Chapter 2

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The next day he was more aware of what clothing he wore. He didn't know if Sierra would be there but hoping that she would he dressed up well but still casual with a cardigan and black jeans. As usual he also wore his beanie. Walking to Starbucks he sang quietly for himself as he always did when he walked. He loved singing and that, of course, was the reason he went to a musical theatre college. Singing a self-composed song, he opened the door to Starbucks and went in. His eyes directly sought their way to the counter. With his heart beating hard in his chest he made his way to the counter to order a coffee from the red-haired girl he met the day before.

- See who's coming today! I don't usually see you here... Raheem; she teased with a big smile on her face.

He blushed slightly but didn't want her to notice so he but on a big grin and tried to think of a good comeback.

- Well... Suruh... you are very good at making coffee so I just had to come back here to get another one.

This was the worst comeback he had ever heard, but it didn't really matter because Sierra had started to blush. He smiled feeling like he accomplished something.

- Thank you; she smiled shyly. So, do you want a... was it a skinny venti vanilla latte?

- Absolutely, the same as yesterday.

He paid for his coffee and sat down on the same spot as the day before in the overall very empty Starbucks cafe. Sierra took a mug and wrote something on the mug with a smirk on her face.

- I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but how old are you? he asked.

Sierra looked like she came straight out of high school and he felt like he had to ask her. What if she was younger? He couldn't start liking someone that was still in high school.

- No, it's okay; she smiled. I'm 20, and you?

- Oh, I'm 22.

It was okay, she wasn't that young. He felt like he could breath out. There was a small silence where she started making the coffee.

- So, Sierra; he said trying to start a conversation. Is it always this empty here?

She looked up from the coffee machine and took a step away from it.

- Yes, you are like... my third guest or something today. But you know, I like working here because when I'm alone I can sing.

Did she just say she liked to sing? Ramin's heart beat faster again. It felt like they were made for each other. Stop thinking like this! He didn't like her, not yet at least. 

- Do you like singing? he said surprised.

- Yes; she blushed. Why?

- Oh, I like singing too. But I usually play the guitar; he blurted out.

God! Why did he always try to impress? He just sounded like a small boy trying to show off. Uhh.

- You do? I've always wanted to learn how to play but I find it so hard.

- Oh, well. Maybe I can teach you some day; he smiled.

The coffee machine beeped, and Sierra ran to finish his coffee. His eyes followed her, and he couldn't keep his eyes off her as she finished his coffee. She was skinny but still had beautifully rounded curves, not too big but not unnoticeable. They were perfect, she was perfect. Ashamed of his thoughts he tore his eyes away from her body and forced them too look at his hands. He only met her yesterday and already he felt himself falling for her. Why did this happen now?

- So, here you have your skinny venti vanilla latte.

She held the cup out for him and he reached out and grabbed it. As he did so their fingers brushed against each other and he instantly blushed and his heart raced, again. He hated that he acted so silly, but he couldn't control it.

- Thank you, Sierra. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

- Oh, so you're gonna become a frequenter now? she teased.

- Yeah, why not?

- Sure.

A sudden thought came to his head. Would she be there the next day?

- You're here tomorrow, right?

- You wouldn't come otherwise, would you? she grinned.

Again, his cheeks became uncomfortably warm, but he tried to act as if he didn't care.

- I would, but it's nice talking to someone when ordering my coffee.

Still grinning she answered:

- Yeah, I'll be here everyday for the rest of the summer. Or, yeah, until the 15th of August I think.

- You're not having any break or anything? I mean, the 15th of August is in like... like two and a half months.

- No, this is only a part time job so after the 15th I don't work here anymore. But it's much time left before that, so you don't have to worry; she teased.

He realised that he maybe had to go home now, it was starting to get late and he was hungry. Standing up from the chair he sat on he said:

- Well, I have to go home now.

- Well then, bye Raheem.

- Just one last thing; he blurted out.

- What? she smiled.

Uhhh, why did he have to say things before he thought it through?

- Do you work every day, literally every day without being off during Saturday or Sunday?

Her smile grew wider and a teasing look drew over her face. Luckily for him she didn't tease him back.

- I'm not off any day during my working period. However, I'm just working 5 hours a day from 4 to 9 so it's kind of chill working times.

- Yeah, it is. Well, bye; he said and picked up the mug.

- Bye!

That teasing look was still on her face as he left the cafe. He hadn't dared to look what she had written on the cup in the store because he was scared how he may have reacted and now he was very happy for that. On the side of the cup it said; "the blushing boy". He looked back into the cafe, but Sierra was now occupied with the fourth guest of the day. With a heart hammering so that it pained in his chest and a wide smile on his face, he made his way home in the somewhat chilly evening. 

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