Chapter 3

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For the last two weeks Ramin had gone to Starbucks every evening between 4-9. Often, he sat there for at least an hour just talking to Sierra. He always looked forward to the evening when he would go to Starbucks and talk with her. During these two weeks he had realised that he'd completely fallen for her. Well, he wasn't really in love with her, but he had a huge crush: each time he saw her butterflies flew in his stomach, he blushed and his heart beated hard in his chest.   

It was Friday, and Ramin was very tired from work. He had guided a school class with small irritating children. Not that he disliked children, but when they didn't listen he couldn't stand being with them. But now he was done with the work for that week and he was extremely excited to meet Sierra that evening. The only thing that kept him from not quit working that day was the thought that if he quit work he wouldn't have the money to buy a coffee from Starbucks, and then he wouldn't be able meet her. In fact, he hadn't been able to keep her off his mind. One day he just started to hum a melody, so from that day on he was writing a song. He felt so cliché, to write a song about a girl he liked, but still. It sounded good and he was proud of it so far.

He hurried the last steps to the café, he usually came around half past five because his working day ended five, but today he was a little late because of those irritating kids. He always wanted to come earlier because then he maybe would be able to hear her sing. However, he could never come earlier, and she had learnt which times he usually came so he had never heard her sing and she refused to, even if they often were alone in the store. Opening the door, he looked towards the counter and saw that there were more people at this Starbucks café than usual. There were about 25 people sitting around the store and then another 5 people in line. Scared he searched for Sierra behind the counter and a big relief filled his body when he spotted her. She was alone as usual, and he felt sorry for her.

He walked over and placed himself in the line. Why were there so many people? Looking around the café he didn't notice anything strange. Maybe people felt like it was a good idea to take a coffee here this specific day or something because it was never this crowded. His eyes wandered over to Sierra looking very cheery there behind the counter. She probably felt happy that there actually were people coming there except only him. An almost sad feeling spread through his body. He had looked forward to meeting her, but now she wouldn't have the time to talk to him. And as he stood there she hadn't noticed him yet and that kind of disappointed him. Well, she was busy now, so he couldn't blame her, but still. 

Without thinking about it, his eyes had started tracing her face and then down to her body. Suddenly a weird feeling appeared, and he looked up to her face. He was met by a smirking Sierra and his cheeks quickly grew warm which made him look away. Not daring to really look at her again, he just made quick glances, but it seemed as if she had returned to work because their eyes didn't meet again.

At last it was his turn to order and he took a step towards the counter.

- Hello Suruh! he happily said.

- Hi Ramen! How are you?

- I'm fine. Got a bunch of irritating kids at work but otherwise it was good. I see there's loads of people here.

She looked around and nodded.

- Yeah, apparently there was some kind of tourist bus that stopped here to take a break.

- So, all these people are tourists?

- Mmhm; she smiled. I think they are from Europe.

He looked around too. The place was quite crowded, almost every seat was occupied, except the one he used to sit on.

- You have saved my place? he asked surprised.

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