Chapter 9

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When he was done he dried his hair and his body the best he could with his towel. Then, half panicking, he wrapped the towel around his hips, hoping that it wouldn't fall off when he went outside. He prayed to God that Sierra was in the living room and therefore wouldn't see him on his way to the bedroom and was just about to open the door when he saw a pile of clothes beside the door. It was Sierra's clothes and Ramin wondered how it was possible that he hadn't noticed them on his way into the bathroom. The clothes were nicely folded which made him smile. He had a feeling that she made that purposely to impress him because she had told him before that she was kind of a messy person. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and tried to walk as quickly as he could towards his bedroom as he could without the towel falling off.

As he entered the kitchen he saw Sierra standing by the sink finishing off the dishes. A jolt of shame struck him; Sierra was his guest and not his house keeper. Completely forgetting that he only wore a towel he walked over to Sierra and put his hand on her shoulder.

- And what do you think you are doing?

- Washing the dishes; she answered turning off the water and turned around to face him.

- Well, you don't have to do that, you know?

They got eye contact, but Sierra's gaze quickly left his eyes and wandered up and down his body. Because of this he remembered that he was completely naked beneath the towel and he took a step back, blushing furiously.

- But I wanted to, so there's no problem; she smiled a tint of pink appeared on her cheeks.

- Okay, but I'm just gonna put some clothes on and then I'll come back. Is that okay?

He felt her eyes burning on his body, but he acted as if he didn't notice. In some way, the fact that she looked at him probably meant that she liked what she saw and he took that as a good thing. Ramin! Stop thinking like this, it's just disgusting; he told himself.

- Absolutely; she said and looked up to his eyes again.

- But no washing the dishes, promise that.

- Okay; she sighed but gave him a little smile.

Ramin walked past Sierra and towards his bedroom, feeling her eyes burning in his back. He felt extremely exposed walking around like that, but in a way, he felt kind of... sexy, if that makes sense. Ashamed of that thought he closed the bedroom door behind him and quickly walked over to the closet to find clothes. Finding clothes however, took longer than he had expected. This was because he didn't want to look bad in front of Sierra, but at the same time he didn't want to dress up since she didn't wear fancy clothes at all. Sierra was a whole different case though, because she looked good in everything she wore, not like Ramin that looked ugly in everything. After 5 minutes of arguing with himself what to wear he took a t-shirt with a "The Tragically Hip" print on and a pair of sweat pants.

Walking out of his bedroom, feeling much more comfortable in real clothes and not in just a towel, he heard the sound of a playing guitar. Confused he steered his steps through the kitchen towards the living room and as he entered he saw Sierra sitting with his guitar in her lap playing some random chords. Because she played she didn't hear him enter and if she wouldn't have been so cute he would have considered to scare her. Instead of scaring her he walked over to the couch and sat down beside her which made her look up. When she saw that it was Ramin, her cheeks became a little pink and she stopped playing.

- No, don't stop playing; he smiled feeling himself blush slightly.

- But I can't play anything. I only know how to play a G, and that's all.

Ramin looked at her, then at the guitar and then back at her again. Without thinking he then said:

- I can teach you.

At the same time as he said it he regretted it immensely. What if she didn't want to? Would it be obvious that he liked her now?

- Do you want to? she answered.

- I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to; he felt himself smile.

- I would really like to learn; and then she added: well, I'm kind of ashamed of playing because my dad makes guitars and I still don't know how to play.

This was the cutest thing Ramin had ever heard. She was ashamed for not being able to play an instrument. Why in the world would she be ashamed of that, even if her dad made guitars?

- You shouldn't be ashamed because of that. Here; he said while he put his arm around her to place the guitar better in her lap. If you do this, it's easier to reach everything and play the chords correctly.

He suddenly became very aware of what he was doing, to lean against another person isn't very smooth. However, Ramin didn't want to move. To feel the heat from her body (or in this case: back) was a sensation he really loved. It made his heart race, intestines squirm and it made him feel safe. Weird right? Even if he didn't want to move he leant back again and moved away a little to not make her feel uncomfortable, because that was the last thing he wanted.

- So, which song would you like to learn? he asked trying to ignore the fact that his cheeks were burning.

- Umm, I like a song called Wildflowers, but you probably don't know which song it is.

Sierra blushed slightly, and he didn't know if it was because of what he did earlier or that she felt ashamed for liking that song. The thing she didn't know though, was that "Wildflowers" was one of Ramin's favourite songs to play on the guitar because it was so easy.

- "Wildflowers" by Dolly Parton?

- Yes; she said looking up at his face.

- I love that song! Let's play it. It's quite easy actually.

She looked very relieved when he said that and somehow, he felt like he had accomplished something.

He moved closer to her again, so that they his left leg was against her right. At first, he tried to just show the chords while she watched him, but it didn't work because she forgot. Therefore, they ended up with Ramin leaning behind her, his right hand on her right hand and his left hand on her left hand to show her how to hold the chords. Well, this wasn't the most comfortable position for him, but it was the most efficient way for her to learn. And, of course, he loved being close to her, so the uncomfortableness was not bothering him. He didn't really know if it was in his head or he actually felt it, but it felt like Sierra, too, leaned a bit against him. This was probably a piece of his imagination, why would she lean against him?

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