, I was too far up. The man laughed out tauntingly at her, "Boss mans not going to be happy, trust me lady, he'll kill everyone you love." The man shouted, spitting out.

My eyes widened and I turned my gun around, realizing it had to be one of Clyde's Agents.

"Give me his name!" She snapped out at him, "Was it Edward Clyde, was he the one who sent you guys out here?" She asked, causing my blood to run cold.

What could the detective want with Edward Clyde, that wasn't her assigned case, her case was to find me.

The man went silent and I watched as he wiggled his way out from under her, knocking the gun out of her hand, holding her down to the ground.

His fingers wrapped around her throat and I line up the shot, breathing out deeply. The mans lips moved as he talked to the detective, his grip tightening.

She reaches out around her, grabbing the mans fallen gun before raising it to his head, shooting him fast.

The man dropped forward and she pushed him off of her before jumping up to her feet, her partner calling out her name.

No noise came from her, and she spun around before pausing in her place, her eyes widening slightly when she notices me on top of the shipping container.

She walks forward, "Hey!" She shouted out, my eyes flickered over to her and I locked eyes with her, raising an eyebrow.

My eyes landed on two men running from behind her, causing her to turn and raise her gun at the men approaching her while I packed up my gear.

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