Chapter 4

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Even now when he was home his heart still beat fast and he couldn't calm down. Wandering around his small flat he decided to actually do something to ease his nerves. He sat down with his guitar, he was going to finish this song now. As he hummed a melody to the chords he was playing, all feelings he had for Sierra washed over him. During these last weeks he had met her, feelings he didn't really want to have had appeared. Why was he falling for her? Her happiness every time she saw him, her pretty face and all her jokes. Everything was perfect with her. And now, stupid as he was, he had invited her home to his apartment to spend a whole day together. He took a deep breath and continued playing chords and writing them down on a piece of paper. To the chords he then tried to think of a theme for the song. The only thing he wanted to sing about was too cheesy, but he couldn't for his life come up with anything else.

After playing the guitar he had sat with his phone in his hand trying to call Sierra, however, he never dared to. He sat there for over an hour gathering courage to press on her contact he had made the moment he stepped inside his apartment. The only problem was that she probably was asleep and would most likely not answer if he called, and he didn't want that. Then a sudden thought pooped up in his head. What if Sierra waited for him to call her? She had actually written "call me" ... But no, that would mean that she maybe was into him and she obviously wasn't. However, this thought was stuck in his head and that made him not being able to put the phone away. He stared at her number and then, without thinking, he pressed on it. "calling Sierra<3" appeared on his screen and his intestines squirmed in his stomach. Slowly he lifted the phone and pressed it to his ear, waiting silently in hope that she would answer. Ring tone after ring tone beeped in his ear and still she didn't answer. It was probably a bad idea calling her in the first place. He was just about to put away the phone when he heard a voice on the other side of the line.

- Hello?

His heart began racing and he swallowed hard.

- H-hi Sie! he was so nervous.

- Ramin? Is it you?

He smiled, she actually answered him.

- Yes, it's me.

- It took a long time for you to call me; she teased.

Feeling his cheeks become warmer he felt really grateful that she wasn't here to see him blush, again. She would just tease him about it more and he would only blush more.

- Well, I didn't have time before; he lied. But do you still want to come home to me on the 4th?

Suddenly a rush of confidence washed over him and he felt like he could do everything.

- Yes, of course I want!

His heart made a leap of happiness and a genuine smile crept to his lips as he continued listening to what she was saying.

- So, Ramen, what are we gonna do?

- Well, that Siruh, is a secret.

In fact, he had no idea, but since she didn't know that he just went with a white lie.

Talking for another 5 minutes he told her his address and they decided when she was supposed to come over. He was thrilled that she was going to come over to him. Just the thought of her being in his apartment made his stomach turn and heart race. What would she think of his home? He felt honored that she wanted to spend her 4th of July at his place and not with her family or other friends. Well, now it was just to come up with something to do. Pacing around in his home for the second time that same evening he once again ended up with his guitar. Now it was just some finishing touches left with the song and then it would be done. Excited he played for another hour until he realised that it maybe was time to sleep. The clock was around 12 and he still had work the following day where he unfortunately started at 8 o'clock.

It was only one day left until Sierra was going to come home to Ramin and celebrate the 4th of July. Ramin was extremely nervous but of course still very excited. He had planned activities for them to do, and he had like 10 extra activities if they would be bored and another 5 ideas for what to do if she wouldn't like to do the other things. You could clearly say that he was prepared for the worst to come. Another thing he had done was to clean his apartment several times to make it perfect, however he didn't want to make it look as if he cared too much because that wouldn't look good either. This was though, completely unnecessary because he already had a clean home since he liked things in order and to live in a tidy home. And at the end of the day he always ended up with the guitar in his knee and his knew written song in from of him. It was some kind of therapy which calmed his nerves, and which made him gather thoughts and feelings.

He walked nervously to Starbucks that evening. Tomorrow Sierra was supposed to come to his home and he was not ready. Sure, he had a plan, but it was not good. To play card games, bake and watch a movie wasn't bad things to do but he felt like it wasn't good enough for her. His feet felt like lead as he steered his steps to the now visible coffee shop. And the extra idea he had for an activity was to play board games and in case nothing worked out, if it was an emergency they would sing and play the guitar. However, he was quite ashamed of this thought because he felt a bit self-conscious singing in front of people and specially in front of Sierra. Slowly he opened the door and went into the almost empty Starbucks. The only one that was there, to his great relief, was Sierra who probably had seen him through the window because she was on her way doing a coffee and from what he knew she didn't drink coffee. According to her coffee tasted horrible but smelled delicious. Ramin didn't understand why she worked in a coffee shop if she didn't like coffee but he didn't dare to ask her. He felt like it would be rude to ask.

- Hi Ramen! Sierra said happily from behind the coffee machine when she saw him entering.

- Hi Sie! What are you doing?

She gave him a "really? Are stupid?"-look and said:

- Making coffee for you, can't you see that?

- Oh, well. Thanks! he smiled. Why?

- Cause I wanted to.

Sierra put the cup on the desk in front of him and he picked it up looking what name she had written today. On the side it just stood a heart and of course his stupid cheeks had to become red. He put the cup down again and started to search for his wallet but before he could find it Sierra spoke up:

- Ramin; she put her hand on his arm. You get this one for free.

He looked from inside his black leather jacket, to his arm where Sie's hand rested, up to her eyes. His cheeks burned even more now but he couldn't look away from her. His eyes sought their way towards her eyes and on their way, he noticed that her cheeks were very red too. Feeling weirdly happy about it he dared to make eye contact with her and to shoot her a shy smile.

- Are you sure?

- Of course, I am. You are inviting me home to your home tomorrow, so this is the least I could do.

- But you don't have to do anything to repay me. I invited you because I wanted to, I don't want anything in return for it.

Just the thought that Sierra felt obligated to repay him for anything made him feel horrible. He did this because he wanted to and not because he felt like he had to. If he wouldn't ask her he would spend the 4th all alone and since he and Sierra started to become better friends, he figured he could ask her (and it helped a lot that he liked her). Well, he had gotten invited to a party at work, but he didn't really feel like spending time with his colleagues that all were about 20 years older than him.

- Well, Ramen, I don't do this to repay you. I give you a free coffee because you are my friend and I want to do something nice for you.

- Oh, well...

He felt a little startled, why would she want to give him something? And she saw him as a friend? Was that a good thing or did she just friend zone him?

- Yes, so sit down and drink it now.

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