Chapter 5

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There was a little awkward silence where he sat down on his usual seat and took a sip of his coffee. Somehow it tasted even better than it used to, and it was weird, it was the exact same coffee as he always used to drink. Maybe it was because he had had a stressed day, or that it had been a gift. He didn't know but either way he was glad for it.

- Sie....

- Yes?

She leant forward and put her forearms on the counter which made the hair that had fallen out of her ponytail fall around her face and framed it beautifully. This also made the distance between their faces decrease immensely. The fact that her face was so close to his made him almost forget what he was about to say, but he shook that feeling away and tried to focus on what he wanted to say.

- Before I ask things further about tomorrow; you are vacant tomorrow, right?

- Oh... I'm sorry but I'm going to be with my friend tomorrow at his place, probably the whole day. Had you planned something? she smirked.

At first his heart dropped down to his stomach and he felt like tears were soon to stream down his cheeks, until he suddenly realised that she was laughing. Slowly, it started to sink in that the friend she was referring to was himself. Feeling dumb he quickly started to smile and hoped that he didn't look too sad.

- I meant if you were working that day.

- No, I'm not. Why?

A relief spread through his body. Sure, she worked in the evening, so they would be able to spend a whole day together but still. It was so much easier now that she didn't work that day. At the same time though, he got extremely nervous. What if she got bored?

- Nothing, I just wanted to know.

- Okay. So, Ramen Karimnoodle, what have you planned for us to do tomorrow?

His cheeks immediately got a little red, but he hoped his Iranian skin would cover that up.

- Karimnoodle? I've never heard that one before.

- Well, you have now. I like it; she giggled.

He chuckled a little as he too put his forearms on the counter, so their faces were even closer. Now he could smell her scent even easier than he used to, which wasn't creepy at all. He could even smell her breath, it smelled like peppermint chewing gum. Ramin, get a grip on yourself. You're just being creepy; he told himself.

- Well, Sie, you'll see tomorrow. I'll only tell you that you shouldn't be dressed up. Come in comfy clothes because we're not going out anywhere; he smirked.

- Ooo, interesting; she smirked back. Nothing I have to bring?

- Not at all.

Not wanting Sierra to feel creeped out that he stared her right in her eye he unwillingly leant back again and looked away. Looking around, he noticed very clearly that because she was leant forward her loose shirt hung so her cleavage was clearly visible. He mentally punched himself in the face and quickly looked away. What if she noticed him looking? His face quickly changed colour to look more like a boiled crayfish rather than a normal face and he tried his best to act as if he didn't care. During the rest of his stay there his eyes somehow always sought their way back and each time he mentally beat himself up and wanted to die a slow and painful death for even thinking about it. Just before he went home he told her to be at his place around 10 the next morning and reminded her to take comfy clothes. She just laughed and waved him a goodbye as he went. Was that a good sign? If he went on like this, not knowing if she liked him back, he soon would become crazy.

As he came home he felt so excited and so nervous about the following day he didn't know what to do with himself. Not even sitting down with his guitar singing his song eased his nerves this time. He had no idea what to do. To be honest, he wanted to talk to someone, but thinking about his lack of friends that would be quite hard. Sure, the other guides at work were nice, but they were all the age of his parents and he didn't really want to talk to them about this. The only person he could think about being able to talk to was his older bother Shervin. However, they hadn't talked to each other in a year and Ramin didn't now if this was the right time to call. He knew that his brother would be happy to talk to him and he would feel much better afterwards, but it was hard for him talking to his family in general. You could say that he had a complicated relationship with them.

His parents had fled from Iran when he was an infant and when Shervin was a toddler, and they came to Canada and built up a life there. His brother was now a police officer, and this put pressure on him. His family expected him to become a doctor, but he wanted to become an actor. Therefore, he went to a musical theater college and there he had the time of his life, but then when he didn't get casted for a role he got so heartbroken he gave up. This had disappointed his family, not that they didn't want to talk to him, but each time they met they always brought this up. Because of this he had applied for the job he had now and moved to the US. Ever since then he hadn't talked to anyone in his family, so to try and call Shervin now was maybe a bad idea. However, Shervin was the only one he could talk to and therefore his only option.

He slowly picked up his phone and found Shervin's contact right above Sierra's. When he saw Sierra's name he started to smile. He pressed on Shervin's contact and pressed the phone against his ear. One signal after the other sounded in his ear and he was just to put the phone down when he for the first time in a year heard his brother's voice.

- Ramin, is that you?

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